I HAD A DISCUSSION WITH RAJ ELANJERAN ALSO HAVING ANOTHER FB ID AS RAJKUMAR ELANJERAN. HOW HE BOOSTED ABOUT HIS EDUCATION FROM A SCAM RICH UNIVERSITY & HOW ARROGENT & ILL INFORMED HE WAS EVEN IN MEDICAL FIELD, NATION CAN JUDGE. STILL BRANDING EVERY ONE ELSE TO B IGNORANT. IS MEDICAL FEILD SAFE IN THE HANDS OF SUCH LEADERS? ( he is national level leader n must b representing this scam rich universities medical student wing. he may not only b perpetuater of scam but may b benificiary also. Eating up PG SEATS of u meritorious doctors)? DISCUSSION BELOW : Rakesh Mittal • WE R 200+ STRONG NOW. THEY R SUBMITTED TO PM, HM & MCI. NEXT TARGET IS 2000 SIGNATURES https://change.org/p/2009230?just_created=true SIGN THE PETITION FOR HEALTHY TOMORROW. We on behalf of PBMCI hearty congratulate health minister for innovative proposal of uniform exit exam for medical graduates to maintain uniformity in medical education. We also congratulate you for making it mandatory for permanent registration thereby overturning the malafide intention of MCI to avoid scrutiny of doctors produced under its own corrupt system. We also condemn the MCI for having proposed exit exam to be optional there by attempting to shield competency of doctors produced by medical mafia controlled private colleges. Scores of dubious private medical college openly auction their seats in crores & pass them from their own private universities by taking crores again. People of India have every right to know if these graduates possess basic medical skills before allowing them to play with their life. m.timesofindia/…/Stop-c…/articleshow/44372779.cms • 10/14, 7:15pm Raj Elanjeran Hi Mr. Rakesh 10/14, 7:15pm Rakesh Mittal Hi • 10/14, 7:16pm Raj Elanjeran Please tell me about yourself and what is pbmci • 10/14, 7:17pm Rakesh Mittal People for better medi care india. V r supporting the move of health ministry to have exit exam for mbbs graduates for better medi care in india • 10/14, 7:18pm Raj Elanjeran Alright...where did u graduate from ( KETAN PATHSHALA: SINCE MY DEEDS R IN DEFENDABLE TELL ME UR IDENTITY SO THAT I CAN ACUSE U, HUMILATE U, SILENT U OR CHARACTER ASSASINATE U) • 10/14, 7:18pm Rakesh Mittal Kindly sign the petition • 10/14, 7:22pm Raj Elanjeran Where did you do your MBBS from? I belong to the Indian medical students association national exucitive board and would lile to suggest some changes to this petition • 10/14, 7:31pm Raj Elanjeran This is definitely a matter we support, but I need to know more about you • 10/14, 7:36pm Rakesh Mittal U r welcome to suggest I belong to people for better medi care india which is working for better healthcare in india • 10/14, 7:41pm Raj Elanjeran Why arent you including FMGs in this petition. Even their admission process is extremely corrupt. Not even one of them is admitted into a college based on merit. Their admission only depends on the amount of money they are willing to spend. I have worked along side fmgs and they happen to be the most incompetent doctors. Also, they are willing to work for really low incomes given by private hospitals and the real doctors of this country, the people who graduated here purely on merit are suffering because of this (KEATN PATHSHALA : MY DEGREES R BEST & NATION DOESN’T HAVE RIGHT TO CHALLENGE BUT I FEAR TO SUBJECT THEM TO SAME STANDARDS WHICH I LOVE TO SUBJECT UR DEGREE TO. BCOZ, OTHERWISE EVERYTHING WILL B OUT IN OPEN) (KETAN PATHSHALA 2 : U BLOODY BIASED INDIAN, DON’T WANT TO INCLUDE XYZ IN IT. BUT SIR I WANT TO INCLUDE A TO Z IN IT. THAT IS BEING UNIFORM, NOT BEING BIASED) • 10/14, 7:41pm Raj Elanjeran Fmgs are a bigger threat than management qouta doctors • 10/14, 7:42pm Rakesh Mittal I see . But I propose to include them as well. Atleast u admit that medical mafia controlled private colleges r a threat • 10/14, 7:45pm Raj Elanjeran