I FOUND THIS INTERESTING. HAVE A READ. Chadian chargers capped - TopicsExpress


I FOUND THIS INTERESTING. HAVE A READ. Chadian chargers capped by cabal There comes a time when everything else goes under , compatriots put heads together to speak with one voice against imminent destruction. All hands are on deck so that at the end, the people will exclaim in one sweet voice. That is where we are today in our country Nigeria. The situation is so grave that no one should think that the graveyard is so far away. Like Emmanuel Ifeajuna said shortly before falling to Biafran bullets in 1967, the enemy is here with us. Those who think insurgency is a Northern affair should think twice. Maybe, we are waiting for female suicide bombers to strike in Lagos before we put on our thinking cap. Sickening is the word for some of those who call themselves politicians and are angling for power. There is no more statesmen in our environment. Whatever happened to Ibrahim Waziri’s politics without bitterness. In the First Republic, Nnamdi Azikiwe, Ahmadu Bello and Chief Obafemi Awolowo had their differences. In the Second Republic, Shehu Shagari joined the fray as President. They fought, they argued, they still had avenues to unwind for sake of country. Zik received a car birthday gift from Shagari even when their accord was not so cordial. Awo accepted national honour from the same man who stopped him from winning elections in 1979. Under the present dispensation, our so called leaders are gradually leading us to the grave. And we will not allow them. When was the last time Gen. Muhammadu Buhari exchanged banters with President Goodluck Jonathan, do you remember? I do not even think they exchange notes in the night. Yes, in the past, some who criticized the military would sneak to Dodan Barracks in the night to wine and dine with the maximum rulers. Then at noon, they would pretend all was not well. Insurgency should give all of us malaria, if not Ebola. Those who think it is meant to bring down the Jonathan government should examine themselves. When the chips are down, this smoulder will turn to conflageration, and consume all, irrespective of party affiliation. Americans bury their differences when their nation is under threat. Republicans become democratic in thought, all eyes are on the Star and Stripes. The Star Spangled Banner turns to a real song of unity. Jews are not so united when it comes to business and personal inclinations. But spill the blood of one of them, the small population becomes the mighty giants of war. Chad does ring a bell because I heard a little about them as a Biafran Boy. I remember older cousins and uncles, teenage Biafran soldiers, telling us stories about the ‘Godogodo’ fighting on the side of federal Nigeria. I remember such tales that they took as many bullets as they advanced without falling. The Chadians are here again with us. The difference is that they are killing Nigerian troops and civvies. I do know that historically, the Kanem –Bornu empire covered some parts of Chad. But now, history has not helped us. Gen. Buhari must stand and be counted now that it is obvious there is a Chad angle to the insurgency. I call on him because under Shagari, as Commander of a Division, he also saw war in Chad and showed them the difference. Even when some of our soldiers claimed that the Chadians had some European mercenaries. You see, the Chadians should love war. In the old Kanem –Bornu area, we had the troublesome Bulala among so many warring groups. Are their descendants not within us now? Gen. Geoffrey Ejiga led forces in Chad, Gen. Muhammadu Magoro too and Gen Nimyel Dogonyaro as well. I remember one young air-force fighter pilot Jibril Alade Yusuf who died in battle. His father Nureini Yusuf later became Chief-of-Air staff. These Chadians are used to war. They fought Muammar Gaddafi over Abeche strip. They killed Francois Ngarta Tombalbaye as he muttered c’est finis (it’s finished) after refusing to climb unto a truck as ordered by coupists. They raised Hissen Habre and Goukouni Weddaye. They drove Felix Malloum from his seat. And we gave Malloum refuge in Ikoyi, Lagos. When Idris Debby came in 1991, Gen. Ibrahim Babangida’s Foreign Affairs experts studied him. Now the Chadian has played a fast one on us. He is our negotiator, our confidant, their mentor. Please somebody shout Et tu Brutus. Let our politicians face insurgency as one. They should stop telling us how weak or powerful Dr. Jonathan is. We are tired of all the calamity befalling this nation in their time. We have heard so much about the President’s household. Let us face the problem confronting the nation. Jonathan is not our problem. We need peace, we need water, we need food, give us shelter. Then those of them who want to die because of power can go to blazes. Under Jonathan, Nigeria has become Africa’s largest economy with a rebased GDP of 510 billion United States Dollars, far from the 169 billion dollrs in 2009... To be continued!
Posted on: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 18:55:34 +0000

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