I DONT UNDERSTAND WHY THESE PEOPLE ARE COMMING TO USA? THEY ARE GETTING JOBS IN USA,SO WHO IS GUILTY FIRST? I DONT LIKE TO SAY THIS BUT WHY AMERICANS DONT GET IT? WHY ANY AMERICAN DONT SAY A WORD,WHY THEY CAME AT A COST? RISKNG THEIR LIFE? WHO IS WILLING TO WORK HARD JOBS FOR LITTLE? THESE ILLEGALS HAVE BAD SITUATIONS IN THEIR COUNTRY., AS THEIR POLITICIANS DONT CARE? I AM TO POST ONLY COMMENTS MADE BY AMERICAN PEOPLE. AND I AM LEARNING FROM YOU. THANKS Hnikuor 5 hours ago 0 126 Fact is America has been the most compassionate country in the world and yet both Illegals and Bleeding Hearts love to disparage and curse it! Fact is theres a time for being smart as well and for protecting the interests and laws that made us strong in the first place. Our principal are of compassion, but not to the point of recklessness and stupidity. Call us racist, shake your fist, were closing the border100% indefinitely until this invasion ceases. To push waves of Women and Children as Human Shields is deplorable.Time to stop being stupid. . Expand Replies (2) Reply . . . Sunshine2 4 hours ago 0 67 There are no free passes once you get here for those entering the US without authorization, Johnson said. ==== did his nose grow? Do a search on: Obama delivers 290,000 illegals to U.S. homes. Also look up: government advertised for workers to escort illegal aliens. That ad ran last January! And theyre escorting them around the country to families who were already here illegally. Now do a search on who your congress person is and email them to let them know what you think about all of this. . Expand Replies (4) Reply . . . RetiredAnalyst 3 hours ago 0 56 Our message to those who come here illegally: our border is not open to illegal migration. There is a deportation proceeding that has commenced against illegal migrants -- including children, the domestic security chief said. Another administration lie. In his June, 2012 Executive Order, Obama said we would stop deporting alien children. HE INVITED THEM! The Mexican cartels, never adverse to opportunity, now charge a fee to transport these children through Mexico from countries to the south to be dumped on our borders.The Mexican government either cant or wont stop it. Liberals assert, frequently, that we are not the worlds police force. Neither are we the worlds orphanage. During the desperate Haitian migration of the boat people, we turned them away. We should be doing so now. Put them back across the border and let the government of Mexico deal with the problem that it facilitated. . Expand Replies (2) Reply . . . Stina 5 hours ago 2 217 I live in a border state that is being overrun with illegals. The hands of our border patrol have been tied. Border patrol officers are no longer allowed to use guns unless fired upon. They have been issued pellet guns and tazers. If illegals throw rocks at them, they are required to back off. A Mexican Teen that was Killed By Border Patrol recently was ruled as being Protected By the U.S. Constitution, even though he was a MEXICAN! So now that border patrol officer is able to be sued! Illegal immigrant crime is soaring and the police are hamstrung by court orders to not even ask if someone they stop is illegal, and DHS/ICE refuse to respond to their requests about status. These illegals are getting free medical screenings while our veterans die waiting for one. I have no doubt that this whole crisis thing is being carefully orchestrated by the obama administration to give enough reason to enact his Amnesty desires! Our rights as citizens are being ignored. Forget this reform #$%$, ENFORCE OUR LAWS THAT YOU SWORE TO UPHOLD OBAMA! Citizens rights demand it. Citizens are NOT second class people in America. ENFORCE THE LAW! . Expand Replies (24) Reply . . . Shonda 3 hours ago 0 38 Think about this folks, if we were to arrive in any other country like Mexico (with a permitted weapon)-We would be arrested, beaten, and maybe killed! What really makes me upset is that MY Husband Fought for this Country THE LAND OF THE FREE! SO I THOUGHT! Obama allows others to fly their FLAGS ON AMERICA soil! Total disrespect! We are IN AMERICA! The Great Ronald Reagan would have NEVER allowed this NEVER! To Fly another Flag besides THE AMERICAN FLAG..... All of these illegal migrants are breaking the law and they must be sent back to their country-if an American citizen breaks the law they must pay the consequences! What is the differences??? I understand they want a better life for their children-but this is not the WAY! What kind of parent, mother or father would even do this to their CHILDREN!? THIS IS INSANE! . Expand Replies (5) Reply . . . Greg 4 hours ago 0 48 Its time for ALL legislators to STOP Obamas executive fiat (Deferred Action) of not deporting illegal alien unaccompanied minors and SEND THEM ALL BACK, no ifs, ands, or buts about it ! All of these ILLEGAL ALIENS will be on massive amounts of taxpayer-funded resources, from EBT cards, EBT, SNAP / food-stamps, free educations (and school-lunch programs), and will get free healthcare, all while plenty of Americans go without. Schools here in CA are already some of the worst performing in the country as Mexicans and Central American kids have literally dumbed-down our schools and are stagnating the progress the education American kids should be receiving. Its time for ALL concerned Americans to contact their legislators and demand action to secure the border, DEPORT ALL illegal aliens (no matter where they come from), protect our national sovereignty and the citizens, and stop over-staying of visas by implementing a system that tracks WHO comes in, WHERE theyre going, and WHEN they leave, and hunts-down all visa over-stayers. