I FINISHED HIGH SCHOOL AND ALL MY CLASSES!!! :D IM SO HAPPY RIGHT NOW!!! And Ill be coming home soon. I cant wait to see the look on your faces when you see how big I gotten.lol :D (((Since IM finally done with school there are some people I want to say thank you to, and that I couldnt have done it with out there support and love over the years, with everything I went through. I want to thank my new girlfriend Emily, my Dad, my Mom, my 2nd Mom, my brother Derek, my sis Devon, my older brother Dane, my sis Bridgette, my sis Ashley, my brother Sergio, my sis Brook, and everyone ells that has made a huge difference in my life over the years of you guys being there for me through it all, for pushing me and for making me the man I am today in this world. I know it might not seem much to you all, but I couldnt have done it with out you guys. I look at everyone Ive ever trusted and loved in my life were I can actually call them my family. I look at it as I have a giant family in my life now, and if anything should ever happen to them, I will always be one of those people that would make sure that Im there in time of need, like I always was. I saved 7 people from dying one night in a SUV accident a long time ago, risking my life as I was able to move freely around the vehicle to make sure everyone one ells was safe. I will always keep the people I love and care about safe, and to be there for them when they need to talk about something. This is the man I am and the man I will always be. I thank you all so much, and I cant wait to start a new life when I get back. Looking forward to seeing my beautiful love and to spend time with all, as I work and go on with my life while making new memories and a future ahead. LOVE YOU ALL AND SEE YOU SOONER THEN YOU THINK. ;) ))) EMILY: And most importantly I want to thank Emily Lamar, for coming in to my life and for showing me what it really means to be loved by some one, even when we were away from each other. she did things that no girl has ever done for me before. Love gets stronger when two are apart, then when they see finally see each other they become stronger. She really has changed my life in being happier, I smile allot, and so much more. And I know that she really loves me when I talk to her and as I see her. she really is one of a kind, and I am to. And that means allot to me in so many ways. Ive never worked so hard in my life for anyone, but I did it for my self and my future with Emily. :D I hope Im everything she has always wanted and more, because so far she is everything Ive ever wanted and more. :D
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 06:44:23 +0000

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