I DID IT!!!!!! (Beware, super mushy, loooooong novel ahead) What - TopicsExpress


I DID IT!!!!!! (Beware, super mushy, loooooong novel ahead) What a freekin hard 4 and a half years its been. Left school when I was 14, had no education what so ever, HATED school with a passion. WASTED my teenage years away doing nothing. Got myself pregnant and had a son at age 18! One of the most hardest times in my life yet so rewarding. Then another child at 20. Became a single mum a few years later with 2 children and was such a dark lonely place to be. I decided to change my situation and better myself and have a better life for my children. It was scary and I didn;t know if I could do it. Faced SO MANY massive hurdles and got slammed by lots of judgmental, nasty people but I overcame it and knew I could do it! While I had some nasty people in the background, I was lucky enough to always have supportive, positive people in the foreground who always cheered me on and believed in me. A huge part of my success is thanks to them. The support I had while single with children was incredible, the love I have always had surrounding me was honestly the only thing that got me through sometimes. I got pregnant unexpectedly again throughout my studies, and again some huge trials were overcome throughout this, I was ready to throw in the towel more than once, but I perservered and hung in there. Even through all the heart aches and trials I was thrown into I have come out the other end with such a feeling of pride and satisfaction that I have become something, this is the biggest achievement in my life ever. I NEVER thought I would feel like this and be here now 10 years ago. I DIDNT BECOME A STATISTIC!!!! Thank you so much to everyone who believed in me and supported me and most of all loved me enough to help me realize I am worth more. My incredible husband Shane, you sure have put up with a lot. Late night editing, re-writing, cup of tea making, being grumped at, told off (lol), child rearing and just all round amazing everything. Thanks for always encouraging me, supporting me with my dreams, loving me and sacrificing so much so I could finish this. YOU are a phenomenal man and I LOVE you so very much. What a blessing you are for our children and I. Wish you were there last night, but like always, youre sacrificing this to look after us xxx To my mum Karen, my number one cheerleader who has always stuck right next to me, pulled me up when I was down, believed in me and loved me no matter what, YOU are the reason I am here Mum and I am so grateful and blessed for everything you did/do for me. The babysitting, printing, dropping off assignments, cooking, cleaning, putting up with tantrums (lol), the love, the support, the never ending unconditional everything you have given me is astounding. You are one in a million mum and I love you for everything. My Dad, babysitting, having me come over every day to eat all your food when I was single mamma, laughing with me, helping me understand, cheering me on, believing in me and always loving me unconditionally, Im SO blessed God gave me such an incredible man to call my Dad. I thank him for you everyday and am SO blessed to have a man that always knew I could do it. All those cards you have written to me always said so, and now I believe them! :) Love you DAD xx To my extraordinary sisters, Holly and Toni. What can I say, being the baby if the family, being a single mum who had no direction in life, no self worth and sometimes, the world against me, these two amazing ladies have only EVER encouraged my hopes and dreams, listened to my tears, hugged me, lifted me up, made me laugh and ALWAYS believed in me no matter what. I am SO grateful for everything you have both done for me. Your hearts are so giving, caring and filled with compassion. I admire you both and thanks for always believing in me too. TOTALLY blessed to have you as my sisters. ALSO THANKS TO MY BEAUTIFUL CHILDREN!!! They have put up with so much, yelling, grumping, being neglected (for study of course!), a sad depressed mum, seeing my tears, cuddling me when I was sad, picking me daisies from the overgwon lawn, and for always thinking I am the most amazing mum ever, even when I didnt/dont feel like it. You guys are the reason I did this and thank you for everything. Lastly, thanks to all of my AMAZING supportive friends, who also always believed in me. For the late night Phone calls, the babysitting, the laughs, the tears, the chats, the hugs, the feeds, the lend (lol) and just for being the incredible friend you are. I love you all SO much and am truly, utterly blessed to have you as friends. The world is a brighter place because of you all. Sitting in the graduation ceremony last night and seeing all of the super incredible people who have gained PHDs or Masters degrees, university scholars, Doctors of philosophy/education, I was inspired by them all. The kuia, matua, men and women who study to benefit us. I thought that can be me one day and I am SO going to be them one day. This is only the start of what is to come!! So for everyone reading this who is thinking the same as I did, you CAN do it, you ARE able, and you WILL get there. I did it, YOU CAN TOO! So here I am!!! My life is AMAZING! I didnt become a statistic!!! I AM A WIFE, I AM A MUM, I AM A SISTER, I AM A DAUGHTER, I AM A FRIEND, I AM A SUPERWOMAN, I AM A GRADUATE, I AM A TEACHER!!!!!!! And I AM FREEKIN worth it!!! YEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 22:51:38 +0000

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