I Command This End-Time Beast To Stand Up, in YAHSHUAS Name! - TopicsExpress


I Command This End-Time Beast To Stand Up, in YAHSHUAS Name! 12/10/13 Written By: John W. Thompson THE KEY OF DAVID SERIES, PART 1 HAVE YOU BEEN LIED INTO BELIEVING THAT ALLAH IS JUST ANOUTHER NAME FOR YAHVEH? I Command This End-Time Beast To Stand Up, in YAHSHUAS Name! Father, I am the only one in Spirit identifying, covering and reporting on the Beasts of the end time. And the Kings, I am Watching all of them! Every religion and Church have their ideas of who they believe the Beast is. Lets is Spirit and Word challenge them all says The Voice of Elijah in SPIRIT... SELAH............................................................................ Father, I as Your Watchman and Revelator now understand that for Your Children to fully understand Your End-Time Revelations given to me in Spirit. They will require a major paradigm shift in their outlooks and in their teachings. Or their lack of them... Revelation 13:13, And he does great wonders, so that he makes fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men. (He deceives the world with his oil money and great political power). 14, And deceives them that dwell in the earth by means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to those that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, who had the wound by a sword, and did live. Clearly, this false one-world religious order desires the beast system of Allah to be worshipped and punishes those who dont conform. The dragon, or Satan, gives the false prophet Mohammed power to do perceived miracles and wonders, such as wealth accumulation and material blessings, all pointing people to trust in the first beast. In fact, these are not miracles, but self allusions of grandeur, so that those trusting in him believe him to be a mouthpiece for Allah. 15, And he had power to give life to the image of the beast, so that the image of the beast should both speak... He promotes the teachings he originated at the kabbah in Mecca, the very image of Allah to Muslims. His purpose is to make the teachings written in Mecca and Medina come alive to the world. He (Mohammed) will not reappear personally, but like the beast system, his culture of death will be revived. Anti Messiah will bring true global Jihad/Revival of Islamic countries. ...and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. Islamic evangelism. Accept Islam or die! The Roman church in the 21st century does not do spiritual business this way. Now, lets recap: John is Spirit was standing in the Middle-East Desert near a Sea (Revelation 13:1). The 1st BEAST is rising out of the SAND OF THE SEA (reference to the Sea or beach). This is NOT the people It immediately shows us that it literally rises out of the SEA; Saudi Arabia is surrounded by many oceans. Sea can be symbolic for different people and nations also, but the context here is sand of the sea, i.e. sand, beach, and water. Saudi Arabia is a much better fit than Rome, or Germany. We already know about the Abomination on Desolation spoken of by Daniel. We know about Satans Many roles and types that he must play out as ordered by Father! Just remember? The only role Satan will play Defacto-Personally in his Supernatural body is the role that he is waiting for. And thats the False Christ, Period. I dont care whos lied to you. This is a fact! The 1st Beast has a blasphemous NAME, Submission to Allah. Most definitely, that is what is taught here. The 2nd BEAST is REVIVED out of the Earth. Though not given exactly where, or which part of the earth, the context is not only Saudi Arabia, because the earth can be applied to the whole earth or to single countries. But it is Saudi Arabia and anti-messiah that are reviving the 1st Beast that was wounded and the 2nd Beast has the same authority of the first beast. In fact Yahveh is telling us here that the whole action is in the Middle-east. Saudi Arabia has been spending billions of dollars for the last fifty years to revive true Islam globally. And now we know they have succeeded to a large degree, because we have an established critical mass of radical Islam in every country of the world. Revelation 13:12, And he exercises all the authority of the first beast in his presence, and causes the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed. The Bible tells us that the Revival of Islam will succeed, and the Islamists will be causing the people to worship the 1st beast. If you do not, then you are to be executed. Revelation 14:11, And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night... Look at the Muslims, they pray 5 times a day; some even do six prayers, one after midnight called the tayyad salat (prayer). In each prayer they say the following: Allah hu Akbar, at least 6 times, which means Allah is great. ...who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name. The beast is not just a political or religious figure, but also the name of a deity!!!! Now lets see where this beast that turns people back to Islam sits! Revelation 17:3, So he carried me away in the Spirit into the wilderness (Desert). And I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet colored beast (dripping with bloody full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. Why would Yahveh carry John to the Desert if this were Rome? Let me prove the point. In the above verse, we can see that John was carried away in the Spirit to the Desert. The Greek word used here is eremos, meaning a Desert. This is the clue that rules ALL European theories out. John also refers to a woman, which is symbolic for a city. Normally the Greek word polls is used. In Hebrew, its the word eer, and in Arabic the word medina is used. But the more correct word, in the Aramaic, is the word MIDINTHA. That could also designate an