I Guess even the Devil needs a trial By Perry November Gorman - TopicsExpress


I Guess even the Devil needs a trial By Perry November Gorman F-uck forgiveness That other weaknesses O-ut of the ashes Rises another spiritualist R-eality, so many are trusting This shit G-et blinded by the materialistic Ruthless cutthroat, rhythm And rhyming of it I-magine to world a better place Without it V-ictims falling, lay dying, on the Sidewalks in blood Mother killing given up theyre Own children they had I-f imagination was a dream, this Wouldnt be one of them Perry November OGorman Why you going off in this poem, because I can N-ever thought, Id be saying that The devil could use a trail Lawyer But where living in a place Where justice eyes are blind To wrong Granting were arent Balearic, but civilized I Guess even the devil needs A trail lawyer E-verybody the only question To be ask and answered S-imply Look around you, and pause Now answering the question S-erously We know who the judge would Be OK now, Who would be the jury of his Peers As, even the devil knows Scriptures After all, hes was also born And raised As, other Angel in heaven Believe me earthy the New Heaven Made out to Be The prototypical hell No order, Where even the devil needs a Trial lawyer
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 05:16:12 +0000

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