I DONT SEE THE GOVERNMENT HAVING THE FACE OF KENYA ANYTIME SOON.... There has been this hue and cry about the Jubilee government appointments; that they dont portray the face of Kenya. Though it may seem somehow (just 1%) true, I personally object to the inclusion of tribe in the main decision making and implementing organs in government. I know you are now itching and burning red-hot ready to brand me all kind of names, including your obvious one, a tribalist.... Hold your horses and chill. Jubilee government came into power after majority of Kenyans agreed to their agenda and vision for Kenya. They, just like the others, had a manifesto which was their blueprint. Assumption to power gave them a mandate to fulfil their promises to Kenyans, which Kenyans will use as a yardstick to judge them in 2017. Their percentage score then will be the determinant factor whether Kenyans will give them a second shot to power. Considering the high stakes involved, UHURUTO cant conteplate having anyone to surbotage their agenda for Kenya. Flashback: The previous nusu mkate government witnessed a bitter struggle between the president and the prime minister over almost everything to a point where hardly any government programme moved. The prime minister was supposed to direct the work of government, providing a strong leadership to the legislative and executive branches and to help overcome partisan squabbles. But it was all hell! Among the parliamentarians and cabinet members, there was considerable friction, based on jealousy of relations with the President and animosity over policy. They generally didnt get along very well. There were differences over ideology, ethics and personality. The problem then was that each leader wanted his own policies to be carried out so that the public was positive toward their strategies and would be elected when the time came. Because each party was in competition, there was little room for progression since the friction between both sides held each other back. Both sides of the political divide could not reconcile such levity with their countrys good—or their own offended dignity. Theoretically, government leaders should remain strictly non-partisan. Whilst leaders of the same political spectrum help each other in decision-making when in power simultaneously, cohabitation leads to a decline in national authority and make the country appear outwardly insecure. In Kenya, tribal loyalty outweights nationalism and patriotism. Ethnic differences overshadow the strong endorsement for our constitution. Majority don’t care much about the policies of any government. All they worry is the power to bring members of their tribe in important positions. Tribal loyalties have historically taken precedence over policy. CORD leadership have now planted a seed of destruction because they organize their politics around tribes. The so-called divide-and-rule policies adopted by the CORD principals to create distrust among ethnic groups and undermine those who question to their dirty tactics has made it very difficult for any of their people to join government. No person, especially in Luo Nyanza and the Luhya nation, has the guts now to rise above tribalism to join with Jubilee Government to foster policies to fight unemployment and foster economic growth that will benefit the poor. They fear being branded traitors and get finished politically. The CORD 3 have worked so hard to enforce a hardline stance amongst their people who now cannot risk being seen to dine and sleep with the enemy. Thus, this fear among the Jubilee administration that absorbing some of this people would puncture their wheel of development through internal subbotage. The fear of some opposition moles working to pull down the government from within is real. It has happened before and can happen again. We have seen it in the civil service and even in our forces. Such feeling cannot be removed, especially when, at the core of it, Kenya’s politics are tribal. The problem with Kenya is that there is a lack of a known and categorised Kenyan identity that allows unity regardless of tribal identity.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 09:35:44 +0000

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