Fmgs are no different from management quota. Even they pay money and get admission rite? The medical mafia doesnt only include management seat sellers within our country, it also includes these agents who sell seats for China, Ukraine, Russia, khazakistan, Nigeria, Philippines, Belarus and got knows what other country 10/14, 7:47pm Raj Elanjeran The people of this country need to know in whos hands their putting their lives in. No patient will go to any doctor who they know got his education and degree by simply paying money. The patient has the right to know. They need to be saved from these wolves and jackals (JOKE OF THE DAY : KINDLY GOOGLE FOREIGN MEDICAL ADMISSION SCAMS. U WILL LAUGH AT URSELF. I HAD A HEARTLY LAUGH. DON”T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY) 10/14, 7:47pm Rakesh Mittal They must also b included I agree May b fmg r worst. May b medical mafia controlled private colleges r worst. Only national exit exam can tell. I m new body to deside No body • 10/14, 7:49pm Raj Elanjeran I graduated from a government medical college and am preparing for my Pg now.if some one of my close relatives is sick , I will definitely not take him or her to a person from management. So patients should not be any different (KETAN PATHSHALA : EDUCATE WHOLE INDIA BUT WE WILL CONTINUE TO SUPPLY DUBIOUS DOCTORS) (NATION WILL SEE HIS CREDENTIALS BELOW) 10/14, 7:50pm Rakesh Mittal So nice • 10/14, 7:51pm Raj Elanjeran Anyways my point is, arent we all passing MBBS final exams which are university level with theory and practicals with real patient scenarios. What is the point of another exam I seriously dont understand If you are planning for change, it should be at admission level, not at graduation level Stop management seats auctioning, and ban fmgs ( SINCE SCAMS TAKE PLACE IN ALL COLLEGES FOR ALL TYPE OF SEATS, DO U MEAN STOP ALL COLLEGES & BAN FMG TOO? ) • 10/14, 7:56pm Rakesh Mittal I have explained our Facebook page why entry test can not replace exit test. I dont agree to ur views that ban this or ban them. I say ban those who prove to b incompetent in national level exit test 10/14, 7:52pm Rakesh Mittal This test WILL INCREASE UR CHANGES OF FAIR SELECTION (IN PG) as dubious doctors will b debarred at exit level only n this exam will eventually decide pg seats. Please SIGN THE PETITION N CONVINCE EVERY GOVT SEAT GRADUATES TO SIGN IT • 10/14, 7:52pm Raj Elanjeran No... I am convinced about the exit test Not convinced 10/14, 7:57pm Rakesh Mittal Read mci n health ministry documents if u r not convinced. • 10/14, 7:57pm Raj Elanjeran I did, and I am convinced that the health ministry is wrong • 10/14, 7:58pm Rakesh Mittal UR views r highly respected • 10/14, 7:57pm Raj Elanjeran Well they are passing a university level exam approved by law and mci and health ministry...asking for another exam is absurd (REPLIED LATTER) Are u an fmg? • 10/14, 7:56pm Rakesh Mittal Noooooooooooooooooooopoo • 10/14, 7:57pm Raj Elanjeran Well then , are u medicine student • 10/14, 7:58pm Rakesh Mittal Nooooooooop Doctors R not only part of health care. People r core of health care • 10/14, 7:59pm Raj Elanjeran Then you are not aware of the system. Do you have any idea what a university exam is ? How it is conducted and how we are passed Agreed but people are not part of the education system They have no right to interfere in matters they have no idea about. Do you even know the subjects of medicine and how they are divided across five and half years (KETAN PATHSHALA : IF U R NOT DOCTOR, U R WORLDS MOST IGNORANT PERSON) • 10/14, 8:01pm Rakesh Mittal Medical education has people involvement. People of India have every right to know if these graduates possess basic medical skills before allowing them to play with their life • 10/14, 8:01pm Raj Elanjeran And do you know that not every