**I DIDNT WRITE THIS, THEYRE WISE WORDS FROM A DECENT MAN** Im calling shenanigans for one reason Men are often taught not to be emotionally available for one. For two all this talk about making her a priority. Today most women dont make a man a priority. I just finished dealing with a moron who was playing nothing but games and thought she was a DIVA. She had multiple personalities and thought LOVE IN HIP HOP was real. If a man is into you he will make time and effort and show you. If a man aint interested he just aint. The Diva tried to throw tantrums and question my attraction to her. Well lets face it when one minute you act normal and the next you trying to act GHETTO FABULOUS, its hard to be attracted to a confused person. As well when you catch people in blatant lies who try to place blame on you then really there was is no interest besides Im passing time. Ladies relationships are not about you and you alone. SADLY TOO MANY OF YOU THINK ITS ALL ABOUT YOU AND WHAT YOU WANT. If a man is doing his business and it take a lot of time the last thing he wants his a woman who is HIGH MAINTENANCE AS WELL. Most of the times if I have a HIGH MAINTENANCE JOB (takes up a lot of my time) I just want a girl next door thats happy and appreciative of the small things I do. HIGH MAINTENANCE WOMEN ARE WORTHLESS. THEY EXIST ONLY TO BE USED FOR IMAGE. A lot of them are smart but think they are more than they actually are
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 00:13:45 +0000

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