I FIGURE IF IM GOING TO RANT TO ALL MY FRIENDS AND FAMILY ON FACEBOOK, I MIGHT AS WELL LET YOU READ WHAT I SENT VIA REGISTERED MAIL TO MAYOR CALDWELL, THE HONOLULU POLICE COMMISSION, AND THE HONOLULU PROSECUTING ATTORNEYS OFFICE! PLEASE DONT JUDGE ME FOR HAVING A ZERO TOLERANCE TOWARDS DOMESTIC VIOLENCE! PLEASE VOICE YOUR OPINION IN THE MATTER TO YOUR LEADERS IN GOVERNMENT AND BODIES OF AUTHORITY WHO ARE ABLE TO MAKE CHANGES OR YOUR STATE LEGISLATURE! IM SORRY BUT IM PISSED BEYOND....... I am a survivor of domestic violence over six years ago. The reason I write this letter is in response to Police Chief Louis Kealohas statement to lawmakers at State Capitol yesterday regarding the Honolulu Police Departments stance on Sergeant Darren Cacholas abusive actions against his girlfriend Deborah. I am in utter shock and disbelief that the best thing Chief Kealoha could say to our State Lawmakers is that they will continue an investigation on their own? You let the rat guard the cheese he isn’t going to guard it for long; hell get hungry and do whats in his nature and eat that cheese hes supposed to guard. Am I saying Sergeant Cachola has an abusive nature? Perhaps, but again the evidence on the surveillance video shows without a doubt an off-duty, male peace officer was striking a female repeatedly while she made several attempts to block his punches with her arms up. Yet every attempt to protect herself was met by his persistence to hit her. If that surveillance video is a lack of evidence than Im not sure if I, as a citizen of the United States of America, can have any faith in any branch of authority in the justice system that supports this type of barbaric behavior. If the saying goes actions speak louder than words, why is it that Chief Kealoha thinks its ok to determine whether their own broke the law by their own continued investigation? I dont know that just baffles me. I understand they have Internal Affairs to regulate their own people, but where is the justice in that? Sergeant Cachola is on desk duty receiving the same Sergeant salary which is a slap on the hand! That only makes the Honolulu Police Department look more incompetent because rightfully Chief Kealoha should have stripped him of his Sergeant title and put him on LEAVE WITHOUT PAY pending further investigation! Arent the police required to take an oath to SERVE & PROTECT when graduating from the Police Academy? Regardless what Sergeant Cachola or his girlfriend Deborah said being it horseplay, it does not look like it on the surveillance video he was serving or protecting anyone by any means. How is the public in the City & County of Honolulu supposed to ENTRUST their lives that the police will protect them if the police choose to protect their own above the publics safety and well-being? Is there no honor in the oath to serve and protect anymore? Has that sworn statement just become a simple phrase without regard? I dont understand how Chief Kealoha can put the safety of his men and women in blue above that of the people he and every other law enforcement officer are SWORN TO SERVE AND PROTECT as a public servant! Seriously? Where did those priorities change? If thats the case the new cadets should be saying to serve and protect my brothers and sisters in blue no matter wrong or right, above the publics safety! My brother was an Officer (his name has been removed out of respect for my family) who passed in 2011. He was a great man not because he was a cop, but because he was a Servant of the most high God. I was there at his funeral in Honolulu and saw all the officers in attendance pass his coffin one by one. I saw so many blue uniforms give so much love and out pour of affection and somehow God is the reason they all came to my brothers service to pay their respects. He loved his job because it is what he asked God to give him. If you knew him twenty years ago you would never think hed ever be a cop. When he came to know the Lord and change his life, he became new. My brother was an example of what God can do in ones life. He wanted to be in law enforcement to serve and protect and he did that to the full extent God allowed him. I know for a fact my brother took his oath upon graduating from the Police Academy seriously because God made the way for him each and every step he took while he served the Honolulu Police Department. Even though God took my brother home to glory he is never too far from my heart. He brought out the good in what police officers are supposed to uphold; protect and serve the people you’re entrusted to keep. I share this with you because I respect the police and what they represent. What I dont respect is when an officer abuses his authority or makes himself to be above the law. Public servant means serving the public, and my brother did by the grace of the most high God. Lawmakers make laws, attorneys enforce the laws, and police officers are supposed to keep the peace by protecting the public to obey the law. I wonder if anyone within the Legislative or Judicial branches of government concerns themselves with the safety of the publics? The quote made by Eleanor Roosevelt one stated, Justice cannot be for one side alone, but must be for both and what comes to mind is simply doing the right thing and restore balance. I implore your office to do whats right for the peoples sake because as a public servant, you are required to do what is right for the publics safety. Show the public that entrust you having their best interest in mind by making Chief Kealoha, the responding officers and Sergeant Cachola accountable for their actions leading up to yesterdays outcome of the investigation. No one should be above the law, not even a public servant.
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 22:46:36 +0000

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