I. COCONUT OIL LIP MOISTURIZERS The dry cold air in the East - TopicsExpress


I. COCONUT OIL LIP MOISTURIZERS The dry cold air in the East days, As our skin is sensitive to cold, our lips are twice more susceptible to cold, if you do not care it cold can make the lips go dry and chapped, giving them a bad look. Dab a few drops of the oil onto your lips in the morning can reduce the dryness and can provide the necessary moisture to the lips during the day and make your lips soft, smooth and provides more protection to lips from the dry winter breeze. In addition coconut oil has a natural particular smell… II. COCONUT OIL MASCARA Long and black eyelashes make an attractive look. Coconut oil can help strengthen your lashes just 7 -10 days after. Use a cotton swab to put so little coconut oil (very little) Apply the oil just like you would apply a mascara. Got to the root an proceed to the tips. Repeat it a few times to make sure all the eyelashes are covered in oil. Do this every night and you will notice a difference within a month or two months. Eyelashes have a four to six weeks growing cycle so it takes that long to see some difference in the eyelash lengths. The first time you can feel a bit heavy eyelids, but if you are ready go to bed, that feeling will pass very quickly. Some days after you will get used and not uncomfortable anymore. It was safe to put liquid coconut oil in your eyes? When applied to the eyelashes, it is unavoidable sometimes, but coconut oil does not causing any irritation and eye injury! What type of coconut oil is best? You ought to ensure your coconut oil is virgin kind. Coconut oil not only helps strengthen your lashes but also add softness to the hair, promotes the scalp health fighting against dandruff and slows down hair loss. III. VIRGIN COCONUT OIL 1.HOW TO USE VIRGIN COCONUT OIL TO BLURRING EYE DARK CIRCLES Coconut oil is an antioxidant, reducing free radicals so coconut oil is also used to blurring eye dark circles, under eye black patches due to sleep late or seat for a long time on computer are toxins built up under the eyes but not yet been released. Coconut oil is most effective in softening the skin in the lower eyelids and then penetrates the inner layers of skin to remove that free radicals. Uses: you should apply coconut oil to darken after the bath for about 30 minutes and then wash your face. Eye dark circles treatment must be apply daily. 2. HOW TO USE VIRGIN COCONUT OIL TO LOSE WEIGHT Surfing around some of the most popular forums as webtretho, lamchame, .... many parent are talking about many different methods of weight loss from coconut oil. Coconut oil for weight loss is real, but it is two-edged knife, it only works when used in the right way. Coconut oil contains so much fat so that before eating if you take a spoonl of coconut oil you will eat very little because anorexia feeling very fast and early satiety. Or when you are hungry just one spoon of coconut oil as you have enough vitamins and fats to continue operating but protein content are not supplied enough for you to gain weight. However, coconut oil contains a lot of fat, so limit use. Only 2 tablespoons 1 day is enough. If you tolerate too much coconut oil will lead to excess fat, the harm result. 3. HOW TO USE VIRGIN COCONUT OIL FOR HAIR For dry hair, fibrous and lifeless Method 1: (2-3 time a week) Ingredients: Virgin coconut oil Step 1: To melt a sufficient amount of coconut oil (If your coconut oil was freeze) Step 2: Unnecessary to wet your hair but you must ensure that it is clean. Rub the coconut oil into your scalp (do not applied over the entire the hair shaft) Step 3: Lightly massage and wait in 30 minutes. Step 4: Use your shampoo to wash out the coconut oil Method 2: (2 time a week) Ingredients: 1 egg yolk, 2 teaspoons Virgin coconut oil Step 1: Mix the egg yolk with coconut oil Step 2: Wet your Hair (dry extractor) and rub the mixture all over your hair Step 3: Lightly massage and wait in 20 - 30 minutes Step 4: Use your shampoo to wash out the coconut oil In addition, you can use coconut oil to prevent split ends by rubbing a little coconut oil on the hairline. Note: - After using coconut oil hair conditioner, when your hair still wet as you will probably see slightly oily hair, but do not worry, just wait for it to dry, then you will see the effect. - Use coconut oil to prevent splitends should be used when at home, note that you should not go off the road, especially when the weather by going sticky dust and hair under the action of sunlight will reduce the effects of coconut oil. Hair incubate with coconut oil and how it is most properly Step 1: Coconut oil can get a little drippy, so put on a drape a towel around your shoulders to prevent it from getting on your clothes. Step 2: Choose a covering for your hair. You can use a plastic shower cap, a large sheet of plastic wrap, or a second old t-shirt to wrap up your hair. Choose something youll be able to keep in place for several hours, or even overnight. Step 3: Measure 3 to 5 tablespoons of coconut oil into a microwave-safe bowl. The amount of coconut oil youll need depends on the length and thickness of your hair. If you have long, thick hair, use 5; if your