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH !!!! . Reply . . . John 1 hour ago 0 18 There are no free passes once you get here for those entering the US without authorization, Johnson said. Except for the over 290,000 who have been given a free pass so far this year. These illegal aliens have been released into communities to spread polio, whooping cough and other highly contagious diseases by our Government to infect the citizens that live in those communities. Most will simply disappear into the Countries interior courtesy of the US Government. Of course there is no data about how many actually report to immigration officials as instructed to begin deportation proceedings. Because it is not happening and these officials know it and are flat out lying to the citizens of this nation. Citizens have been sold lie after lie. Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson, Department of Health and Human Services, and the Whitehouse have no credibility remaining. . Expand Replies (2) Reply . . . larryv 3 hours ago 0 22 Since illegal immigrants who enter the U.S. are not prescreened in any way, many carry disease. The Rio Grande Valley Sector of the Border Patrol has detained 150,000 illegal immigrants so far in just this year alone. Eighty thousand children are expected to cross the southern border illegally in 2014. The Border Patrol and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) have set up temporary holding centers in southern Texas and Arizona, where conditions are cramped and unsanitary. Ten to 25% of the immigrants in that area are suffering from scabies, a highly contagious intensely itchy rash caused by insect mites. . Expand Replies (2) Reply . . . WildBill 54 minutes ago 0 10 The White House was caught period, not flatfooted but lying and covering up the mass immigration invasion Obama and the media have been covering up for months now and Biden goes there and makes it even worse, all on the same timing as the president lobbied for totally unrelated immigration reforms (ie legalize everyone.). The plot so to speak was and is to get as many kids as possible in the country and paired up with any relative that has not been deported, which is not hard give they have been releasing thousands in to our streets for the last 6 years, this is just completing the plan. It is clear what the administration tried to do, slip all of this in under the covers and then adding to immigration law the ability for parents with kids to stay and then lump all that with legal immigration to confuse people, like the president this weekend running around saying we are a nation of immigrants. The is true but most were and are legal immigrants which he fails to mention since it does not fit his real agenda. . Reply . . . Bob 57 minutes ago 0 9 There are no free passes once you get here for those entering the US without authorization, Johnson said. Our message to those who come here illegally: our border is not open to illegal migration. There is a deportation proceeding that has commenced against illegal migrants -- including children, the domestic security chief said. That is in direct opposition to what Obama says. The children are being bused all over the nation, Obama said the children who came here with their parents will NOT be deported, so these are just more government lies and deceit from Homeland Security. . Reply . . View more comments . Share this US will stem tide of child immigrants news.yahoo Deportations are being stepped up of illegal migrants along the US border, a top Obama adminstration official said Sunday, defending the White Houses handling of a flood of undocumented children. Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson told NBC televisions Meet the Press that officials have reduced the turnaround times for migrants illegally entering the country along the Mexican border. There is a deportation proceeding that has commenced against illegal migrants -- including children, the domestic security chief said. The immigration issue has gained new urgency in the United States after 52,000 unaccompanied minors crossed illegally into the US via Americas southern border since October.
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 01:18:11 +0000

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