I CALLED THE SHERIFF: According to news reports, a puppy was - TopicsExpress


I CALLED THE SHERIFF: According to news reports, a puppy was left in the back yard of a vacationing deputy sheriff without food or water in a small town in North Carolina. A neighbor rescued the puppy on HER way out of town. She did not have the funds to take the dog to a veterinarian and she did not think to take the dog anyway - and tell the story to the vet. The vet then could have called authorities, made a report, and possibly be paid for treatment. Sadly, veterinarians are often expected to treat animals for nothing because they are compassionate and were talking about innocent animals, of course... but... ahem... veterinarians spend HUGE amounts of money and years getting training so its not unreasonable to pay them for services. Anyway - that is what I would have done, even if I could not afford veterinary care. I would have gone to a vet and asked what to do. Seems the most prudent course of action. But the woman was getting ready to leave town and possibly was just too busy to THINK about the best thing to do. In the photos of the dog, you can easily see the articulation of vertebrae... more prominently than you should be able to see. And look at the iliac crests (hips) in the photo. You should not be able to see them so prominently. And look at the sunken abdomen. Puppies have ROUNDED abdomens. And um... I thought when they had worms, especially LOTS of worms, there would be more roundness to that abdomen. Scratching my head here... It is a TINY town. I just spoke with Avery County Sheriff, Kevin Frye. I was VERY pleasant - as was he. He was defensive, but I understand that. He said: 1) It is a blue tick hound, and they are thin dogs. 2) The vet that examined the puppy 10 days after the fact said the dog was heavily infested with worms and that can make a blue tick hound puppy become this thin even if the dog is well fed. 3) The vet who examined the dog could not, of course, determine the precise cause of the emaciated state in the photos, of course. He would have had to see the dog at that time. 4) They tried to get the woman to return the dog and it took several days to get her to do so. As a dog is property and she had given the dog to another person, that was stolen property. I did NOT ask if the dog was better nourished after that 10 days. An obvious question - but I did not wish to come across as confrontational. That would NOT help the womans case. I hope they just DROP the case. It absolutely is neglect to leave an animal and go on vacation - with no one to see to their food and water at the very least. I hope this woman does not end up with some kind of legal charges against her. I was very pleasant and I told him I hope he is not getting angry and ugly calls from people. He said that he IS. I do hope he is honest when he discusses these things... I cannot possibly be the only reasonable person to call him about this. lifewithdogs.tv/2014/06/heroic-woman-charged-with-theft-for-saving-dying-puppy/ averysheriff.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&layout=blog&id=55&Itemid=73 Photo below is Sheriff Kevin Frye
Posted on: Thu, 05 Jun 2014 16:01:02 +0000

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