I, D.T.I.D, protest before you, the worthy work that i put in of - TopicsExpress


I, D.T.I.D, protest before you, the worthy work that i put in of the family into which I wish to be reborn, that I, with all my possessions, rank, honors, and titles which I hold in political society, am, at bottom, only a man; I can enjoy these things only through my fellow-dawgs, and through them also I may lose them. The approbation and consideration of my fellow-dawgs are indispensably necessary, and I must try to maintain them by all my S>S>S. These I will never use to the prejudice of love for my family, but will oppose, with all my might, the enemies of the human race, and of political society. I will embrace every opportunity of standing with my dawgs, by improving my understanding and my freedom, and by imparting all important knowledge, as the good and statures of this family requires of me. I bind myself to perpetual silence and unshaken loyalty and submission to the family, in the persons of my Elders; here making a faithful and complete surrender of my private judgment, my own will, and every narrow-minded employment of my power and influence. I pledge myself to account the might of the family as my own, and am ready to serve it with my fortune, my honor, and my blood. Should I, through omission, neglect, infiltrate , or cross, behave contrary to this mission of the family, I subject myself to what reproof or punishment my elders shall put on paper. The friends and enemies of the family shall be my friends and enemies; and with respect to both I will conduct myself as directed by the family, and am ready, in every lawful and unlawful, right or wrong, to devote myself to its increase and promotion, and therein to employ all my ability. All this I promise, and protest, with secret reservation, according to the intention of the family which require from me this engagement. This I do as I am, and as I hope to continue, a Man of L.L.R. Before the Oath is administered it is said -- a SHANK is pointed at the chest: shank to chest Shouldst thou become a traitor or perjurer,or snitch let this shank remind you of each and all the members in arms against thee. Do not hope to find safety; whithersoever thou mayest fly, shame and remorse as well as the vengeance of thine unknown brothers will torture and pursue thee. Then in the Oath which follows the family hear he swears by it and his work: S.S.S Shh Silence . . . Eternal silence, and faithfulness and everlasting obedience to all elders and regulations of the family. I also renounce my own personal views and opinions as well as all control of my powers and capacities. I promise also to consider the well-being of the family as my own, and I am ready, as long as I am a family member, to serve it with my rep, my honor, and my life . . . If I act against the rules and well-being of the family, I will submit myself to the penalties to which my elders may condemn me . . . the Crucified Dawg In the name of the elders crucified (i.e. the family, the illuminated dawgs), swear to break the bonds which still bind you to your father, mother, brothers, sisters, wife, relatives, friends, mistresses, politicians, hustlers, benefactors, and all persons to whomsoever you may have promised faith, obedience, and service. Name and curse the place where you were born, so that you may dwell in another sphere, to which you will attain only after having renounced this pestilential life, vile refuse of the promised! From this moment you are free from the so-called oath to country and laws: swear to reveal to the new benefactor , recognized by you, what you may have seen or done, intercepted, read or heard, learned or surmised, and also seek for and spy out what your eyes cannot discern. Honour and respect the family (dawgs) as a sure, prompt, and necessary means,putting work in by death of those who seek to destroy the power and seize it from our hands. you will only grow. 47th Proposition of Hades (The Trinity of Illuminism -- Cabalistic and Gnostic. The Father -- the generating fire; the prison warlords -- the Great Mother ,PRISON:of the family, reproducing all things; the dawgs -- the manifestation, the vital fluid, the astral light of Illuminism is the rebirth given by prison ,our mother, and our pops who lead us to the Illuminism). May the light of our elders keep our way till darkness surcombs us..... Degrees in family..... Novice (Iº) Illuminated Minor (IIº) Illuminated Major and Illuminated Minor (IIIº) (Apprentice IVº, Vº Companion and Master VIº) Illuminated intervention Leader ( VIIº) inspector (IXº) Illuminated Priest (Xº) Illuminated Arms Prince (XIº) Philosopher (XIIº) Man King (XIIIº) Elder (XIVº)
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 12:54:33 +0000

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