I DEDICATE THIS TO ALL MY FEMALE FRIENDS, FANS & ALL LADIES OUT THERE “It’s a long article but take you time and read it all” Many girls of today no longer have TRUE LOVE. They are all about finding a self- contained man who will suffocate them with loads of money and other material things. They forget that material things and money are just temporary. They can fade way but true natural love never dies. They forget that money can’t buy real love and happiness. Others are so desperate of getting married. They think that years are against them. They forget that God has a plan for each and every one. Now they start cheating on their boyfriends with those mature men out there because they think that they have got it all. They forget that men of today are also clever. They well know that girls of this generation are so much into material things, money and getting married. So they blind them with fake sugar coated lies like “I WILL MARRY YOU IF…..OR IF YOU QUIT YOUR BOYFRIEND. I WILL BUY FOR YOU A PIECE OF LAND & BUILD FOR YOU A HOUSE IF.…I WILL TAKE YOU TO A DRIVING SCH AND THEN BUY YOU AN CAR OF YOUR CHOICE IF….I’LL OPEN FOR YOU A BUSINESS IF….”and many other sorts of naked lies. Majority of these types of men never disclose true information concerning them to these girls. They keep them as secrets. Some are already having children, a woman or women to cater for, and others are already married. The money hungry girls get weak hearted and end up giving in their fragile hearts and precious bodies to them. They never ask themselves several questions like these, “This man already has a woman and kids; will he give me his true love? The woman he has already produced for him kids, why didn’t he marry her? Will this sweet talking man seriously love & marry me like the way he promises me? When I give in, won’t he do the same things to me like the ones he’s doing to the woman he already has? Won’t I regret? How will the woman he already has feel when she gets to know that I snatched her man? Will I be in peace? What if it were me when some other lady out there is trying to take my man wouldn’t I be hurt? He says that he’ll build for me a house yet even I haven’t produced for him a kid! Will he really fulfill it? Why didn’t he build it for the other woman he already has kids with? I’m I the only young girl he has told these lies? Aren’t there other girls out there that he is telling/that he told such lies and then ended up not fulfilling them but just using their bodies and dumping them? Who I’m I for him to do all that for me? Fine, He told me he has kids and a woman out there that they separated but is it true? What proof does he show me? Aren’t they staying together? He tells me he will quit his woman for me but will he really do it? And many other sorts of vital questions! Now these girls end up chucking their long time boyfriends who have TRUE UNCONDITIONAL LOVE for them and they fall in love with these MATURE OLD MEN. They have that mentality in them that if they stick with their boyfriends till they get to be well-off that they’ll end up quitting them but they also forget that also those rich men can quit them. There’s no guarantee that they’ll stay forever with those old men. Others have seen it happening to their friends but they forget that people are different. Now these girls end up being used and dumped like trash. These men start seeing no value in them, they start stepping on them as doormats. They then decrease the care, they start disrespecting them and beating them like they are their punching bags. Others girls get infected with viral incurable diseases by these men. Now the relationship turns to be like hell. They start wishing and regretting why they dumped their loving boyfriends but when it’s too late. My dear sisters out there please be contented with the guy that God has given you. There is a reason why he did so. Love your guy and be proud of him. Don’t love him with high expectations. Stop craving for old men out there with oodles of money and other material things. Don’t accept to be blinded. Be relaxed with the guy you already have. Fine he may not be perfect in everything but if you really love him, stick by him, be part of his struggles, comfort and encourage each other not to lose hope, support each other and God will help you succeed together. Play your part well and the rest hand to God to deal with it. Remember there’s nothing that can fail God. If you have trust in him he’ll make your relationship succeed. Think about it and if you are doing some dirty games behind your partner better stop them today. You are wasting your own time, God is watching you day and night and he’s not happy with what you are doing. This is my own write up. I have written it depending on my own research, experience and knowledge. It’s not all about anyone. I dedicate it to all my female friends and fans out there. And if I have tagged you in this status just know you are among my best friends. So thanks for the pure friendship and take care of yourselves. Sorry it was quite a long write up but I think it has been helpful to you. Have a nice day and God be with you all.
Posted on: Fri, 13 Sep 2013 06:22:41 +0000

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