area or a district/province, range, or even a country. So this place is close to the sea and right in the Desert, and fits Saudi Arabia perfectly. I believe this could correctly mean a country rather then just a city because Saudi Arabia rides the Beast, not just the city Mecca. However, the city Mecca is a better fit for the city by the seven mountains. Revelation 17:5, And upon her forehead [was] a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON (NOT NEW YORK OR ROME) THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS and ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. This verse indicates that this system of worship has the following titles or attributes: *Mystery Babylon the Great *Mother of harlots *Abominations of the earth/land One thing is obvious: the Master is trying to show us something significant; that this is the same thing described by these three different titles and, interestingly, it is also called the abominations of the earth. In the same way the true Messiah has titles such as Immanuel, Yahveh with us, and the word of Yahveh. Again these are titles and the attributes of the true one. For Yahveh to call this the abominations of the earth is hugely significant, as this is not just some system of worship where its followers are minding their own business, but it has actively been an abomination before the Master. They are blaspheming His name day and night. 2 Thessalonians 2:11, And for this cause Yahveh shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe THE Lie. This is blasphemy to say Allah is great when we know Allah is not Yahveh. But, in reality, only Yahveh is great, so should it not be Yahveh Akbar? Who is Allah then? Satan disguised as Allah deceiving the Muslims, perhaps. The LIE is that Allah and Yahveh are merely different names for the Creator. Thats the LIE preached by the second beast-Saudi Arabia as a nation, Islam as a system, and anti-messiah in particular. Those who have bought into the beast, his mark, and his religion, will all believe the lie, as promoted by that false religion. Muslims recite that lie 5 times daily: There is no elohim but Allah and Mohammed his prophet. Now lets see what this second beast that brings life to the first beast, Islam, actually does during the last 7 years of this age. It is establishing the lie that is referred to in. 2 Thessalonians 2:2, That you be not soon shaken in mind, or troubled, neither by any ruach, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Messiah is at hand. 3, Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first... Apostasy in Greek, Rebellion in Aramaic. The rebellion of the beast and apostasy of Christianity. And that man of sin will be revealed, the son of perdition; The revealing of anti-messiah from the revived Ottoman Empire, the fourth and final beast of Daniel 7. 4, Who opposes... The word used here is ‘neged’ in Hebrew, meaning, opposed to, or opposite, contrary and against. He opposes, or is against the teachings of Yahshua of Nazareth by proclaiming himself as the way to Yahveh by good works alone, while Scripture teaches faith and obedience and the need for blood atonement; the Muslims practice a works-based redemption, as will this Islamic leader who will do likewise. ...and exalts himself above all that is called Elohim, or that is worshipped; so that he showing himself as Elohim... Showing himself, means he is trying to prove to himself that he is Yahveh because he controls the destiny of people who follow him. This person, the anti-messiah, is possessed by Satan. So we have to remember that Satan wanted to sit in the seat of Yahveh. So when the anti-messiah sits in the seat of Yahveh on the Temple Mount, he sits in the Muslim shrine of Al Aqsa Mosque and thinks to himself that he is Yahveh. It is clear that this person is not saying to the world I am Yahveh almighty, because Daniel 11:38 gives us the proper balanced understanding: But in his estate he [the anti-messiah] shall honor an elohim of fortresses/brutality [Allah]: and an Elohim which his fathers did not know he shall honor with gold and silver, with precious stones and pleasant things. Daniels text shows us that the anti-messiah himself worships an Elohim of jihad. The antimessiah is not proclaiming himself to be Yahveh, he is in essence saying, Look at me! I am like Yahveh, (Remember, Eve? You will be like Yahveh/God said the Serpent to Eve in the Garden), and I can control the destiny of all people just like Yahveh here on earth, and at my command I can have someone killed or give someone life. ...he as Elohim sits in the temple of Elohim... (II Thessalonians 2:4) Actually, the anti messiah, speaking the words of Islam, will enter the rebuilt Temple on Moriah, as the Aramaic word `Heykhala indicates. However, part of the rebuilt temple compound, or `Hekel in Hebrew, will include the existing abomination of desolation, the Al Aqsa Mosque, situated in the southwest corner of the temple mount today. Anti-messiah will first cause the sacrifices to cease in the rebuilt Temple, then walk just a few yards to the mosque and attempt to deceive the world that he is the Almighty. Both these events could conceivably happen in one day. The text is saying that he sits in the sanctuary. The word for sanctuary can also be translated as a heathen shrine, as opposed to the actual Temple. This is where anti-messiah is sitting, in the Al-Agsa mosque, the abomination of desolation, upon, or within the site of the ancient Moriah Temple, Yahveh’s former and future house. ...declaring himself to be Elohim. (II Thessalonians 2:4 This is a false and self-deluded declaration, as anti-messiah himself worships Allah, the deity of brute violent force. 2 Thessalonians. 2:5, Remember, that, when I was still with you, I told you these things? Paul taught them from the book of Daniel. 