hair is shorter and thinner, you only need 3 or 4. Note: Use unrefined, rather than refined, coconut oil. Refined coconut oil has additives and is put through processes that remove some of the natural compounds that make it so healthy for your hair and skin. Unrefined coconut oil is complete in its natural, healthy goodness. Step 4: Heat up the coconut oil in the microwave. Put the bowl in the microwave and cook it for about 30 seconds on high. Give it a stir and cook it for another 30 seconds, until it has completely melted. You want the oil just warm enough to melt so it becomes easier to apply to your hair. If you dont have a microwave you can also heat up coconut oil by running the jar under hot water in a sink until it melts which will only take a few seconds. You can also heat up coconut oil on the stove. Scoop it into a small saucepan and heat it up over low heat. Step 5: Rub the coconut oil into your hair. Pour the coconut oil around the top of your head, evenly distributing it around your scalp. Use your fingers to massage it in and smooth it down your hair shaft all the way to the tips. Continue massaging it into your hair until your hair is completely drenched in coconut oil. You can use a comb to help you distribute the oil evenly. Pull it down from your roots to your tips. You may just want to condition the ends of your hair, rather than the roots. If thats the case, apply the coconut oil to the ends of your hair instead of pouring it over your scalp. Massage it in with your hands. Step 6: Pile your hair on your head and wrap it up in your covering. Place your shower cap, plastic wrap, or old t-shirt over your head and wrap it up so that your hair is completely covered. Step 7: Wait at least 2 hours or overnight for the oil to soak in. The longer you keep it in your hair, the more conditioned your hair will be. Wait as long as you can manage for best effect. Note: Overnight but no more than 8 hours. Step 8: Remove the wrapping from your hair and wash it. Use your favorite shampoo (preferably one with natural ingredients, to keep your hair healthy) to wash out the coconut oil. Wash it two or three times, until your hair no longer feels oily. Let your hair dry. Let it air dry or blow it dry to see the effects of the conditioning treatment. It should be soft, shiny and gleaming after this special coconut oil application. Tips: Coconut oil helps remove up to 90 percent of dandruff on the scalp. Coconut oil helps healthy hair, reduce hair loss, besides also help hair grow faster and thicker. Incubate coconut oil as long as the hair is getting more nutrients but do not incubate longer than a day of oil that would not wash. It will make your hair smell and oily viscous looks very dirty. Just a small amount of coconut oil can absorbent the hair more. So be careful not to use too much coconut oil wasters. If you use hair dye, coconut oil can help reduce hair damage from chemicals because of its ability to retain moisture. For a few drops of coconut oil and dye bottle before use. 4. HOW TO USES VIRGIN COCONUT OIL FOR SKIN Mix coconut oil with your daily body wash, put boby wash into a small bowl with a few drops of coconut oil then mix it and take use it. Bathing with warm water then apply coconut oil on the entire body and then massge from 5 to 15 minutes then shower it with shower gel, incredibly smooth and fragrant skin, too. For someone using bath salts: 1 pinch of cows milk salt + fresh milk unsweetened + few drops of coconut oil after youve taken a bath rub the mixture on your skin wait for 10 minutes and rinse >>> this way makes your skin smooth and white fastest. Used as body cream after taken a bath: Take coconut oil and then rub them out in 2 hands and directly rubbing on your skin (do often, not rub on your face). There is no oily after applying coconut oil smells good, very pleasant scented .... 5. COCONUT OIL HELPING TO QUICKLY HEAL AND THEN PROTECT DAMAGED AND SORE NIPPLES.... - Nipples are an important part of the discreetly beauty of women, especially the color of the nipples has a major influence on their psychology. Bright pink color of the nipples create soft feeling, fresh and create a special extremely charming for women. - However, most women are not lucky, they are often not satisfied with their breasts. - Most of women have dark nipples and especially after childbirth. - Dark nipples are always womens psychological pain, dark nipples make many women inferiority complex and seemed to diminish their self-confidence, their own fascinating. - Today the needs for beauty of women is indispensable, especially beauty and pink for nipples are necessities and practicalities of women. Ingredients: 02 tablespoons of Virgin coconut oil First, you can wash your nipples with warm water. Next, you use pure coconut oil or olive oil and apply all over the breast. Next, you use your hands and gently massage the breast steadily from 15 to 30 minutes. Wait for coconut oil penetrates into the skin completely. Finally you washing with warm water to clean breast. Women should using natural oils to massage breast daily, so you can easily perform before bathing. (You should bottle of coconut oil to the bathroom for easy to remember) Virgin coconut oil will help to moisturize, exfoliate, whitening your breast for a natural, safe and effective. 