I Cant blame all of it on you guys but for my own heart and - TopicsExpress


I Cant blame all of it on you guys but for my own heart and conscience I have to bring the apology public and be sincerely and take responsibility for my own part. Im sorry that I flew angry at you Caitlin and said the things I said about you being a sorry no good for nothing pile of shit. Im sorry I said you wont ever be good enough and that my son and grandchild deserves better than you. Im sorry Caitlin. I was not trying to hurt you in anyway. You dont fit in my circle of family and that wont change unless you want to fit in you just wont fit... You fit Drake thats great Im glad he feels so much love for you, but your thick hasnt even started to get thin just yet You guys have a long way before then. You guys deserve each other and shouldnt wait to be married. Caitlin most of all Im sorry I said drop dead. Id never do anything to try and take Drakes baby away or call state. No matter what happens id never do my son that way. You guys will be good parents the best you can. Ive never made the best choices being your mother Drake and I never claimed to be perfect at it or ask for mother of the year, but I always did all that I could to be your mom and be here no matter what. I will always be your mother and your friend even if this terrible fight never mends you will always and forever have my love & youll forever be my son. You called me out publicly something Id never do to my mother no matter her mistakes with me and didnt think youd do that to me. Id never do to anyone this thing you had to do.... Show one last great disrespect to our families, friends, and to your mother by calling me in public to say what couldve been said in private all the things we felt had to be said. I defend my words for her because I opened up my home to you both, didnt ask for much just some help around the house and items needed around here just a little help. You both didnt keep your end cause you didnt help with anything and you didnt save a dollar towards your baby or anything else you might need money for. I was assured you would help me Drake God knows I trusted you and had faith in what you said youd do... I truly believed you would do. Three weeks and not a dime to help us with anything not even a sorry mom but Im leaving here. I got a message from your little brother that you wasnt going to give me anything to hell with that you was moving out. And again I opened up to help you just to be used and used then again you left here with out even a word and on top of that you left, abandoned the pup with me. You know the pup I said you dont need but you went to get him anyway cuz he was going to be rescued and loved in your home and heart he was going to have you guys and you both would have him. He didnt ask for either of you but youre the two he didnt have a choice in. You picked him and he got stuck with you two. Next thing hes left here with me to care for. After everything I offered. Opened my home to you and Caitlin whether shed call this my home a home or not she was offered but not in any way made stay. With that being said kids.... I really lost my cool when I said the dog food is 20$ for fifty lb bag that would feed this dog for a month or so , this dog you both abandoned here and I was the one watching him starve. Caitlin you really just dont see why I think that youre more than selfish honey can you? 20$ is just more than youre willing to pay for your dog( that was not my plan to have here starving, left, unwanted and unloved. Mistreated rescued adopted and damn abandoned again) to eat an entire month you just couldnt see paying that much when my dogs might eat some too. If I want to pay half of that well then thats different but I could forget 20$ to feed the dog I could just get over it I snapped I lost my cool and said youre selfish no good and all the other things I said to you in private but all I offered all we gave to you both food even I paid for, and that you had no problem eating or drinking doing nothing at you agreed to do and didnt put in money or otherwise and not the house you want or what youd call a home you moved right on in here and didnt offer a thing to help. I felt the way I felt about you because 20$ a month to care for this animal with food and water treated like my own damn dog cared for loved and id keep him not leave him for that 20$ a month so so low to pay for dog care and you just couldnt do that knowing my puppies would be eating the dog food too. What the hell would it matter if***I ate some of the dog food??????*** you paid zero rent or household costs we feed you daily who really cares if my pups eat and who are you to even think youd have a right to even question anything when Im still trying to be good to you. To me Drake would give anyone the shirt right off his back to anyone he felt needed it. Hed give his last dollar if he had it and someone needed it. My son used to be selfless with a heart of gold. He had a big heart. Thats why i felt youre never gonna be good enough for him, but hes just as selfish as you now. No matter what his heart really feels he killed off anything that he ever had for your selfish self. Im so sorry all the things that was drug into public that was just fine in private. Hurt you Caitlin?? No Im not trying to cause you pain. Just want you to know hes always been my son will always be my son and you cant change a heart of gold forever girl and hell be ready one day to realize hes still my son with his fathers heart of gold. Im sorry to my son for all the wrongs Ive done to you. I never hurt you intentional ever and now if i die at least I took responsibility for my part and apologized to you and can go with clean conscience. I just see you defending her selfishness and losing sight of your own giving and caring sharing selfless heart of gold (your father was the same) so for what its worth William Drake you will always be my son and like it or not Im alive and will be your mother... Even if you kill me off.... Im here and i forgive you. Ill be here when you have no one else. I dont want regrets with you so Im sorry for my part... Love you always my son one day you realize your own heart... The one you left behind when you were blindly led away. Youll find you again.... Somewhere between thick and thin, all the babies, bills, day to day struggles and Caitlin having to have things her way. Youll remember the heart you lost more and more. Even more youll remember your heart every time you are told youre a sorry daddy and a bad husband youll know she took the best of you and the heart you let her Lock away. Still youre mine and I forgive you always
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 17:11:27 +0000

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