I CAME, I SAW AND I GAVE YOU THE BLACK TRUTH TO CONQUER THE KKKRACKKKERS. It is the Facebook warriors. It is the keyboard warriors. It is these same internet warriors – these names you gave to us - that put together the WORLD-WIDE PAN-AFRICAN CONVENTION PREPARATORY COMMITY (WPCPC) that is now hosting the biggest conference in South Africa on the unity between the indigenous and Diaspora Afrakans for the formation and duration of an Afrakan Nation. After three months of watching a steady stream of request to join WPCPC for the creation of an Afrakan Nation, I reported to you, in one of my weekly mail, that this event is going to be huge. Our enemies with their sophisticated spy equipment’s, which includes Facebook along with the negro agents working for them, made the same observation as I that the event was going to be big. Remember these same enemies had disposed of Malcolm X and twelve Afrakans Heads of States after Malcolm and these heads of states had agreed to work for a United Afrakan Nation. Once you study this enemy as I have, you will know they are going to use every means to prevent us from uniting. They are going to unleash their dirty-tricks battalion on us. These specialists at dirty tricks wasted no time. They went to work right away by trying to scare us away from Afraka with the outbreak of Ebola. That didn’t scare us. More requests to join WPCPC keeps pouring in. The numbers are staggering! The next thing for them from the dirty tricks squad to do is to try to derail the conference before it starts. Watch out for them flooding the conference with zip coons to hijack the agenda and turn it into a conference of lofty and longwinded speeches. We have had nearly a century of lofty and longwinded speeches by the top notch Necronegroes. Now that we have Farrakhan, we must now look out for Jesse Jackson, Oprah, Obama and Al Sharpton. Yes, let all the coons come. This time they are going to sit their asses down and listen to the real revolutionaries. No top notch Necronegro should be given the mike to address this conference unless they are ready to financially support PAC; unless they are ready to endorse the political wing of PAC; unless they are ready to merge their para military troops with PAC; unless they are ready to embrace the idea of an All Powerful Council of Elders (APCE) to appoint a leader of the Afrakan Nation. It is either that or don’t come. Stay the hell away from us. We don’t need lofty and longwinded speeches any more. This conference is going to be about action. It is about the Diaspora and Indigenous Afrakans throwing their full financial support behind the political and military wings of PAC. It is about do, demand and take. We are going to do for the people of the Afrakan Nation. We are going to make demands on behalf of the people of the Afrakan Nation. And we are going to take command of the affairs of the Afrakan Nation. It is about appointing an All Powerful Council to elect a leader of the Afrakan Nation. Anything short of that we might as well stay home and chat online. I would rather swim the entire length of the Atlantic Ocean than to sail in a ship full of sellouts. At this conference we the Diaspora and Indigenous Afrakans are going to collectively strike the first blow against the myth and illusion of white supremacy, Ptah Maakhrw Ra Amen, Elder at APCE, Minister, Gatekeeper & Warlord on the frontline for the Liberation and Unification of the Afrakan Nation (LUAN). Amen-Ra!!!!
Posted on: Sat, 01 Nov 2014 02:20:31 +0000

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