I DARESAY BY AMICUS On behalf of the great University of Kabianga - TopicsExpress


I DARESAY BY AMICUS On behalf of the great University of Kabianga let me express my deepest gratitude for the privilege of addressing this confluence of intellectuals. Methinks it is opportune to welcome our new intellectual acquaintances into this ubiquitous amicus column, hence the abandon of kindergarten English. Forsooth, it is exhilarating to become a member of the crème de la crème or the software of this country.To the freshmen from hostel six to hostel seven, know that you have turned a new page in your life deep down in this endless tea plantation ,so you better start annotating on this new page.I want to expend some time expatiating what is and always will remain turpsy turvey to the freshmen I know. At the core of incomprehension is jumping into the bandwagon .To my acquaintances what will be disturbing is to learn to be comfortable in your skin so as not to be deracinated from the good that you harbour . Having joined the thinking circuits, never allow somebody to think for you .Sometimes I meet people quoting fellow humans as if they are infallible just because of some ‘advise’ and it peeves .In lieu of quoting baseless things, you had better start going out of you way to generate ideas, remember that reading is meant to make us enjoy life and not the converse and you help yourself to stay open minded. I place a lot of premiums on food to my brain and I hope you do as well not because of exams but because learning is ,irrefutably, good in and of itself .It causes a lot of discomfiture to spot a fellow trying to ape what he/she hardly understands .I come from the school of thought that University is a miniaturised life of the omnibus world .so if you are decked in your regalia that does not please the next person then that does not sully matters .In a nutshell, campus has sufficient latitude to make you think and act you in own capacity at least by dint of the UN charter. Countless are the number of times that I meet contemporaries wondering whether Kabianga is global. In my own standpoint and that of many others, every village in the world is part of the globe and therefore global. so, Detroit is not more global than K’ogello hence your answer .It is self defeating and almost immoral to expend a lot of time goofing(in orgies, partying, drinking,et al. ) and rush to surmise that your University is not offering what you expect-that is tantamount to defamation. Let this fall like a sledge hammer, as the adage goes “life is a series of choices”. So , rely on your volition. Do know before you make erroneous statements and do not demonise so easily .I beseech you, for the good of course ,to use principles and not dogmas .The former has reasons whereas the latter does not .No matter what you do in campus you will excel (if you want) in whatever you do because the God of Isaac, Jacob does not create inferior humans.I say that as a believer in the Judeo- Christian teachings. As for now I beg to leave to fight another day, but theretofore if, in anyway, you abhor the views raised here and label me anything ,I am willing to bear the imputations and ask for forbearance ,forthwith. The views expressed herein are singularly the writer’s. I don’t mean to be infallible, I am just human perhaps more fallible than I thought. The writer is a Lilliputian figure in the school of science (Applied statistics with computing).Rodgers o RODGERS(AMICUS)
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 10:26:25 +0000

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