I CAN ALMOST SEE That Angel standing there and saying at the last - TopicsExpress


I CAN ALMOST SEE That Angel standing there and saying at the last of that seventh angels message, Time shall be no more. THAT LITTLE LOYAL BRIDE WILL FLY AWAY INTO THE ARMS OF JESUS one of these days when He takes her to Fathers house. -- THE STORY to it: 71 Notice now, it was a--a little girl in the west that how shed--shed fell in love with a--a man had fell in love with her. As a buyer of the cattle, come out there for the Armour Company, and--and they had a--a great... The boss come one day (the bosss son from Chicago), and course they put them on a regular western frontier. The--the girls there, they dressed up. Each one was going to get this boy, sure, you know, cause that was the main mans boy. So they dressed in their western frontier. And--and they do that out west. - 77 So this--this... The young girls put on a--a regular western, a carry-on for this boy when he--he come out. And each one of them was sure they was going to get this boy. There was a little cousin there on the ranch, and she was an orphan. And so she just done all the--the work for these, cause they had to have their fingernails fixed, you know, and they couldnt wash the dishes for their hands and things; and she done all the real hard work. And then finally when the boy came, they went out and got him in an old western style, the buckboard, and they come in shooting their guns and carrying on, you know, and--and acting up. And that night they had a great big dance out there, on an old fashion dance, and all the ranchers around about and coming in with their dancing and so forth. And the first thing you know, why, this went on, this jubilee, for two or three days. 80 Then one night this boy stepped out to--of the place just to rest awhile from the dance, and got away from these girls, and he happened to look going down towards the corral. There went a little girl kind of ragged looking, and she had a dish pan full of water. She had washed the dishes. And he thought, I never seen her before. I wonder where she come from? So he just puts it in his way to go around by the side of the--the bunkhouse and go down there and come back side of the corral and met her. She was bare-footed. She stopped. She held her head down. She seen who it was, and she was very shy. She knew this great person. And she was just a cousin to these other girls. Their--their father was foreman on this big Armour outfit, so they... kept... She kept looking down. She was ashamed of being bare-footed. He said, Whats your name? She told him. Said, Well, why aint you out there to the--where the rest of them is? She kinda made excuses. 83 And so the next night he watched for her again. Finally, he was setting out there, and they all got to carrying on and everything, he--he set on the corral fence and watched for her to come, throw the dishwater out. And he watched her, and he said to her; he said, You know my real purpose of being here? She said, No, sir, I dont. He said, My purpose of being here is hunting a wife. He said, I find a character in you that they dont have. (I was thinking of the Church. You see?) Said, Will you marry me? She said, Me? Me? I--I cant think of such a thing. Said, Me? See, thats the main bosss son. He owned all the companies and ranches throughout the country, and everything. You see? Said--said, Yes, said, I--I couldnt find one in Chicago. I--I want a real wife. I want a wife with character. And the things that Im looking for, I see it in you. Said, Will you marry me? She said, Well... (It startled her.) She said, Yes. And he said, Well, told her he would be back, said, Now, you just make yourself ready, and a year from today Ill be back. Well... And Ill get you, and Ill take you away from here. You wont have to work like this no more. Ill take you, and Ill go to Chicago, and Ill build you a home like youve never seen. She said, I dont never--never had a home, Im an orphan. She said... He said, Ill build you a home, a real one; said, Ill be back. 89 He kept in track with her through the time of the year. She worked everything that she could do to save enough money at her dollar a day or whatever she had with her board to buy her wedding dress: perfect type of the Church. See? She got her garments ready. You know, when she displayed this wedding garment, her--her cousins said, Why, you poor silly kid. You mean to think that a man like that would have anything to do with you? She said, But he promised me. She said, He promised; said, I believe his word. Oh, he was just making a fool out of you. Said, If hed of got somebody hed got one of the them. Said, But he promised me. Im looking for him. Amen. I am too. So it kept getting later and later. The day finally arrived. A certain hour he was to be there; so she dressed in her garment. And she hadnt even heard from him, but she knowed hed be there. So she dressed up in her wedding clothes, got things ready. So then they really did laugh, there, cause the main boss had sent up to the--to the foreman, or--or to--and none of the girls had heard nothing about it. So it was just all a mysterious thing to them. 96 That is too; sure it is. But this girl just in face it all of it upon the basis of his word that hed be back for her. So they got to laughing, and put their hands around one another, dancing around there, said, Ahhh, (laughing, you know, like that), said, Poor little silly kid. She just stood there--not a bit of blushing. She was holding her flowers, her wedding garment all fixed. She was struggling, you know. (His Bride has made herself ready.) She kept holding her flowers, waiting. They said, Now, I told you it was wrong. See, he aint coming. Said, I got five more minutes. Said, He will be here. Oh, they just laughed. And just about the time the old clock ticked up to five minutes, they heard the horses a-galloping, sand rolling under the wheels. The old buckboard stopped. She jumped from between them and out the door, and he jumped out of the carriage, and she fell into his arms; he said, Its all over now, honey; left her little old cousins (denominations) setting there looking. She--she went to Chicago to her home. 102 I know of another great promise like that too. It... Ive gone to prepare a place for you; coming back to receive you. They might be saying were crazy, but, brother, to me right now and these Seals breaking like this under this supernatural thing, I can almost hear the sound as that clock of time ticks away into eternity there. I can almost see that Angel standing there and saying at the last of that seventh angels message, Time shall be no more. That little loyal Bride will fly away into the arms of Jesus one of these days when He takes her to Fathers house. Lets think of these things as we go along now. 63-0323 THE.SIXTH.SEAL
Posted on: Wed, 04 Jun 2014 07:28:00 +0000

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