tom dick and harry can pass the MBBS exam What DSO you thing the exit exam format will be? • 10/14, 8:03pm Rakesh Mittal Name any tom dick n herry. If he has crores I will not only get him admitted but will also get him passed with distinction in present system • 10/14, 8:03pm Raj Elanjeran It will Be mcqs ...how on earth will that decide my competence. I passed a difficult practical exam where I am expected to diagnose correctly the condition a patient is suffering from . without any lab tests and based purely on my clinically skills • 10/14, 8:04pm Rakesh Mittal Lets discuss publically on face book so that people of india can also view ir It • 10/14, 8:04pm Raj Elanjeran Do you know all this ? Well trust me your crores wont work in a government medical college I joined medicine by securing 400th rank f Out of 2 lakh students... I have genuinely passed my exams both theory and practicals. Why should I write another test You have started a petition with half knowledge and are misleading people Why dont put an exit test for engineers too Start a petition for that...people of this country have a right to know,..instead of working for some multi national company and earning a salary that you dont deserve, why dont you help this country...instead of misleading people • 10/14, 8:09pm Rakesh Mittal I m talking particularly of private colleges. Even govt college admissions r botched. Kindly Google various govt college admission scams. Recent ones happened in mp up rajasthan. I will not reply further. Lets gave a public discussion Have a public discussion • 10/14, 8:10pm Raj Elanjeran Ill be more than willing to debate this publicly. support fmgs is what your DP says. I now know that you have zero understanding of the system Dude,...how is an exit test a solution for this • 10/14, 8:11pm Rakesh Mittal Although I m weak in social media I will copy paste this on your fb page if u kindly permit • 10/14, 8:11pm Raj Elanjeran Well let me comment on your post, we can publicly debate Please copy paste the whole conversation I have no issues. • 10/14, 8:15pm Rakesh Mittal Kindly do not prejudice any one as incompetents. This is the typical line ketan desai n likes of him take. Let a national agency decide it by uniform national exit exam as is done in usa canada Australia newzeland or even least developed Nepal • 10/14, 8:17pm Raj Elanjeran I am telling you that such an exam already exists...which examines us theoretically and practically If you say that is corrupted, then change that... How is making us write another exam fair There is no way we will allow that to happen Stop this witch hunt of doctors. (KETAN PATHSHALA : OTHERWISE WE WILL DO ANARCHI) (IGNORANCE AT IT’S BEST. HE IS MISTAKING UNIVERSITY EXAM AS EXIT EXAM. NO WHERE IN WORLD SUCH PRACTICE EXISTS.) • 10/14, 8:22pm Rakesh Mittal I just copy paste that dp from someone who was supporting national exit exam . I will change my dp soon if u have any issue with it • 10/14, 8:23pm Raj Elanjeran Well honestly I have an issue with everything that you stand for • 10/14, 8:26pm Rakesh Mittal U can ask for an exit exam for engineers. I have no issues I m an engineer from one of the most respected engineering college called BITS PILANI. NO TOM DICK OR HERRY can get admission there n ready to face any exit ex Exam • 10/14, 8:31pm Rakesh Mittal Ready to face any exit exam not only in india but on earth • 10/14, 8:30pm Raj Elanjeran Right and am from Gandhi medical college , one of the premier medical colleges of this country and no one can tell me what exam am supposed to write (NATION WILL SEE HIS CREDENTIALS BELOW) • 10/14, 8:32pm Raj Elanjeran Then start a petition for am engineering exist teat Teat. Test • 10/14, 8:34pm Rakesh Mittal U can start petition for engineers as it is ur view • 10/14, 8:32pm Raj Elanjeran Why mislead people