I BEEN WRITING A BOOK SINCE 2006!!! I THINK IM ALMOST DONE. I DONT HAVE A TITTLE YET BUT THIS IS A SMALL SOCIAL MEDIA SAMPLE... OPINIONS WILL BE APPRECIATED... LIKE OR NAHH So many people are in Its complicated, domestic partnerships or just crazy SITUATIONSHIPS in general. I understand sometimes people just wake up and find themselves in places and cant figure out how they got there. So there are some things that I want that to point out... Almost 99% of every SITUATIONSHIP has these two types of people in it!!!! My formula is as follows... 1 Lover + 1 Leech = 1 Situationship Lets take a second to point out the characteristics of each.. The Lover/ The Constant... Takes a selfless role in the situation. He or She makes the initiative to create a positive environment at ALL times and at ALL cost. This results in His or Her emotions becoming desensitized over time from mistreatment. (Goes Deeper in my book) The Leech/ The Variable... Consistently and continuously provides low doses of excitement necessary to keep interest. He or She can easily change or adapt to gain the attention that it desires. He or She will not make a genuine commitment. But they will find away to keep your concern as an End Game. (Goes Deeper in my book) After reading this if you felt you are The Lover/Constant your most likely a good person who has been lead to believe your not good enough. Take a deep breath. You can adapt as well. (You NEED My Book) If you felt you are The Leech/ The Variable you may feel a little bit offended. Playing the role of the Leech doesnt mean your a bad person. Unless you found this pshychological breakdown amusing. Even so YOU will keep reading for Entertainment but find peace (Goes deeper in the book) A Lover will often confuse the excitement from The Variable as reciprocated Love. There are signals that can be learned to avoid that misunderstanding. And many ways to convert from a Leech/ Variable into Lover/ Constant The human mind commonly uses two processes. The Conscience and the Sub Conscience. I have learned to teach others how to identify and communicate with both.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 16:37:18 +0000

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