I FIND THIS TO BE EXTREMELY DISAPPOINTING, SINCE i AM IN SUPPORT OF THESE BEAUTIFUL ANIMALS, THE WOLVES. PLEASE WRITE TO YOUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND CALL YOUR STATE SENATORS, ETC. TO ALLOW THIS TO CONTINUE, WILL SURELY WIPE OUT THE SMALL WOLF POPULATION THAT EXISTS ALREADY !! PLEASE - THEY NEED OUR HELP. ***** Read Below for the Full, Accurate Story.***** Michigans first wolf hunt in decades has started. But as an independent investigation revealed last week, the hunt was based on a series of lies. A shocking investigation published by Michigan Live shows that state legislators conspired with Department of Natural Resources officials, farmers, and hunting groups to spread fake stories about Michigan wolves in order to frighten the public into accepting a wolf hunt for the first time in State lawmakers made up tales about wolves outside a daycare, and exposes how a DNR official misled the public with false stories about wolves. It also reports that the Natural Resources Commission deleted or ignored more than 10,000 public comments opposing the hunt. These misleading falsehoods were used to get the legislature to approve. It gets worse. Not only did the politicians mislead the public with lies and distortions, they also ignored the will of more than 250,000 Michiganders when they made an end-run around the voters and passed a second law to circumvent the referendum process. This deception by our government is appalling, and with the wolf hunt started and four wolves killed so far, it is critical that Michiganders hear about it NOW.
Posted on: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 06:41:19 +0000

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