about something that you clearly have no idea about Its pretty clear that you dont know anything about we graduate. • 10/14, 8:33pm Rakesh Mittal Oh come on i being a part of suffers of medical mafia private college graduates has every right to know if these graduates possess basic medical skills before allowing them to play with my life n have every right to protect fellow indians from such dubious doctors • 10/14, 8:33pm Raj Elanjeran Right...by asking us to right an extra exam? How absurd is that • 10/14, 8:34pm Raj Elanjeran Go to medical college and see how their exam is conducted. Then decide what matters you want to interfere in If you dont want to be treated by a private doctor, its simple ..just do some research and dont Go to these pvt. Doctors...stop wasting everyones time instead (KETAN PATHSHALA : EDUCATE WHOLE INDIA IF U WANT TO SAVE THEM, BUT WE WILL CONTINUE TO SUPPLY DUBIOUS DOCTORS) • 10/14, 8:42pm Rakesh Mittal I said name any tom disk n herry n i will get him passed with distinction. Rate may b higher for distinction than simple pass. I think that speaks volumes about university exam. Even world ranking colleges in usa canada Australia newzeland have university exams. Still they have exit exam in place. Even least developed Nepal must b having exit exam . Still they afford exit exam. Why cant india which has likes of ketan desai in medical ecology • 10/14, 8:42pm Rakesh Mittal Must b having university exam I dont know how this map came in. I m very weak in social media. Kindly copy paste this discussion on ur fb page. I will have to take help of someone rldr Someone else • 10/14, 8:55pm Rakesh Mittal U r welcome to see my engineering work. I m doing wonders. Many of them are worlds first. We r overpowering nature rivers n sea. If i make a mistake thousands n lakhs can die. Ready to face any exam on earth • 10/14, 9:03pm Raj Elanjeran Ready to face any exam in the world it seems.....please study and write MBBS exams too...itll be such a relief for us • 10/14, 9:02pm Raj Elanjeran Ok dude you are great...we are not... You are very brave to face any exam, but we doctors are all cowards...I dont want to debate with some one who has no idea what an medical students life is....you are prejudiced, uninformed and have no idea about what you are dealing with...good luck to whatever it is that you plan to achieve...and good bye • 10/14, 9:04pm Rakesh Mittal I do not agree that people of india have no idea about medical education. I m not prejudiced n Un informed. Thanks • 10/14, 9:05pm Raj Elanjeran Not people of India , I a talking about you in particular... • 10/14, 9:07pm Rakesh Mittal I m part of people of india • 10/14, 9:06pm Rakesh Mittal I can manage admission in mbbs n can manage to pass it with distinction although I know I m a tom disk n herry in medical field • 10/14, 9:06pm Raj Elanjeran Then do it na Get distinction in MBBS ...pass off..become doctor...whos stopping you • 10/14, 9:10pm Rakesh Mittal Point is no one can stop any tom dick n herry becoming a doctor in todays medical ecology. People of india r in danger in the hands of likes of ketan desai in mci n medical ecology. MERIT STUDENTS WILL BENEFIT FROM THIS EXAM N I APPEAL MERIT STUDENTS TO SUPPORT IT FOR GETTING BETTER PG SEATS. • 10/14, 9:12pm Rakesh Mittal ONLY MEDICAL MAFIA will FEEL the HEAT from this exam . STUDENTS will anyway GET TEMPORARY REGISTRATION TILL ONE CLEARS THE EXAM. We must THANK HEALTH MINISTER for this INNOVATIVE PROPOSAL which doesnt exist anywhere in the world • 10/14, 9:13pm Raj Elanjeran Great...send him a bouquet... Am sure he will appreciate it.. • 10/14, 9:13pm Rakesh Mittal Proposal of TEMPORARY REGISTRATION TILL ONE CLEARS THE EXAM dont exist anywhere in world • 10/14, 9:14pm Raj Elanjeran What nonsense...kya baat kar raha hei tu....we dont get temporary