I CAN TELL WHAT YOUR THINKING even tho I do not read minds. What - TopicsExpress


I CAN TELL WHAT YOUR THINKING even tho I do not read minds. What chance can these men with no Political experience, no money to properly file for office or run a campaign and no Party Affiliation have of making a difference? I wonder if the same questions were asked about George Washington, Teddy Roosevelt and Dwight D. Eisenhower? Ill ask back How can YOU get us away from a government run by the Lawyers for the Corporations? By backing up some little guys with the guts to tackle the political machines. Little guys who dont seek fame or fortune, that only want to do a service to their fellow Americans and blow some of these corrupt Professional Politicians right out of office. Who wants to run for Senator or Legislator and make one more voice in a chorus? I ask you, where does it say in The Constitution that only the rich should govern? Where does it say you need a college degree or law license? Our forefathers wanted a Government OF the People BY the People. and not the mess we have now. They foresaw people of good moral value who saw it as their DUTY to get elected, do their term of service to the best of their ability, abide by the Constitution and law and then get out and go back to what they did before. I just want to do exactly that. Poke a stick in the eye of the Party Political machines and if I win do one term of duty then go back to my comfortable retirement. Money is just a tool to me and I dont need all that much. As for all that Secret Service razzmatazz I dont really want that either. Like a friend told me once I never saw a horse worth stealing or a man worth shooting... often. Will you help or just grumble?
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 19:37:52 +0000

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