I GUESS IT WAS A PROVOCATIVE STATEMENT - my post and responses on - TopicsExpress


I GUESS IT WAS A PROVOCATIVE STATEMENT - my post and responses on Chris Matthews FB page - Rodney Clifton White Imagine you are in space, in a spacesuit with your protective helmet. Now imagine vomiting inside your helmet. With our disregard for spewing pollution and pollutants, we are vomiting inside our space helmet. Hows that working for us? Do we think we cam spew vomit in our oceans, waterways and atmosphere and it not have a significant negative effect? ...See More Like · Reply · 211 · Yesterday at 8:31am .. Donna Pica Great analogy, Rodney. Like · 9 · Yesterday at 8:38am .. Nancy Morrison Baird I understand a lot better now.....but Congress probably wont! Like · 7 · Yesterday at 8:43am .. Judy Smith Harbin Excellent Rodney! I hope the deniers get it soon! Like · 8 · Yesterday at 9:06am .. Tom Halko What a dumb analogy, Rodney. Like · Yesterday at 9:59am .. James Hildenbrand Youre mixing apple with oranges.... Pollution is one thing .. climate change is another... Like · 1 · Yesterday at 10:00am .. Bobbie-Jo Harris Intelligent remark, Rodney. Like · 3 · Yesterday at 10:00am .. TednDeb Paulk Well at least 4 out of 6 agree with Rodney...two deniers Tom and James represent the 20% of teabaggers and rock heads who dont realize 97% of the worlds scientists are smarter than they are...oh well. Like · 9 · Yesterday at 10:06am .. James Hildenbrand TED I never claimed to be a Rock-et Scientist but,i do excel in common sense SO THERE !! Like · 1 · Yesterday at 10:19am .. Tom Halko The left really has a thing for teabagging. Like · Yesterday at 10:32am .. Thom Kinoshta just go to China, China burns 5 times the coal of the USA Like · Yesterday at 10:36am .. John Kelsey Well said, Rodney. Like · 1 · Yesterday at 10:48am .. John Kelsey And just because China is a worse offender it doesnt mean we shouldnt do anything about it. Were supposed to be the world leaders in common sense and technology. What we should do is start by turning off Fox News, turning on National Geographic channel and opening books again. Like · 5 · Yesterday at 10:51am .. John Kelsey Actually, its the Right that has had a thing for Tea Bagging. Theyve had nuts dangling on their faces since 2010. But its starting to wane now as the Tea Party supporters are down to a record low 15% according to the last CBS poll. The joke now is showing the Dont Tread On Me flag with the cartoon snake with crossed eyes and showing the caption reading, Dont Laugh at Me. Like · 6 · Yesterday at 10:55am .. Jeffrey Hayes What do you do about it, John? Personally? Anything? Like · Yesterday at 11:07am .. Fran Crane Sickening. Like · Yesterday at 11:12am .. Nell Morrow Black Anyone with common sense should be able to figure that pollution has to have an affect on the climate and changes in it. Like · 1 · Yesterday at 11:31am .. Michael Tidholm do your homework people and try and understand most of you dont know jack Like · Yesterday at 11:35am .. Debbie Allen Gatlin You are an idiot, plain and simple! Like · Yesterday at 11:53am .. Aurea Yance-Sanjurjo To: Tom Halko + other incredulous...Rodney Clifton White analogy, the least should give you a visual whats coming next. Ill explain it to you in a way maybe just maybe you dont think is *DUMB and possbly understand...Is like you using your *house/ ...See More Like · 1 · Yesterday at 1:05pm .. Jeffery Hart Have you Libbies hugged your tree today.. and had your daily intake of Kool-Aid this morning? Like · 22 hours ago .. William York If you want to help the earth clean up the climate Cut down on the number of airplanes that use thousands of gallons of fuel for every flight --- about 80,000 thousand flights every day ,365 days a year around the clock and you CANNOT run the exhaust through a catalytic converter so raw carbon monoxide spews out in the good air turning it into poison .----- Big Money will buy any thing it wants. Like · 22 hours ago .. Greg Kelley Imagine being out in outer space and looking down on the earth over all the years it has been here and watching the climate change over and over and over while NO humans yet exist. Like · 10 hrs .. Rodney Clifton White Write a reply... . . Lynda S Williams agree Like · Reply · 81 · Yesterday at 8:32am .. Carol Pladsen-Bloom Unfortunately, his use of we represents not enough people to make the difference. Thanks to Koch, Alec, GOP/TP and deadly SCOTUS, the gerrymandering has meant the states control the show. Like · 6 hrs .. Rodney Clifton White Write a reply... . . Francia Webb go off on? Voters need to do this not Obama. We need to stop expecting our President to account for every level of bad governance. Like · Reply · 9 · Yesterday at 9:46am .. Suzanne Korinke We can NOT afford to deny it. I dont know what it takes to convince some people. Like · Reply · 9 · Yesterday at 9:05am .. 