registration before passing exam Who told u this....THIS IS A LIE I told you don no anything about this and you just proved it (HOW WELL INFORMED HE IS, NATION WILL KNOW BELOW) • 10/14, 9:16pm Rakesh Mittal Read proposal carefully. U claim to b better informed than me dear doctot Doctot Doctor • 10/14, 9:16pm Raj Elanjeran Do you know the meaning of temporary registration...am Seriously going to lose my mind now (ARROGANCE AT IT’S BEST) • 10/14, 9:18pm Raj Elanjeran Temporary registration is given for the period of internship...and we can enter internship only when we pas all MBBS exams ....temporary registration is for interns who work at hospitals and it is made permanent when they finish their internship....now stop taking about stuff that you are clearly ignorant off • 10/14, 9:18pm Raj Elanjeran I hate such people Seriously man,...I know you didnt know much but this is just ridiculous... If you are going to save this country, then god can only save us • 10/14, 9:20pm Rakesh Mittal Please do not mistake it by temporary registration u get for internship dear doctor. Do u know foriegn doctors can get temporary registration to b renewed yearly. It will b something like that dear well informed doctor. Kindly dont loose ur cool • 10/14, 9:22pm Raj Elanjeran That is also so that they can do their internship...all foreign doctors are supposed to do their internship in India compulsorily... That is why they get a temporary registration Bhai...tu bas kar....please...mere se na ho payega ... • 10/14, 9:24pm Rakesh Mittal U r more ignorant than me in medical field even. I m talking about foriegn nationals. They can practise independent on that basis • 10/14, 9:27pm Raj Elanjeran You are wrong dude,.. No foreign national can practice without clearing mci exam Boss.. u wasted my evening....please dont anymore stop messaging me...it is clear your only intentions are to defame then doctor cimmu Doctor community And you are doing a terrible job at ir It • 10/14, 9:28pm Rakesh Mittal Mci exam is for Indian nationals with foriegn qualification as far as I know. Kindly update ur knowledge at least in medical field • 10/14, 9:30pm Raj Elanjeran Foreign nationals from USA UK Canada and newzealand practice in India..others have to clear the exam... Or they are not permited • 10/14, 9:35pm Rakesh Mittal Sorry u r wrong. Indian nationals having ug qualifications n also having pg qualifications from these countries only can practice without screening exam. Temporary registration to foriegn nationals is a different matter. They can get temporary registration renewable yearly n can practice independently. Kindly update ur self atleast in medical field as u claim every one else to b ignorant • 10/14, 9:30pm Raj Elanjeran And tell me the truth..are u an fmg Why did u post about fmg books Fmg books • 10/14, 9:32pm Raj Elanjeran • 10/14, 9:33pm Raj Elanjeran Saw this on your profile Why s it your concern if you are not an fmg • 10/14, 9:36pm Raj Elanjeran Ok dude,,,I will update myself...now answer my question What do you really do (KETAN PATHSHALA: SINCE MY DEEDS R IN DEFENDABLE TELL ME UR IDENTITY SO THAT I CAN ACUSE U, HUMILATE U, SILENT U OR CHARACTER ASSASINATE U) • 10/14, 9:37pm Rakesh Mittal That is because now I wish to get in medical field n do wonders there. I wish to prepare n top the exam in very first attempt n wish to do medical wonders • 10/14, 9:37pm Raj Elanjeran ...but why fmg exam.... U should have asked abour pmt exam in tat case • 10/14, 9:38pm Rakesh Mittal As told I m an engineer from BITS PILANI. • 10/14, 9:39pm Raj Elanjeran Yeah..so how will writing fmg exam help u..you are not even eligible • 10/14, 9:39pm Rakesh Mittal I want education from a world ranking college • 10/14, 9:39pm Raj Elanjeran Now comes the truth So you want to pay money and s Do MBBS in some college in