I DEY LAUGH OOO > Titan • 4 days ago △ ▽ The North - TopicsExpress


I DEY LAUGH OOO > Titan • 4 days ago △ ▽ The North has ruled the country legally(democratically) and illegally (military) for 37 out of the 53 years. The South is very comfortable with this inequality. Sadly, 80 per cent of Southerners who see this article will not read it! Note: This article was not developed to ascribe to the entire Northern Nigeria the selfish antics and machination of a few individuals who belong to the region. It would be unfair to do that. Also, this article was developed not with the intention of causing incitement, but if it does – so f__king what?! 1. An average Northerner acquires a cheap transistor radio-set in order to gain political awareness from broadcasting structures such as BBC (Hausa Service), Radio Nigeria, etc. This practice has made the region the most politically-aware region in Nigeria. On the hand, an average Southerner, typically, acquires expensive smartphones equipped with FM radio receiving capability. Instead, they would rather listen to inane songs like “Your Waist”, “Skelewu”,“Ginger Your Swagger”, “NoGede”, etc. 2. Unlike the South, the North understands the importance of numbers in politics. This is why, by all strategic means necessary, the North ensures that they have a larger representation at the National Assembly. 3. Northerners don’t shout, scream, vent and speak “big grammar” to prove that they are politically intelligent on political programmes on TV and radio. Instead, they shout, scream, vent, kick, punch, taekwondo, etc on the floor of the National Assembly to promote a cause that is in their favour. The reverse is the case for the Southerners. 4. Southern graduates/job seekers consider the public sector (government institutions) an unfashionable place for employment. Meanwhile, the Northerners massively recruit and entrench themselves into the public sector and manipulate themselves up the ranks. While all these are going on, their southern brothers and sisters spend years languishing in the labour market for the elusive jobs in blue chip organizations. Yet, Southerners complain of marginalization in the public sector. 5. For some weird reasons, the South is always frightened when the North make political pronouncements. Even weirder – for some inexplicable reasons, Senators and House of Representative members from the South appear to be too timid to oppose their northern counterparts during legislative sessions. 6. According to the gospel of the North – the Northerners were born to rule. That is, leadership (of Nigeria) is their exclusive preserve. By extension, the Southerners were born to be led! Interestingly, certain actions of some Southerners support this belief. 7. The North has more (unrated) billionaires (in Dollars) than any region in Nigeria. For instance, a certain Alhaji Mai Deribe (an oil well licensee) would certainly laugh each time Forbes releases its ratings and his name is not listed. 8. The North doesn’t produce crude oil, but the Northern Senators had the temerity to oppose the 10% host community funds. The Southern legislators find nothing wrong in that, so long as it doesn’t affect their “constituency allowances”. 9. {Singing}Come and see Nigeria wonder! (2x) Statistical absurdity of the grandest order is stating that Kano is more populous than Lagos! Dear friends, even science have proved from simple demographic distribution patterns across the globe that population increases as we move from the hinterland (desert/Savannah region) to the coast– but in the case of Nigeria, the North which lies in the arid zone, is more populous than the South – by a deviously doctored census report. Okay o! We dey look. 10. The North have ruled the country legally (democratically) and illegally (military) for 37 out of the 53 years. The South is very comfortable with this inequality. 11. The North is the chief proponent of the“quota system” and “federal character” principle – a system that was crafted to sacrifice merit on the altar of “national oneness”. In simple terms, even the most unqualified gets a slot in sensitive national projects. 12. Northern law-makers at the National Assembly- typically – rally amongst themselves to promote legislations that favours their region (e.g. pedophilic laws). Southern law-makers typically rally amongst themselves to promote legislations that will increase their salaries and constituency allowances.
Posted on: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 14:15:44 +0000

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