I DO NOT ACCEPT THIS RESPONSE. I WILL DRAFT MY COUNTER AND POST IT ON HERE FOR EVERYONE TO INPUT! On June 19, 2014, the business provided the following information: Mud Factor would like to again apologize to this participant that did not receive the event that they were expecting and respond to this complaint by addressing the following issues we felt were significant: *Medical Staffing/Drinking Water* Medical professionals are present at every Mud Factor event. We believe that they are the silent warriors waiting in case of an emergency, but not at the forefront. They occupy a position within the festival area, with radios to our staff and access to off-road vehicles to navigate the course. A full standby ambulance with licensed paramedic and emts on board is prepared for emergencies and ready in case of transport. Water is carefully calculated in proportion to the number of participants registered. There is a water station at the half way point and finish line with volunteers helping. The final participants did not have water at the finish line due to unexpected use of water. Our volunteers were unaware and let many of the participants use the drinking water to rinse off their faces, etc and used more than the calculated amount. Mud Factor staff handed out their personal water/gatorade to accommodate the last group through the finish line. *Customer Service* After receiving several complaints from one particular group of participants, Mud Factor issued a response to those we had heard from at our customer service email, info@mudfactor as seen below, At Mud Factor we promote 5K running events that are intended to serve as a fun day of social athleticism for you, your friends and your family. While every event is different, we always strive to deliver a quality experience for (you) our valued participants. Having said that, when our office staff returned to work today we were extremely disappointed that we had an unusual amount of emails from dissatisfied participants expressing their frustration with the event in Lincoln a few days ago. Mentioned were several issues ranging from lack of mud and obstacles, to previous years finishers medals seemed to be among the failures. Please accept our sincerest apologies for our entire teams failure to live up to the expectations that we also hold ourselves to on a daily basis. We are meeting as a team this week to address all of the concerns from this weeks event and we will be focusing on making sure that this situation is never repeated, that all of our participants can feel appreciated and that they received the event that was expected. After receiving many additional complaints from the same party, we drafted a secondary email which was sent out in response to the increasing threats/demands. See below, Thank you for writing to us, we truly appreciate our participants and take into consideration all of our compliments and complaints. We are always striving to make these events better! In customer service, we truly appreciate respectful correspondence. To be honest, there are special challenges that come with our Midwest events: the unpredictable weather (snow last year), flat terrain that prevent use of our inflatable slides, limited water access and diminishing registrations. To address your concerns regarding Facebook, we have spoken with that department and do not condone the way that was handled. Simply put, their efforts were well intentioned - they wanted to reserve our FAN Page for Fans and not dissatisfied customers. There are many people that did enjoy this event and for them to immediately come to a page that is overwhelmed with negativity diminishes their own experience at Mud Factor. There are other outlets for review, comments and feedback from our company. We do our best to make a great event despite these challenges. At Mud Factor we promote 5K running events that are intended to serve as a fun day of social athleticism for you, your friends and your family. While every event is different, we always strive to deliver a quality experience for (you) our valued participants. Having said that, when our office staff returned to work today we were extremely disappointed that we had emails from dissatisfied participants expressing their frustration with the event. We are meeting as a team this week to address all of the concerns from this weeks event. We will be focusing on making sure that this situation is never repeated, that all of our participants can feel appreciated and that they received the event that was expected. Our customer service agents answer every email that is received in our inbox info@mudfactor and all of the compliments/complaints we received from this event were answered within 48 hours. Facebook is not the appropriate avenue for customer service complaints and Scott responded correctly by directing this participant to our customer service email, where we have trained employees able to answer and address their concerns. *Water Slide/Obstacles* A variety of natural and man-made obstacles are used according to current conditions, assets on location and plans from our Event Course Planner. At no time are any particular obstacles promised or guaranteed. We had venue-specific contract issue late Friday/early Saturday and were not able to use the water truck at the event. Rather than having participants run around the water-slide we had volunteers pouring buckets of water down with each group.
Posted on: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 05:53:39 +0000

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