6, And now you know what withholds this; so that he might be revealed in his time. This withholding is done by Michael, the arch messenger. 7, For the mystery of lawlessness (Torah-less-ness) does already work: only he who now lets it will let it, until he be taken out of the way. This is a reference to Michael the arch messenger, who is said to be Israels Warring messenger. He will be taken out of the way by Yahveh, as prophesied in Daniel 12:1-2, when he is told to cease, or freeze in standing up for Israel, so that Jacobs Trouble, or the Tribulation, can commence. Once Michael is told to freeze, Islams attack against Jerusalem can begin. This does not refer to the Set-Apart Spirit, for clearly the Set-Apart Spirit is in the earth during that time, as seen by those who are saved and come to faith during that time. 8, And then shall that lawless (Torah-less) one be revealed... This is the anti-messiah, and ultimately the beast system he represents, will be revealed fully at the end of the Tribulation, three and a-half years later. No Jew, truly following Torah, is Torah-less; more proof that the anti-messiah is a Muslim. ...whom the Master shall consume with the spirit of His mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of His coming: An interesting use of words. Yahshua will use the light that He alone possesses to offset the claims of the anti-messiah, who claims to come bearing the false light of Islam. When Muhammad, the Muslim prophet was around, he had on many occasions equaled himself with Allah, by saying things that made him on par with Allah, meaning that on the day of judgment he would have the right of committing people to heaven or hell. To prove that Muhammad was the seal of the prophets, the Muslims even claimed that he was created from light, that he had no shadow, and that his body would not rot in the grave. 9, Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all unclean power and signs and lying wonders, This unclean power is obviously not from Yahveh, and neither is it Yahveh Himself. 10, With all deceit and unrighteousness in those that are perishing; because they received not the love of the truth that they might be saved. This is all unbelievers, specifically those trapped by the beast system, are represented by the antimessiah. 11, And for this reason, Yahveh shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe THE LIE: Those who have bought into the beast, his mark and his religion, will all believe the lie as promoted by that false religion. That lie is recited 5 times daily by Muslims. There is no elohim but Allah and Mohammed his prophet. 12, That they all might be damned who believed not the emet (truth), but had pleasure in unrighteousness. This is the same end-time revived Beast Empire and its followers who seem to derive joy from shedding innocent blood. The Second Beast, Anti-Messiah is revealed in Key Scriptures to identify him as the beast. KEY EVIDENCE--Revelation 17:10, There are also seven kings. Five have fallen [five past Empires], one is [6th, being Rome itself] and the other has not yet come [Islam not yet revealed]. And when he comes, he must continue a short time. Revelation 17:11, And the beast that was, and is not, is himself also the eighth, and is of the seven, and is going to perdition. Islam will have a brief closing. Thats the Ottoman Empire brought to a close, but not cut off, as Islam had to be revived again as predicted in Revelation 13:11. Here are points to note: -FIVE HAVE FALLEN: Five past Empires -ONE IS: 6th empire, the current Roman Empire in Johns day -The OTHER HAS NOT YET COME; The 7th Islamic Empire that was to come. -IS HIMSELF ALSO THE EIGHTH AND IS OF/FROM THE SEVEN; This is the Islamic empire that came and was the 7th and is also the 8th in its future revived form. Today we see this in the shape of radical Islam. The Anti-Messiah nations were never Europe or America at any point or time in history, neither will they be. The whole scenario is around Israel in the Middle East. It is the twelve tribes of Ishmael (the twelve sons of Ishmael, Genesis 17:20) versus the twelve sons of Israel (Genesis 49:28). This is a battle between darkness and light. Read: Psalm 83 Do any of these nations sound like Europe or the USA? The beast is overrunning with increasing intensity these days!!! Beware and be on guard. Read: Malachi 1:2-4 2, I have loved you, says Yahveh. Yet you say, In what way have You loved us? Was not Esau Jacobs brother? Says Yahveh: yet I loved Jacob, 3, And I hated Esau, and laid his mountains and his heritage waste for the jackals of the wilderness. 4, Yet Edom says, We are beaten down, but we will return and rebuild the desolate places. This says Yahveh of Hosts, They shall build, but I will throw down; and they shall call them, The borders of wickedness, and, The people against whom Yahveh has indignation forever. If the entire Scripture record is about Jacob versus Esau/Edom, it is impossible and inconsistent 13 for the unchanging Yahveh to suddenly change and make Jacobs beast enemy Rome, Europe, or the United States of America. When Yahveh, in Malachi 3:b, says He doesnt change, He means it! Jacobs ancient enemy is the revitalized end-time beast! It is Written! Listen to Fathers Word!, Not men with their vain imaginations and teachings. Remember? they have no teachings. Father in Spirit does... John The Elder The Spirit of the Bride The Spirit Church of God at Smyrna thechurchofsmyrna.blogspot/2013/12/121013-have-you-been-lied-into_10.html © 2013 The Church of Smyrna P.O. Box 2124 Canyon Country, CA 91390 thechurchofsmyrna.blogspot/2013/12/121013-have-you-been-lied-into_10.html https://facebook/TheTempleofYahvehatSmyrna
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 23:07:29 +0000

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