I DO NOT SUPPORT the unfortunate incident that took place today - TopicsExpress


I DO NOT SUPPORT the unfortunate incident that took place today within ODM. A leader is a leader and must be respected. There are ways of ejecting them (so to speak) from their positions should concerns about their performances be found to be valid. I DO NOT SUPPORT the following statement attributed to Magerer K J Langat: MY PARTY IS DEAD AND RAILA ODINGA SHOULD RETIRE FROM POLITICS. That is NOT something that I want to hear before 2017 much less from an Executive Director of my party being paid nearly 1MILLION shillings among other benefits to make sure that the party is NOT DEAD! I DO NOT SUPPORT that even after the media reported the above, Magerer is said to have told sources that he would be calling a press conference not to deny or confirm the above, not to issue a public statement about the said meeting in Nakuru and what was reported but to SPILL THE BEANS about Raila Odinga! I DO NOT SUPPORT the unending threats of spilling the beans, spilling the beans, spilling the beans by those who have worked for Raila Odinga and ODM when the beans being spilt actually turn out to be fake or genetically modified! Books and books have been written by those who have or had access to Raila Odinga even to his private toilet, local and international press conferences have been called, Jeff Koinange has hosted over 1MILLION talk shows on his JKL, public rallies have been called, funded and held across corners of Kenya, ALL FOR THE PURPOSES OF SPILLING BEANS. But Raila Odinga has remained yule yule, mweupe kama pamba, a darling of the people. No amount of FAKE BEANS spilt have been able to alter even with an inch how the people feel, view or believe in Jakom. I DO NOT SUPPORT THAT OUTFOXERS HAVE ALWAYS TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF ODMS TOLERANCE, DINING AND WINING WITH THE OTHER SIDE AT THE FAMOUS WESTON HOTEL ON LANGATA ROAD, THEN COMING HOME TO SLEEP ON OUR BED WITH A KNIFE HELD HELD TIGHT ON THEIR HANDS! There are valid concerns and as Justus Atuti has said, A time has come for our leaders to use their words responsibly. It disturbs members that our party has entrusted top leadership on greedy individuals. If you are not happy with ODM, Kenya has many parties. Freely cross the floor. The whip should crack on members who pretend to be with us, but who actually are only using our party and our leaders as a platform to sell themselves out and exit at the end of the day. Its better to have one loyal member than a million pretenders. TNA has always told those who are not loyal to Uhuru Kenyattas policies including harambees to pack and leave. URP has worked to frustrate, punish, or even impeach leaders who they believe are not loyal to William Ruto. Kalonzo Musyoka recently on his return from China cracked the whip on those that he referred to as party moles. I DO NOT SUPPORT that now, as George Njoroge says, the Nation and the Standard and other Kenyan media wants to start following him and Murkomen all over the Kipsigis areas where they will be shouting how Raila Odinga does not want Kalenjins. It is the same script they used with Ruto where they amplified every stupid propaganda he uttered against Raila. Today the truth has emerged and the propaganda has all gone. Now they need new ammunition. And here it is for them. Wait for tomorrows headline for a start. Magarer has already been funded and given advisors to help him achieve maximum effect among the Kipsigis. Lastly, I DO NOT SUPPORT that ODM youth and MCAs chose to quickly believe what had been reported in the STAR NEWSPAPER even though I have always been told by the same people not to TRUST, the Kenyan media as they are government controlled. Much less the Star which has links to Evans Kidero, an ODM governor working with TNA. Why and how did ODM believe, at first reading, what was reported by this newspaper?
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 03:07:41 +0000

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