I FAIL THE SAME INTERVIEW ALL THE TIME AS A FINALIST I am headed to an interview with a company that has interviewed me four times for the same position in the last three years. I still idolize the company and wish to work for them. My problem is that I am no longer motivated to prepare for the interviews. The results may just be the same – being a finalist with a regret letter. Why can companies take the second candidate to replace the initial recruit? Answer No one should blame you for this kind of situation. Repeat patterns of this kind may make a candidate lose hope and the energy to pursue an opportunity. While there are new opportunities in the market each time, the mobility of the human capital as well as the entrance of fresh graduates from the colleges creates the complication. You could have been the second best in the last interview but certainly some one better than you may has surfaced who had not shown interest in the same position last year. The real challenge that you have is to make an assessment whether your interest in the company is valid. You could be getting into more and more of being seen less vibrant with age and at times desperate. What many employers fail to ask candidates like yourself is why they are interested in the joining the company. Your reasons for joining the company may be quite solid enough to overwhelm your competency gaps. It may as well be appropriate enough to structure a valid reason and look for an opportunity to explain the reason. Just like some panelist may, by now, be familiar with you and warming up to you casually, is the same way they could be warming up to your usual outcome. It may table a lot to create a distinction for them when they know every aspect of your profile. Seek to identify with career pursuit motivations like an intended exposure, a project to initiate, a milestone of interest to achieve or an opportunity for professional development of importance. Such are aspects of your job pursuit that may strike your prospect employer positively. It is also possible that your rate professional development could be below the market. You may be going to subsequent interviews with no tangible development from the previous sessions. It is however important to realize that being a finalist in an interview, technically, means that the difference between you and the candidate chosen could be minor details such as work style or some possible chemistry with the panel and the indicative working culture. You should not condemn yourself for this failure. Assess your weaknesses and where necessary find out from this prospect employer. Reconsider your interest for this company. Your profile could just be energizing a professional concert. This employer may not be justified in calling you for this number of interviews and expecting your energies to be the same. However, job seekers interests change with time and an application is the best way to ascertain that a particular job seeker is still interested in a job. Take heart and use this experience with the employer to establish the key points you have to work on.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 15:35:48 +0000

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