6. POSTANAL SKIN CARE INSTRUCTIONS Coconut oil is the essence which extracted from coconut rice. Coconut oil is a very useful for postanal skin care. If you worry about postpartum belly or thighs skin cracks, pregnant women from the 4th month should apply coconut oil on the abdomen, thighs daily after taken a bath or before go to bed. Every day you should apply coconut oil at least once a week, apply it then use your hands gently massage for 15-30 minutes bruises and stretch marks fade quickly. Then you should wash your face with warm water, apply coconut oil should persevere to avoid acne-causing bacteria and help smooth skin. After having a baby: The mother can drink about 03 tablespoons of coconut oil per day is also very good for pregnant milk, it will help your baby increase resistance against disease. 7. VIRGIN COCONUT OIL AS SKIN MOISTURIZER Many women use coconut oil as a skin moisturizer * Some ways to use of coconut oil body moisturizer popular today: - Option 1: Mix a few drops of of coconut oil in the bathtub will help provide moisture to the body, the skin is not dry and gradual brighter. - Option 2: Mix in milk daily bath, the bath milk 1 small jar + a few drops of of coconut oil and mixed thoroughly and take a shower, smooth and fragrant skin, this fast and efficient. - Option 3: After your bath, you get of coconut oil applied to the entire body, then massage gently. Take of coconut oil and then rub them out 2 hands directly on the skin, often used every day. Be assured that of coconut oil is not only sticky but not brought to smell sweet coconut, good smells. - Option 4: Use the bath salts, the use of coconut oil and salt following: 1 pinch of cows milk salt + fresh milk unsweetened + few drops of coconut oil after youve taken a bath rub the mixture on your skin wait for 10 minutes and rinse >>> this way makes your skin smooth and white fastest. In addition, coconut oil is also used as an exfoliating cream for the skin, coconut oil using exfoliating following: Mix 1 tablespoon brown sugar with 3 tablespoons of coconut oil to make a cream of exfoliate die for body skin. Then, take a bath with warm water then apply of coconut oil on the entire body and then massge for 5-15 minutes, your skin will incredibly smooth and fragrant, too Not only good for the skin, the scent of coconut-minded enough to help you relax and calm down, reduce stress on the muscles of the face 20%, while also limiting stress hormone levels around 24%. Usage of coconut oil: Just a little dab of coconut flavor cream, coconut oil on the skin or light a coconut flavor candle even when you feel stressed your mood immediately improved. 8. DIRECTIONS FOR USE VIRGIN COCONUT OIL FOR FOR EACH SKIN TYPE: Method: - For dry skin, thin, easy to crack: Rub coconut oil on the skin easy to cracked each night before bed. Massage the face carefully. Gently rub your abdomen to avoid stimulating the uterus. (Note cleansing with warm water before applying coconut oil for best results). - For normal skin: Mix coconut oil with shampoo, face wash, shower gels at the rate of 1/1 in the daily personal hygiene. (Note: cleansing with warm water before applying coconut oil for best results). Coconut oil is often freezes in winter, so if you want to turn it to a liquid, you can soak the bottle in hot water until the oil melts (2-3 minutes). Other: - Oil Skin: 2 tablespoons coconut oil + egg whites + puree grape. - Acne Skin: 2 tablespoons coconut oil + egg whites + puree tomat. - Dry skin: 2 tablespoons of virgin coconut oil + egg yolk + puree banana. - Aging skin: 2 tablespoons coconut oil + egg yolk + puree apple / lemon. Rub the mixture directly on the skin after cleansing to give the best performance, for about 15-20 minutes and then rinse dentist. Use once week. Note: In the summer, you should use coconut oil in the evening, massage thoroughly, to store oil on the face for 30 seconds then rinse with water and apply lotion at night. 9. DIRECTIONS FOR USE COCONUT OIL WITH LIQUID FOUNDATION - For a little coconut oil on and coated with Cream Foundation on the face, you quickly get a transparent background layer desirable. Coconut Oil Moisturizing foundation can also help your nails become healthier, smoother, drier REDUCE fracture. Implementing is also very easy, you just take a small amount of coconut oil into the bowl and then double boiler until it warms up, then gently apply all over the nail and pedicure. Soap Use soap extracted from coconut oil, or homemade soap from coconut oil is the perfect way to help moisturize and soften your skin every day. Body cream and cream exfoliation. Used for soft and skin moisturizing coconut oil is clearly not introduce more. However, you should also pay attention to the ingredients and how to use coconut oil for each purpose reasonably certain. - For example, if you intend to use coconut oil as body cream, its best to mix it with a little of margarine. Margarine - coconut oil mixture cream will be effective in skin treatment is quickly chapped. On the other hand, if coconut oil mixed with sugar or salt, they will give the mixture a great exfoliator, especially for the easy peeling leather heel. Massage with pleasant scent, natural ingredients for good health, the perfect moisturizing. 