4 Replies . Miguel Soares A President worried about the future! Can only remember very few before him who did the same. Like · Reply · 8 · Yesterday at 9:48am .. Jack Hennessey If you think he is worried about the future, then why has he allowed the unfunded liabilities to exceed 100 trillion dollars? Like · 1 · 22 hours ago .. Rodney Clifton White Write a reply... . . Colleen Rae I wonder why people deny something that 97% of scientists say is true? Are they stupid or just stubborn? they hate for change to happen and so they deny it is happening. Like · Reply · 7 · Yesterday at 8:48am · Edited .. 8 Replies . Peter Cronig republicans are the species that has infested and are destroying this nation!!! republicans need to be voted out in 2014 and Beyond! Like · Reply · 6 · Yesterday at 12:36pm .. Rick Carr The GOP Congress no longer exists. They have become the Koch brothers Congress. The Koch brothers are two of the largest polluters in the country, they own Coal, oil, gas and Congressmen. They insist Congress not speak of Global warming. Maybe the President should try to speak instead to David Koch through his representatives, Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas. Like · Reply · 6 · Yesterday at 9:37am .. 4 Replies · 2 hrs . Linda Good The earth has experienced dozens of climate change events, probably hundreds. It is not caused by human activity. Like · Reply · 6 · Yesterday at 8:49am .. 17 Replies . Audrey Brow Stapleford There is only one Earth and it is our only home planet.. I would rather err on the side of caution than find out that we its too late to make things better. Like · Reply · 5 · Yesterday at 9:58am · Edited .. Alan Hurwitz The GOP does not believe in facts. The prefer ideology and spin. Like · Reply · 5 · Yesterday at 9:35am .. Mary L Kinney The scientist didnt cause the problems. They are the finders and messengers of the facts. Like · Reply · 5 · Yesterday at 9:20am .. Jay Barnett LOL Henry where did you get your Masters at Hillbilly U Like · Reply · 5 · Yesterday at 8:47am .. Tom Harding If you dont think climate change is real, then why does the Pentagon and the CIA see it as a threat to U.S. security? Google it. Like · Reply · 4 · Yesterday at 9:29am .. 3 Replies . Monte Miller Since the republicans are from the planet Issa Tron They really dont have any intelligent understanding of earth and the earthlings they claim to represent! Unacceptable alien behavior! Isnt that in the constitution someplace? If not, it should be! I wonder why they left that out?!!!! Like · Reply · 4 · Yesterday at 9:23am · Edited .. Nancy Dimas I thought they were from Uranus. Like · 1 · Yesterday at 5:11pm .. Rodney Clifton White Write a reply... . . Nick Beck When the summers get to hot and the winters get too cold. I agree we should do something now, I will not be alive when the real climate change kicks in. Like · Reply · 4 · Yesterday at 9:20am .. 2 Replies . Robert Severns Believing in anything does not change the facts. Facts dont have an agenda, they are just bits of information. The consequences are the result of our response to the facts. Like · Reply · 4 · Yesterday at 9:14am .. Donna Nelson I wonder if he ever feels like he is talking to rocks. Poor man is just to well educated for the job. Appears to me that all the stupid crazies are out now and way too active. I just dont know how so many stupid people get voted into office! Like · Reply · 4 · Yesterday at 9:12am .. Jay Barnett Deny and die! Like · Reply · 4 · Yesterday at 9:04am .. Patricia Shehan Bathgate Its ridiculous to deny. Boggles the mind with these far right tbagging naysayers. Like · Reply · 4 · Yesterday at 8:37am .. 2 Replies . Linda A. Stankus-Rea What I truly find funny is some of the non-believers think this is something new. I remember in the 70s, scientists warning us about aerosol cans and fluorocarbons ruining the ozone layer. And what happened with that?? Seriously people, you need to wake up to the fact that were killing our planet. Like · Reply · 8 · Yesterday at 9:14am .. 4 Replies . Dan Schell Ok, Linda Good, follow this reasoning on the Dust Bowl. 1) Farmers overfarmed the area, 2) This activity caused environmental damage, ergo, 3) Humans can cause climate change. Seems simple enough. Like · Reply · 8 · Yesterday at 8:56am · Edited .. Christopher Calkins Ignorance is sad. Insistent, willful-ignorance in the face of overwhelming evidence simply to to protect future profits is nauseating and less than American. Like · Reply · 10 · Yesterday at 8:34am .. 