some stupid country and come and ruin our country • 10/14, 9:40pm Rakesh Mittal No I want world class education. • 10/14, 9:41pm Raj Elanjeran By paying money? • 10/14, 9:41pm Rakesh Mittal No buy fair selection in a world class institute By • 10/14, 9:42pm Raj Elanjeran Name one institute Which you are planning for • 10/14, 9:42pm Rakesh Mittal Any one in a world ranking institute • 10/14, 9:43pm Raj Elanjeran Boss....i somehow find your story full of fakeness...you want to prepare for fmg exam s before u even get admission into a foreign college and do 6 urs of training Dal mein kuch Kala hai Its clear you are not telling the truth • 10/14, 9:44pm Rakesh Mittal Ya ha to kale me dal he • 10/14, 9:45pm Raj Elanjeran U are an engineer, who wants to do MBBS from China or Russia, then after 6 yrs you will write fmg exm, for which you want to prepare now only Lol Dude...do u seriously expect me to believe your bullcrap • 10/14, 9:46pm Rakesh Mittal I dont want to go to China or russia. Whats wrong if I start reading for future • 10/14, 9:46pm Raj Elanjeran Why are you so ashamed of admitting your educational status Well theres nothing wrong....just that you are lying like crazy • 10/14, 9:48pm Rakesh Mittal I m a engineer from BITS PILANI N M PROUD OF IT. U R ASHAMELESS OF LETTING LIKES OF KETAN DESAI BEING EXPOSED Sorry, I m an engineer from BITS PILANI. U R ASHAMED OF LETTING LIKES OF KETAN DESAI BEING EXPOSED • 10/14, 9:50pm Raj Elanjeran Eh kya ketan desai ketan desai Why should I be ashamed (SEE THE CREDENTIALS OF UNIVERSITY U GRADUATED BELOW. R U STILL NOT ASHAMED) He is corrupt and he got caught • 10/14, 9:50pm Rakesh Mittal I m proud of being an engineer from prestigious college called BITS PILANI • 10/14, 9:51pm Raj Elanjeran U are a liar is what you are....stop messaging me now • 10/14, 9:53pm Raj Elanjeran • 10/14, 9:54pm Rakesh Mittal Likes of ketan desai still in mci in a shameless move to protect competency level of medical mafia proposed it to b optional recently. They r very much a part of medical ecology even today. If u believe media reports its ketan desai who named every office bearer of present mci • 10/14, 9:54pm Raj Elanjeran Boss...one day fmgs will be banned from this country... You lying rich scum bags are destroying our country Not for long Your fate will be decided soon So stop lying (PREJUDISE AT IT’S BEST. I FEAR TO SUBJECT MY DEGREES TO SAME STANDARDS WHICH I LOVE TO SUBJECT UR DEGREE TO. STILL I CLAIM MY DEGREES R BEST) • 10/14, 9:56pm Rakesh Mittal Agreed. Those who r proved incompetent in national exit exam must b baned without any prejudice Baned • 10/14, 9:56pm Raj Elanjeran Keep dreaming... There will never be a national exit test You fmgs should be banned You are a shameless fmg...so shameless that you are ashamed to admit your own education status UR Facebook wall is proof that u are an fmg • 10/14, 9:58pm Rakesh Mittal I do not favour fmg. I m working for better medi care in india N i m not fmg • 10/14, 9:58pm Raj Elanjeran • 10/14, 9:58pm Raj Elanjeran See this picture You have already prepared fmg books Which is proof that you are fmg No engineer can understand fmg books without medical backhround Stop fooling people (KETAN PATHSHALA: SINCE MY DEEDS R IN DEFENDABLE TELL ME UR IDENTITY SO THAT I CAN ACUSE U, HUMILATE U, SILENT U OR CHARACTER ASSASINATE U) • 10/14, 9:59pm Rakesh Mittal Stop taking line of ketan desai n call any one incompetent. Thats not my b issues even. • 10/14, 9:59pm Raj Elanjeran Lol... Is ketan Desai UR best defense (SOON U WILL B MY NEXT BEST DEFENCE) Dont you know anything else No wonder you didnt get into medicine in India • 10/14, 10:00pm Rakesh Mittal I m not fooling people. U want to hide incompetency of medical mafia controlled medical education in india • 10/14, 10:01pm Raj Elanjeran I feel sorry for u