I FIGURED I WOULD SEND THIS AROUND AGAIN SINCE OUR REPRESENTATIVES IN WASHINGTON DECIDED TO DUPE US AGAIN AND IGNORE THE LAST ELECTION. My Fellow Americans...Why Are You So Stupid ??. By Tim Powers. I have been shouting it from the roof tops for years now, trying to wake up the American people to the fact that Barack Hussein Obama is a Muslim/Communist plant, a fraud, a liar, a con artist, and a cheat. My passion for exposing this direct threat to every thing that America holds dear has , on many occasions, nearly cost me things that I personally hold dear. There is nothing more agonizing then seeing your country die before your eyes through policies and executive orders that do NOT represent what was laid out in the Founding documents. While the electorate seems to be consumed with who is playing on Sunday or whether or not Kim Kardashian will break the internet with the size of her butt. Our Congress has proven to be nothing short of useless , gutless, and spineless while America is being run into the ground by a Muslim/ Communist plant, an Iranian born slum lord, and a Jew hating NAZI sympathizer. The entire Obama regime and their cabal of spin doctors are operating above the law and laughing about it later. They are finding great happiness in the stupidity of the average American. American history has been revised to show the Founding Fathers as terrorists. Common Core and Smart phones are turning our people into IDIOTS. The people that are in the positions of power who have the ability to stop this Fundamental Transformation are living by the old rules and are to busy making sure that they dont receive a bad headline in the left wing propaganda media. Our once great nation has been usurped at a level that has never been seen in American history. Terrorists are embraced, citizens punished or publicly humiliated, our economy is put to shambles, our Freedoms eroded through un-lawful spying, our government giving money away to other nations that we have to borrow ourselves, a massive push to take our right to keep and bear arms, while those in Washington just sit back and get richer for doing NOTHING! Unfortunately, there seems to be no one out there who can stop this usurpation of America and all that made her great except for what was prescribed by the Founding documents. We the People must become the NEW Sheriff in town and take the stand to clean out the cancer that erodes us within. The people who have been involved in this over throw of America must be ARRESTED at once and tried for SEDITION and TREASON by a jury of their piers, chosen by We the People. Only then can America begin to rebuild to once again be the greatest nation on earth. As always fellow Patriots, stay safe and be aware of your surroundings.
Posted on: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 10:59:29 +0000

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