I DONT THINK YALL HEAR ME SO I MUST PREECH ABOUT THE MILKY WAY CENTER ARRIVAL AGAIN AND REPEAT= the sun isnt our star its our star in the middle of the earth while our planet connects to Sirius C and the sun might have an affect on the earths affairs but so does the other planets and other stars do to and what is the sun doing for Neptune with the sun ray? nothing because neptune is a very cold planet with no sun ray at all lmaoo so that proof the sun isnt our star because if it was then the system will be arrange on a certain way so that all of our planets that come from our solar system get sun energy from the sun, correct? and our system isnt heliocentric or geocentric its spiralcentric because it spirals like the DNA just like how the milky way spirals down to the center to make earth split into 5D and 3D and put a liberation between the low vibrational beings and high vibrational beings and our spiralcentric system is within this spiraling milky way, thats a simple understanding of cosmic nature lmfaooo and this is why where headed towards the center of the milky way and you dont use astrology to determine whether our sun is our main star or not, you use metaphysics instead and a metaphysical example would be our trees in our planet being our trees because metaphysically it comes from our planet, so why are you looking up? why are you looking at the sun like its our star? yes its helpful for our planet astrologically but its not ours metaphysically, its the star in the center of our earth thats our main star and if anything it would be Sirius C if it wasnt the star in the middle of our earth because our earth has connection to Sirius C and saying the sun is our main star is like saying martian ocean from mars is our main ocean when we have oceans here on our planet called pacific ocean and Atlantic ocean lmaoo why would you name something thats not in our planet? that doesnt make sense and the sun is not even in the middle like how your saying it, our system is spiraling and even if it wasnt spiraling like the DNA what does location have to do with rank? the sun being in the middle doesnt make the star have a high rank and there is more to life then astrology so why does ranks of stars have to depend on astrology and not metaphysics or other studies of nature? 0_o ummmmmm how about you start off looking at the surface of the earth and then think about whats in the middle of our earth, why wont you do that? why are you looking at a star that isnt from our planet? what does astrology have to do with the star being our main star? how about the main star is the middle of the earth because its in our planet metaphysically, you never thought of that? lmaoo and is the sun so called Nibirus star? no, so you cant say the sun is so called Nibirus star just because so called Nibiru participates with our centric system and comes around the sun lol you dont use astrological thinking or astrological locations to decode metaphysical ranks
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 04:02:46 +0000

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