I CAN’T BREATHE From breathe man was created And is - TopicsExpress


I CAN’T BREATHE From breathe man was created And is sustained To be and become a living being, From the bosom of Father-Mother God Source of life and good, In separation from Whom There arise breathe crises, As man chokes Once the free flow is discontinuous, To start feeling the pressure Life and mind threatening, Blurring the vision Slurring the speech, That still manages to blurt out In desperation reflex, ‘I can’t breathe’. The predicament of breathlessness Is even universal, For the earth herself Is groaning and moaning, Through the offsetting of her equilibrium By the pollution of her lungs With exhaled carbon, From the toxic cigars Of industrial smokers, Creating global heating and freezing, And the violent spasms of terrestrial flu In explosive sneezing As earthquakes, landslides, and mudflows devastating, As the earth quakes Waiting for the prognosis From her children doctors, Saying beseechingly ‘Even though I am your mother Have pity on me, Your chokehold is slowing killing me And I can’t breathe’. Essentially, all want to breathe The minerals, plants, insects, Birds, animals, reptiles, and man, And the planet too, So let’s breathe and let breathe Taking and giving, Realizing each is each, Each is in each All are one, Meant to nourish all And to flourish as one So that none should ever say, I can’t breathe. Many live to work Working slumping, Souls caught in race Not only of the rat, But also of the snail The tiger and the eagle, Hypnotized or overworked Nearly to death, Minds glazed over Job satisfaction becoming a luxury, Thoughts dazed by deadlines Feelings in tatters by retrenchment scare Imagination filled with retirement scarecrows, Bodies scarred with pressure, The voiceless soul silently screaming ‘I can’t breathe’. The issues are legion, Spewing from media’s copious girth Giving birth to sociopolitical tissues Gone awry and even scary, What with scenes of raw violence Moral decadence, And economic leprosy, Forgetting the beauty of the earth And of its peoples, Giving instead mind saddening And soul sickening menu Of rivulets of blood And screaming explosive death-givers, In stark contrast with suave peace brokers Diplomatic bishops, Playing tightrope walkers For world peace, All awaiting actions, Anxiety brewing None really understanding much Church lurching, At times standing under the debris of geopolitics And the people in agony say ‘We can’t breathe’. The features of hope Are not necessarily found In breathing exercises of yoga, But in a new belief In the goodness of man And in men of goodwill, Motto of the new race Heir of the universal seasons Of self and all transformation, From black, white, through yellow to red, Fulfilling the alchemical process Of the Great Work, From the knowledge to weave and recreate oneness, In which life-giving embrace, All will individually and collectively fan the embers Of the golden age Following the leaden one, To be born from the ashes of tragedy But borne beyond the vales of tears And the valleys of fears, To the heights of freedom, From where I and all can breathe freely, Breathing in the breathtaking sight Of no more chokeholds, But to nearly choke now with laughter, As daughters and sons of all climes Walk hand in hand, Talk heart to heart, Feel mind to mind, Liberating the One Spirit Within whose bosom The circuit of the Law, One life, Life, the Law of Oneness, Oneness, the Law of Life Is fulfilled, For all and each to no longer be able to say, ‘I can’t breathe’.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 11:11:00 +0000

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