I Dont Need A Black Teacher! (Yes, I know that got your - TopicsExpress


I Dont Need A Black Teacher! (Yes, I know that got your attention. So let me explain.) One point with which I DO agree is that looking across that desk and seeing someone of thd SAME race breaks the Negro Jobs Syndrome. It tells me that my race doesnt LIMIT the career I can pursue. HOWEVER, THATS WHERE IT ENDS! Too often, we as blacks, either are too young or have revisionist memory. The metal detectors, the dress code of uniforms, the clear (see through) bookbags, need for security on campus had little to do with the color of the teachers skin, but EVERYTHING to do with the lack of respect and the violent culture in which many of the students grew up. MOST of my teachers were black (a few whites), but NOTHING I lesrned in school was because of the color of a teachers skin. Instead, it was because I studied and was held accountable if I didnt. Now, some black people dont want to hear that (white teachers are a convenient scapegoat). Then there is the myth of being inspired to want to learn. NEWSFLASH: Thats the PARENTS job. This is NOT to say that teachers CANNOT play that role; however, it is NOT theirs exclusively. The parents should instill that mindset in their children BEFORE they begin school. My teacher DOESNT need to understand me for her/him to teach me and for me to learn. Yes, it may help and facilitate the process in the case of a troubled kid (as I was). STILL, NONE of my black teachers knew that I was a troubled, unhappy black kid from a single parent home, NOT being motivated and encouraged by my single mom. In reality, with all those kids in one class, how could she/he? SCHOOL COUNSELORS should play that role, NOT the teachers. They are the ones who are trained (supposedly) to probe my psyche and extract the suppressed subconscious effects of my environment and homelife on my desire to learn and my ability to learn--NOT the teacher, no matter her color of her/his skin. My comfort level with and my racial connection with my teachers (while they can play a role) should not be the SOLE criteria for me learning and performing and being respectful. Blacks parents complain about the new discipline guidelines in schools (Carver Middle comes to mind). While a few of those rules DO need revisiting, and may be somewhat of an overreaction, we too quickly forget WHY these rules were put in place. Would you rather your child go a school with NO punitive, discipline guidelines at all.--schools in which disrespectful, disruptive students are allowed to return to the classroom because we understand their troubles? What message are sending to those students, as well as the ones who ARE being respectful? Some black parents fail (or refuse) to understand that those overreaction rules are the EFFECTS of some CAUSES. In short, SOMETHING had to be done. Are there any possible underlying racial agendas? Perhaps! Are ALL these rules racial in nature--a closed-minded person may think so. I dont. You see discpline and respect need not be driven by race. Too many of our black parents (and so-called black activists) are making EVERY excuse possible for our failing schools (that is, failing students), as an easier outlet than better preparing them to be respectful and productive students. Does racism play a part. History suggests that it does. But black parents---do what you can do--prepare your child (dren) to be a respectable and productive student. Black communities, stop making excuses for those who dont. Communities combat racism; individual parents combat their child(ren)s academic apathy. Yes, we have troubled blacks kids coming out of troubled neighborhoods and troubled homes. We know this. But thats the challenge of school guidance counselors. Bring THAT up at your next PTA meeting (that is, if you go). Failed black schools cannot continue to use T.F.A. teachers, young teachers, etc. as convenient scapegoats. There were black, older teachers, who lived in and undertood us, but still failed to adequately prepare us academically. They were too busy understanding and just passing us. (Just one mans perspective!) Gbj
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 02:12:29 +0000

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