I BELIEVE I believe that 1989 was the turning point in my life. - TopicsExpress


I BELIEVE I believe that 1989 was the turning point in my life. It was that fateful year when the Iron Curtain fell and the entire world witnessed the terrible plight of the abandoned Romanian children. I believe that at that moment I started to pray for a way to get involved, for something I could do to help. I had no idea what I wanted to do or could do, but I prayed anyway. I believe I prayed for eleven years. A small boy in Romania also prayed. He prayed, I believe, for eleven years. He prayed that he could walk like the other children. I believe he needed an operation to fix his deformed foot, but he had hemophilia, a blood clotting disorder that requires a special medication to help with coagulation during and after surgery. I believe I promised to help, but the price tag of $60,000 was not something I could afford. It was impossible for me to buy this medication, but I promised a child, and I believe a promise is a promise. I started to look for someone who would donate the medicine. I called all over the United States and Europe day and night. I believe I called for an entire week. I never heard so many rejections in my life. I believe I had one more call to make… and another rejection. “BUT!” the person on the phone said: “have you called….? Here is the number.” I dialed the number and I believe I heard the voice of an angel ask: “How much do you need and when do you need it?” “I need 60,000 units and I need it tomorrow” I said in disbelief. “ “I will Fed Ex it to you today” the angel said. I believe some of you have met this angel, but for those who have not, I’ll call her Laurie Kelley. I believe two days later a big package arrived at the door. I believe I told my husband: “One of us has to go to Romania and I am not going.” He went. I believe I gave strict instructions to bring the boy to the hospital and not tell him what it was about, just in case something horrible would have happened and the medicine would not arrive. My husband arrived at the hospital and I believe he saw the mother coming in carrying her thirteen year old boy on her back. There was no wheelchair. I believe the boy had the operation he wanted for so many years and I believe he walks. I believe this is how a STAR was born fifteen years ago. Since then, I believe that millions of dollars worth of hemophilia factor has been sent to Romania through our partnership with Project SHARE and AmeriCares, saving numerous limbs and lives. Happy Birthday, S.T.A.R. Children Relief. BELIEVE!
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 02:28:44 +0000

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