10. HOW TO REMOVE MAKEUP WITH COCONUT OIL The way makeup remover: - The first 4 minutes with of coconut oil makeup remover, then rinse with water (but before rinsing with water, you should remember to use a paper towel or clean cotton makeup remove the grades of coconut oil) - 2 minutes following gentle facial massage. After washing with cleanser. - Clean the skin with water for 4 minutes last. * Makeup remover method using of coconut oil is also known as dual-washing. This method is very effective for your makeup regularly, especially bleach masscara are more efficient and pleasant. Remove makeup and skin care with virgin coconut oil and does not have anything with the chemical. 11. VIRGIN COCONUT OIL FOR BAD BREATH - Virgin coconut oil or pure coconut oil is a natural organic oils are appreciated by health professionals abroad because of it’s effect in health care. In addition to skin care, hair care, we can also drinking, cooking coconut oil every day, mouthwash is the solution safety dental hygiene, bad breath treatment most effective. Also coconut oil mouthwash every day, in the coconut oil contains substances to help antibacterial, fungi strongly in the mouth that causes bad breath and reduce the risk of problems in your mouth, throat, respiratory illnesses. - Another factor when you rinse your mouth with coconut oil, the saliva is secreted enzyme and activate up to it can get toxins out of the millions of viruses, bacteria, microorganisms in the oral cavity. The virus in the scratch marks in the oral cavity were also pulled out. Besides the leftovers in the teeth, oral cavity and swept also pushed out by coconut oil. 12. DIRECTIONS FOR USE COCONUT OIL TO HEAL CRACKED HEELS: - For those who have the cracked heel, winter is a season of torture because for this season their foot will crack make hardest painful when wear tight shoes or sandals. For Treatment is not hard just a tip of the ancients is that you do not fear any cracks. Every night before going to bed you should wash your feet thoroughly with warm water and apply coconut oil around your feet. Coconut oil gradually absorbed into the skin while you are sleeping, the next day your feet have had enough nutrients to fight to the winter. Other tips: - Make a mixture of lemon juice and ripe papaya and apply rub it on cracked heels. Leave it for 20 minutes then rinse feet. - Soak your feet in warm water for 15 minutes. This will loosen the dead skin cells. Then you rinse with a grinding stone. - Mix ingredients and rub salt in warm water to your heels. This helps to exfoliate the feet. 13. COCONUT OIL FOR TREATING BURNS: - Burns is a phenomenon cuticle injured because unbearable temperature. Burns injure the epidermis (top layer), with redness, pain, and minimal edema or damage extends into the dermis (inner layer), with redness and blisters worse. - Coconut oil has cooling the nature it contains vitamin E, the mixture can quickly recover all of injured skin. In best the way, you should put a bottle of virgin coconut oil in your family medicine cabinet, will have a chance to use. 14. DIRECTIONS FOR USE COCONUT OIL TO HEAL THE GOUT: Coconut oil is the bane of gout: Gout is caused by blockage of blood circulation at the joints, often the joint where the jealous rule will cause pain for a long time, especially in the cold winter air makes joints stiff so easy these days to people with gout ease osteoarthritis pain. Healing Gout is a disease onset at younger from the inside by eating too much protein, but lack of exercise makes bridles increasingly congested to a point at its inception will cause pain for of patients. For prevention, patients must physically active more and have a limit when eating protein. If suffering from this, patients perform movement and miserable eating diet. To support the prevention and cure everyday, you can use coconut oil instead of cooking oil every day because of cooking oil usually contains a lot of cholesterol, is the main cause of this illness. Virgin coconut oil is the greasy oils with contains vitamin but does not contain cholesterol as a supportive therapy patients effectively. BASED ON ALL REASONS ABOVE -YOU SHOULD USE DUA VIET’S COCONUT OIL Dua Viet’s virgin coconut oil is pressed from the coconut milk from the first type coconut rice are selected very carefully. Dua Viet’s Coconut products are guaranteed 100% natural organic coconut oils, no preservatives Specially produced by cold processed virgin allows the retention all of vitamins and minerals to ensure a better quality than the cheap coconut oils sold on the market. If you are slightly confused, then just try to buy virgin coconut oil and coconut Vietnam to directly test will clearly see the difference. All questions and suggestions please directly contact with us. HOTLINE: +84918.555.923 / +84916.555.923 Add: The 3rd Floor, Building Sacombank, 14C1 Dai Lo Dong Khoi street, Phu Khuong ward, Ben Tre city, Viet Nam
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 05:53:49 +0000

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