3 Replies . Tammy L. Miller Its not just the two parties that are at stake, it is all of mankind. This needs to be taken seriously! Like · Reply · 3 · Yesterday at 4:29pm .. Penny Lane Rape the American people.If it is true then why do all the people that believe it live in big houses drive big cars fly all over the world?If it is so true why do they have a carbon footprint of hundreds of people?They are liars and hypocrites. Like · Reply · 3 · Yesterday at 2:33pm .. Linda Good Look up a picture of Al Gores house. Like · 2 · Yesterday at 5:21pm .. Rodney Clifton White Write a reply... . . Rafael Adames High mountains are hard to climb when ignorance, hatred and greed are trying to pull you down at all cost. Like · Reply · 3 · Yesterday at 2:10pm .. Wayne Spires It dont surprise me that people like Steve Page would say something so stupid, the quality of our air we breath is really getting bad to breath. If you have children you would not want to leave our mother earth polluted. Your kids and grandchildren will pay the price one way are the other. And by the way were did you get your scientific research from. I thought so. Like · Reply · 3 · Yesterday at 1:38pm .. Cecile Dobelbower They deny it because they are afraid it will hurt their pocketbooks. Greedy jerks! Like · Reply · 3 · Yesterday at 10:25am .. Bob Rinier Climate change is a natural occurance! You can not change something you have NO CONTROL OVER!! To think that just by eliminating carbon from the US into the atmosphere will make a difference is just ignorant and anyone who truely believes that I have a...See More Like · Reply · 3 · Yesterday at 10:17am .. 3 Replies . Sandy Stahlman Imagine if President Bush had said this stuff - wed be on the forefront of the new technology in alternative energy, not all the other countries we see leaving us in the dust. Lets go USA, we NEED a new revenue source, and source of pride, just like this one! Like · Reply · 3 · Yesterday at 10:08am .. Karen Hotlen The republicans were for it before they were against it.What else is new. Like · Reply · 3 · Yesterday at 10:07am .. Gregory Hunt Lets just continue to be ignorant, self-absorbed and afraid of science and educating ourselves. As most of us seem believe, if it doesnt affect ME , well, I dont care. If I have to read and/or research a subject, thats just too much effort. I have...See More Like · Reply · 3 · Yesterday at 9:37am .. Jay Barnett We are doomed! Unless we change. Like · Reply · 3 · Yesterday at 9:05am .. 2 Replies . Ron Hignight Media fact checkers - the Congressmen who are man made climate change deniers are placing their knowledge (actually the lack of it) against the science professionals. How about examining the Congressmens credentials, i.e., their college transcripts, to see if there is anything within their training which would give them expertise over that of a scientist. Like · Reply · 7 · Yesterday at 9:09am .. Brenda Gayle Tucker I will trust the educated professionals Scientists instead of the stupid politicians! Like · Reply · 8 · Yesterday at 9:05am .. Jerry Lalyer People dont believe in science... they believe in, stories that man built a boat and put two of every animal on it, and saved all of them from the rath of god. LMAO Like · Reply · 2 · Yesterday at 5:37pm .. Ben Casey Big oil mean = big money in Congress pocket Like · Reply · 2 · Yesterday at 4:21pm .. 3 Replies . Linda Good How many also believe obamacare is working, bergdahl is a hero, employment is up and the tooth fairy? Like · Reply · 2 · Yesterday at 10:47am .. 6 Replies . Jean R Page You folks need to crawl out from under Obamas fantasy bus. Like · Reply · 2 · Yesterday at 9:43am .. 2 Replies · 3 hrs . Henry Orville Alloway III You progressives just wont give it up. The climate changes four times a year, theyre called seasons. Like · Reply · 2 · Yesterday at 8:45am .. 7 Replies · 2 hrs . Jean R Page Whose science? Climate has/will change but not because we minimal humans caused it. Now we control the planet? Really? Like · Reply · 2 · Yesterday at 8:31am .. 22 Replies · 3 hrs . Carl Jensen Yes it exists. Like · Reply · 1 · Yesterday at 5:24pm .. Jay Barnett Hannity idiots will never learn. Like · Reply · 1 · Yesterday at 4:08pm .. Robert Smith The facts speak for themselves........ Like · Reply · 1 · Yesterday at 3:44pm .. Samuel Minton Not really. However, I really do want to go off on a Congressman who supports trading 5 Taliban senior leaders for one wayward and confused sergeant. I would say that the violence, death, and destruction that these five will bring about in the coming years will amount to quite a bit of man-made destruction. Like · Reply · 1 · Yesterday at 2:28pm .. 2 Replies . Linda Horn Wow! The insanity in the face of science! Since $ trumps common sense in this country, looks like the 98% will pay while the elite will build little domes to protect their tiny heads. Like · Reply · 1 · Yesterday at 2:19pm .. Linda Good Get your head out of your /$$ and read the science refuting climate change. Remember when it used to be called global warming? The liars had to change the name because data showed the climate was cooling! READ for yourself! Like · Yesterday at 5:20pm .. Rodney Clifton White Write a reply... . . Betsy Stewart Thank you Chris Matthews Like · Reply · 1 · Yesterday at 1:10pm .. Gary Anderson Martin Yes and a LIE Is A LIE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like · Reply · 1 · Yesterday at 12:25pm .. Doug Burns Republicans love to say, Im not a scientist. Exactly, so shut up. I wonder if they deny the doctors findings too, No Doc, I dont believe your x-ray thingy, but can I have some cialis and oxycontin? Like · Reply · 1 · Yesterday at 11:53am .. 49 of 218 View more comments .
Posted on: Wed, 11 Jun 2014 00:23:31 +0000

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