dude • 10/14, 10:01pm Rakesh Mittal You r welcome to see my engineering wonders • 10/14, 10:01pm Raj Elanjeran Engineering KO chod....fmg ki bat bata Where did u do UR medicine ...which country Tell the truth at least now...I just proved it to you with a screen shot of your own Facebook wall Unbelievable that you still wont admit it (KETAN PATHSHALA: SINCE MY DEEDS R IN DEFENDABLE TELL ME UR IDENTITY SO THAT I CAN ACUSE U, HUMILATE U, SILENT U OR CHARACTER ASSASINATE U) • 10/14, 10:06pm Rakesh Mittal I m nobody to defend fmg. I do defend incompetency in medical field. N i proved how ignorant u r. N U DONT KNOW WHERE UR FUTURE LIES. MERIT STUDENTS WILL BENEFIT FROM IT IN GETTING GOOD PG SEATS I m an engineer dude in govt service. I HAVE BETTER PROOFS THAN U. • 10/14, 10:07pm Raj Elanjeran Then why did u post about preparation for fmg exam • 10/14, 10:07pm Rakesh Mittal I m a sufferer of incompetency in medical field n want to get in to it so that others do not suffer like me I want to get into it n leave it from within N cleange it from with in. THOSE WHO R COMPETENT SHOULD NOT FEAR THIS EXAM. IT WILL INCREASE THEIR PG CHANCES N SHOULD THEREFORE SIGN THE PETITION. Anyway they will get temporary registration n must thank hm for this innovative proposal which doesnt exist anywhere in world. • 10/14, 10:19pm Rakesh Mittal Please design a dp representing national exit exam. I will address one of ur concerns You cannot reply to this conversation. I M B L O C K E D F R O M T H I S I D (CONVERSATION WITH OTHER FB ID NAMED RAJKUMAR ELANJERAN BELOW) Rakesh Mittal Kindly teach me how to take screen shots. I need to reply to ur screen shots I use samsung android duos. Thanks in advance I m successful in copying the lovely conversation v had. I further of view that mci should also have peoples representation so that it can work with out bias • 10/16, 8:04am Rakesh Mittal Kindly read ur screen shot in detail. I said I m tortoise in studies. M being an engineer will naturally b tortoise in (MEDICAL) studies. Fmge being nearest equivalent of exit exam in todays india is followed by me to b conversant with what I popogate. I plan to have enough knowledge to pass the test I popogate n i hope to have enough knowledge to clear it even before entering a med school as i wish now to do medical wonders after doing engineering wonders. • 10/16, 8:05am Rakesh Mittal Tortoise in medical studies Anyway teach me taking screen shot by Samsung duos android basic. I m quick to learn that I m not tortoise there • 10/16, 9:16am Rakesh Mittal I want some screen shot in ur reply. Kingly keep visiting NATIONAL EXIT EXAM FOR MBBS GRADUATES INDIA my fb page for further updates in medical field. U will soon find our discussion as pinned post there I HAVE ADDRESSED ONE OF UR CONCERNS BY CHANGING MY DP. Kindly design a dp depicting ideology of people for better medi care india n NATIONAL EXIT EXAM FOR MBBS GRADUATES INDIA • 10/16, 9:48am Rakesh Mittal edunews.successcds.net/100-cr-medical-entrance-exam-… KINDLY FIND ENCLOSED CREDENTIALS OF UNIVERSITY U PASSED FROM • 10/16, 9:59am Rakesh Mittal U may b planning to prove with our lives as specialists Play with Do u have 2 Id on fb. I m not tortoise there • 10/16, 10:23am Rakesh Mittal R u as dumb as i doubt • 10/16, 10:30am Rakesh Mittal Sorry but u r not answering me for last many days • 10/16, 10:53am Rakesh Mittal Then KINDLY SIGN THE PETITION N DONT B A BLOCKING STONE IN NATIONS PROGRESS edunews.successcds.net/100-cr-medical-entrance-exam-… Can u edit last link I didnt want to paste it here • 10/16, 11:16am Rakesh Mittal WE R 200+ STRONG NOW. THEY R SUBMITTED TO PM, HM & MCI. NEXT TARGET IS 2000 SIGNATURES https://change.org/p/2009230?just_created=true SIGN THE PETITION FOR HEALTHY TOMORROW. We on behalf of PBMCI hearty congratulate health minister for innovative