I DO NOT condone terrorism, extremists or anyone that sees - TopicsExpress


I DO NOT condone terrorism, extremists or anyone that sees violence against others for whatever reasons ( religious, political or their own absurd views whatever they may be) in any way shape or form as being OK. It is abhorrent and should not be tolerated in any way. BUT I ALSO.. DO think that it is best to educate yourself before you post stuff that is just as bad - Posts which are propaganda or just plain shit made up to stir up even more shit. Look at your sources and make sure they are reliable (you will find that most have a hidden agenda anyway) This is all smelling like the next witch hunt of the 21st century. First it is all stirred up by governments that are corrupt and are trying to hide the crap that they have created by instilling fear into the people and then the people run with that fear and spread it like a bloody virus. Now by reposting hate posts are the new weapon of choice! Hate encouraging posts ..thats hwat they are - they offer no help, no answers, no solutions - Instead of targeting the WHOLE we need to target those who are the heads of these horrid extremist organisations. Remember blaming all women in the 1600s (which people did through fear mongering) lead to the witch hunts of that era. How many women were really to blame? Or was the blame really with somebody else? And what about the Jews (by the Nazis in WW2) who were targeted and all hearded off to concentration camps while everyone turned a blind eye. Were they ALL to blame really? Be very careful before you turn into someone who so easily points their finger at a majority of people who have nothing to do with the extremist FEW! Get those nutters for sure - but dont blame the innocent for the idiocracy of the radicals. I am a child of parents who came through war, who were removed from their country of origin through radicals who saw family and loved ones killed and who had to come to a safe haven so that they could get on with their lives ( thank goodness that they were accepted with open arms and given a chance or I would not be here enjoying everything that Australia has to offer) But they suffered because of the RADICAL few who went on a massive ego trip and felt that it was their right to take over the whole world. Radicalism needs to be stifled - BUT TARGET THE ONES THAT DESERVE IT - not the innocent ones stuck in the middle. STOP SPREADING HATE against whole nations of people - when are people going to understand that that is not OK. You are just doing the same thing that has been done time and time again - Its so easy to hate - just jump on the bandwagon. Its harder to understand. And to work out what is the TRUTH and what is total bullshit and garbage.
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 00:18:28 +0000

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