I GUESS YOU COULD CALL THIS A LIFE EVENT. I HOPE AND PRAY ALL OF YOU HAVE HAD A HAPPY BUT MOSTLY A SAFE HOLIDAY! I still dont have the right cord to download my photos of my phone camera, but if I did, the photos I would show would knock your socks off! (but not in a good way) On July 2nd, I left my home at 1:00 p.m. and was headed over to my grocery store called Payless. That isnt even 10 miles away. I dont want to sound totally dramatic, but I would be lying if I dont. Less than 5 miles from my home, driving calmly and happy, a disastrous thing happened. I suffered another blackout or syncope due to my heart condition and ended up in a totally disastrous wreck. Either it was a syncope a blackout, or the airbag went off unexpectedly. I will never know. I was conscious for a while, but all I could think of, was: Oh, my God, what is happening---I cant see anything! I cant anything, I smelled hideous fumes from the airbag, though I didnt know then that that was where the smell was coming from. I could hear horrid screeching sounds of metal upon metal, and became unconscious again for a few seconds. I didnt know what was happening to me, because I was partially unconscious most of the time. Finally, I couldnt get out of my car when it came to a complete stop. Still unable to see anything, and feeling burns on my right arms and my chin, all I could do was yell, at least I think I did. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Finally, I awoke and could look outside my drivers side window---I was in the woods, somewhere. I saw a man holding a cell phone, I banged on my window, because I could not get out. I WAS IN SHOCK! He finally came over and opened the car door---how I dont know. I got out, almost fell on him, I was so scrambled! He said, Girl, youre awfully lucky! No one should have been able to get out of that car ALIVE! DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT HAPPENED? he asked. Of course, NO, NO, I DONT KNOW! was all I could say. I wasnt sure of anything except that I had been in a car crash with no one hurt but me and my car which was beyond totaled, truly, I mean beyond trashed, the passenger side of my car had been completely destroyed had part of an electric utility pole stuck in it the car looked like a < a dented in V, my right front passenger tire was across the street in the woods, and my entire axel and the whole wheel mechanics attached were in the street, BUT I DIDNT KNOW THIS BECAUSE ALL I SAW WAS THE DRIVERS SIDE OF THE CAR, TODAY I SAW MY CAR FOR THE FIRST TIME. AND YES, LIKE THE SARGEANT TOLD ME AND THE PARAMEDICS TOLD ME, THERE IS NO POSSIBLE WAY ANYONE COULD HAVE SURVIVED SUCH A TOTAL CRASH! NO ONE THERE COULD BELIEVE IT! AND I AM IN A BIT OF SHOCK NOW SINCE TODAY WAS THE FIRST TIME I EVER SAW THE PASSENGER SIDE. THERE WAS NO WINDOW, NO DOOR LEFT, NO NOTHING LEFT---THANKS TO GOD THERE WAS NO ONE RIDING WITH ME, I NEVER HAVE PEOPLE RIDE WITH ME. TO BE CONT. BECAUSE I JUST LOST THE REST OF THIS 2 PAGE STATUS, THERE IS SO MUCH MORE TO EXPLAIN, BUT BASICALLY, THE TOWING PEOPLE CHARGED ME SO MUCH WE CANT PAY OUR MORTGAGE, OR ANYTHING ELSE. AND....
Posted on: Sun, 06 Jul 2014 00:45:44 +0000

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