proposal of uniform exit exam for medical graduates to maintain uniformity in medical education. We also congratulate you for making it mandatory for permanent registration thereby overturning the malafide intention of MCI to avoid scrutiny of doctors produced under its own corrupt system. We also condemn the MCI for having proposed exit exam to be optional there by attempting to shield competency of doctors produced by medical mafia controlled private colleges. Scores of dubious private medical college openly auction their seats in crores & pass them from their own private universities by taking crores again. People of India have every right to know if these graduates possess basic medical skills before allowing them to play with their life. m.timesofindia/…/Stop-c…/articleshow/44372779.cms • 10/16, 11:22am Rakesh Mittal Kindly revert back to whole discussion where U SAID U R IN FAVOUR OF THIS EXAM BUT WANT SOME CHANGE. Kindly REREAD THAT I HAVE ACCEPTED YOUR CORE CONCERN. Will u still not sign it? • 10/16, 11:45am Rakesh Mittal Kindly update ur medical knowledge that many universities even in Russia n China r above in world ranking than THE UNIVERSITY U PASSED FROM n stop taking line of likes of ketan desai still in medical ecology • 10/16, 12:27pm Rakesh Mittal These 200 n likes many more in scores of dubious universities will b playing with the life of people as specialists n may b u r one of them. There therefore e it’s a need for national pg exit test Exist Exists need for • 10/16, 12:35pm Rakesh Mittal Let merit prevail in medical field. ATLEAST DOCTORS SHOULD NOT SUPPORT WAYS TO SUCCUMB IT Or u dont deserve to b doctor U r likes of ketan desai still in medical fratinity Govt appointed BOD after desolving BOD headed by ketan desai proposed it. When new BOD managed exclusively by likes of ketan desai in mci came in a shameless move amended it to b optional. Shame on those in mci today Headed by It needs peoples participation To make it unbiased. People form core of health care • 10/16, 12:57pm Rakesh Mittal dnaindia/…/report-andhra-pradesh-cops-unearc… I think this suits more • 10/16, 1:28pm Rakesh Mittal N take it from me IF U DO NOT SIGN PETITION U DO NOT DESERVE TO B DOCTOR n play with our life If u have any INNER CONSCIOUSNESS left kindly sign the petition. Otherwise who knows ur involved in above scam some way as u happen to b a representative of prestigious medical associations who r happy blocking me • 10/16, 1:46pm Rakesh Mittal One of ur association has blocked me deleted all my posts but couldnt block where I give opinion or ranking about that association n i can still post as much comments as i can . Kindly tell them n learn yourself how to block me from there. Tell me if u do it • 10/16, 2:00pm Rakesh Mittal And there is every likely hood that u represent ntr universities medical wing Kindly save yourself from cbi arrestation n i m sorry I cant wish u good luck But may God bless u eventually As I have no hard feelings even for u May God bless u God, bless him EVEN • 10/16, 2:31pm Rakesh Mittal U r well come to my page n this page will never block differing voices • 10/16, 2:58pm Rakesh Mittal By the way it is u r association which has blocked it but I still managed to post credentials of ur university. Can u find it Blocked me • 10/16, 5:45pm Rakesh Mittal Kindly Google FORIEGN MEDICAL ADMISSION SCAM n post its screen shot on ur association official page • 10/16, 5:58pm Rakesh Mittal U will laugh on u r self if u see the result • 10/16, 6:05pm Rakesh Mittal Google it i had a hearty laugh. Dont loose this opportunity to have a hearty laugh You cannot reply to this conversation. 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Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 10:23:01 +0000

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