I Believe by Eddy Mirror Morgan I believe that I am a Divine - TopicsExpress


I Believe by Eddy Mirror Morgan I believe that I am a Divine Being,a spark of Source energy having a Human Experience. I believe that Love is the energy that links me to the Universe and all other beings. I believe that light is the means by which all information is downloaded to me. I Believe that when my body sleeps I receive that information. I believe that I can only change myself. I believe that everything I need is within. I believe that by changing and evolving my frequencies change and others around me feel and receive this energy. I believe that it is their choice whether they evolve or not. I believe that this time is not just about me.It is about the evolution of the whole planet and all on it. I Believe my Divine Purpose is to evolve. I believe energy flows where focus goes. I Believe I can send Love anywhere on this planet and in this Universe. I believe I am the Universe. I believe I am a co- Creator. I believe that it is time to bring new concepts,perceptions and ideas onto the Earth. I believe a tipping point is about to be reached. I believe that if enough people evolve a New Earth will be born. I believe it’s time to remember. I believe that I am powerful beyond belief. I believe I am my best teacher. I believe that my emotions are the best tool at my disposal. I believe in the Law of Attraction. I believe it is Universal Law. I believe some aspects of this law have been released onto the public as a means to gain Wealth or Love. I believe many people who are feeling shifts in themselves have been targeted by people masquerading under the banner of Spirituality and out to make a quick buck. I believe the suffering in the world ,Human ,Animal and Earth is born out of Fear and grows the more focus is directed towards it. I believe those who think they are in charge know this. I believe they publicise this misery to divert my attention away from within. I believe the more I focus within the higher my frequency becomes. I believe the higher my frequency the more benefit I am to the world. I believe those who are “dead” and walk in spirit are still here looking for answers themselves. I believe that people who ask for readings already know the answers. I believe they always know the answers within. I believe the messages come from themselves and any manifestations are versions of themselves from alternate dimensions. I believe people who are present on my path now will not be there in the future. I believe people arrive in my life for a reason,a season or a Lifetime. I believe I can only teach myself. I believe I can learn from others. I believe that sometimes it is worthwhile to stand alone. I believe I have the courage to do this. I believe that I am scared of this. I believe that I will walk through this wall of fear and do what I came here to do. I believe that I am protected at all times. I believe that others negativity has no power to affect me. I believe it my own reaction to this that affects me. I believe that I can walk into the world with the just the clothes on my back and the Divine will provide. I believe I was put here to be happy. I believe the concept of work is a control measure. I believe in Ask,Believe and Receive. I believe I should follow all synchronicities shown to me. I believe discomfort comes from me not doing so. I believe Life is meant to be spontaneous. I believe I have conditioning and resistance which I have not released. I believe this is because of Fear. I believe I will overcome any Fear. I believe Fear will return with more lessons and opportunities for growth. I believe Empathy is more constructive than Sympathy. I believe My Empathic gifts are highly tuned. I believe qualifications are certificates that only prove that I understood anothers perceptions of a concept. I believe that a New Earth will be born from new perceptions and ideas from within. I believe that people pretending to be Love and Light to make out that they are more evolved than others and telling people what and how to do make me angry. I believe that is my crap to carry. I believe that I am no better or worse than any other being. I believe I am am no more or less evolved or enlightened than any other being. I believe that my beliefs are not rigid or set in stone. I believe that my beliefs and perceptions constantly change. I believe I experience discomfort when I try to hang on to beliefs that no longer serve my purpose. I believe that this being the case I actually “know” nothing. I believe that I have Lied ,Cheated and hurt others. I believe that I have hurt the ones who I love and who Love me. I believe that I feel Sadness. I believe that I accept That. I believe that in my younger days I was a Nightmare on two legs. I believe that I forgive Myself. I believe that I forgive everyone who has physically and mentally abused me. I believe that I co –created every situation in my Life. I believe that I accept responsibility for everything in my Life. I believe that fear sometimes cripples me . I believe that sometimes I can be a coward. I believe that sometimes I am courageous. I believe that I have worn masks and still do. I believe those masks are peeling away. I believe my Truth will be revealed. I believe that religion is a way of controlling the masses. I believe that every religion holds a grain of Truth. I believe that when the divides come down and these truths are combined the Universe will truly change. I believe the Earth is evolving along with me or me with it. I believe I can only speak for myself. I believe that no matter what I say to people only I know what truly resides in my Heart. I believe that I am sharing what is in my Heart. I believe my physical body is a projection of my Spiritual self. I believe Abraham- Hicks. I believe television is a form of control. I believe the education system is a form of control that produces a race of clones. I believe wisdom is knowing myself. I believe knowledge is knowing others. I believe I need both to navigate the path. I believe I am the path. I believe I can heal myself. I believe I have released lots of beliefs and resistance that no longer serves my purpose. I believe that sometimes I want to give up and go home. I believe that when I raise my frequency to the required level I will release my physical body and go Home. I believe this scares me. I believe I have the courage to face this and walk through it. I believe I am Infinite. I believe that what other people think of me is their business. I believe that I choose not to make it my Business. I believe that these are my beliefs today. I believe they will change. I believe some will change quicker than others. I believe that this is what “going with the flow “ means. I believe that others have different beliefs to mine. I believe that should I experience discomfort from anothers beliefs there is a valuable lesson there for me. I believe that if I cannot identify that lesson that is my crap to carry and in no way a reflection of the person. I believe that if my beliefs differ I should keep my own counsel. I believe that I have free will. I believe that although I have choices the Laws belong to the Universe. I believe that if I disagree with another I need not vocalise it. I believe that on these occasions I should close the door quietly on the way out. I believe that confidentiality belongs to the individual. I believe that everyone has their own Truth. I believe that this is my Truth today. I believe that if people don’t like it that’s their crap to carry. ♥•♫•*¨*•♫*♥*♫•*¨*•♫•♥•♫•*¨*•♫*♥*♫•*¨*•♫•♥
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 19:43:31 +0000

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