I HAD NETWORK PROBLEM REFLECTION TODAY (15/06/2013) LIVING FOR CHRIST OR LIVING FOR SELVES: ON THE AMBASSADORS OF CHRIST (2Corinthians 5:14-21; Psalm 103 & Matthew 5:33-37) “...So we are Ambassadors of Christ, God making his Appeal through us. We beg you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God. For our sake, he made Him to be Sin who knew no Sin, so that in Him, we might become the Righteousness of God”. (cf. 2Cor. 5:20-21) “Let what you say be simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything more than this comes from the Evil one”. (Mtt. 5:37) St Anselm in his bid to answer the Question why Jesus became Man in order to save us, says that, and I quote, “The Son of God became Man so that the Sons of Men may become ‘gods’”. Put differently by other Theologians, “He was Humanized that we might be Divinized”; He carried our Iniquities that we may become Holy and Righteous. This is the whole aim or goal of Christianity. Since a Christian ought to model his/her life after Christ. A Christian is one who Lives his/her life after Christ, and not for himself or herself. It is one who is Christ-Like – who behaves like Christ. He is an AMBASSADOR OF CHRIST. This is what St Paul, in the First Reading teaches us Today – to be an Ambassador of Christ, as stated above (cf. 2Cor. 5:20-21). Now, an Ambassador is one who Represents – A Representative. And to represent one means doing what he/she says – taking orders from that person. As Representatives of Christ, we OUGHT TO LIVE FOR CHRIST, NOT FOR OUR SELVES. What does it take to be an Ambassador or Live for Christ, one may Ask? TRHUTHFULNESS: Jesus tends to specifically and metaphorically answer this question in the Gospel of today when he says, “Let what you say be simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything more than this comes from the Evil one” (Mtt. 5:37). Thus, TRUTHFULNESS becomes a yardstick for being a Good Ambassador of Christ. Hence, Jesus could have generically posed CHARITY (Sharing or Love of God and Neighbours) or CHASTITY (Holiness of Life). But, he rather specifically poses TRUTHFULNESS. This is because one cannot claim to be either Loving or Holy if you are not TRUTHFUL to yourself, God and Neighbours. Therefore, our LESSONS today are that: We should not Swear or Live INAUTHENTIC lives. We should always be Truthful and Straight-forward. For, a true Christian (a good Ambassador of Christ) is a Man/Woman of Integrity and Honour. An Upright and Good Citizen of the Society. A Person that people should Trust and Confide in. His/her words are ‘Yes’ or ‘No’. There is no Mago-mago or Cheating in his/her dealings. But, what is obtainable today? Many times, we tend to “Live According to Self” (like our first Parents: ADAM & EVE) rather than “to live According to Christ’s” or “the Will of God” (like VIRGIN MARY, whom we celebrates her Optional Memorial today, did). Living According to Selves is living according to the World’s Standard; but Living According to Christ’s is Living According to Divine or Heavenly Standard. Often times, we SWEAR and advance all kinds of TRICKS – OBT and even Lie or Sway in order to DECIEVE or CONVINCE our Innocent Clients. This leads us into asking different pertinent Questions about how we live our lives. QUESTIONS: Do you Swear or Sway people? Do people Trust and believe you? As a Trader or Business Tycoon, what do you do to convince your Buyers? Sway and SWEAR falsely? As a Politician, what do you do in order to convince the Electorate to vote for you? Do you keep to you Manifesto? What about against your Opponents – do you do Gerrymandering, Lobby or Rig Elections or even, ASSASSINATE them? As Parents (Mother or Father or Guardians) what standard or legacy do you impart on or keep for your Children or Wards? What about Couples, do you keep your Fidelity or Marital Vows or are you Promiscuous? As Children, Pupils and Students, are you Truthful and Obedient? Or, do you Lie, Sway, Steal and Dishonour your Parents, Guardians and Teachers? What about the Teachers and Lecturers, do you Live and Teach MORALS your Pupils or Students? Or, do you defile or take advantage of them. What about ‘you’ as a Leader, an Employer or Boss, do you also, defile or take advantage of your Subjects or Subordinate? Do you amass, hoard or loot the Public or Company Wealth or Goods? As an Employer, are you defiant? Do you defy the Authorities? Do you connive with the Boss or other subordinates to swindle and squander Public or Company Wealth or Goods? As Good and Upright Citizens, do you perform your Civic Responsibilities (like Taxes) or sway and boycott some? As High Court Judges or Lawyers, do you pervert Justice? How do you ascertain your judgment, proof or prove your Cases? As Doctors, do you keep to your Medical Ethics? Or, do you take advantage of your weak, helpless or indigent Patients. As Landlords, how do you treat your Tenants – do you increase rents unreasonably and unnecessarily? Do you tend to frustrate and manipulate the DESTINIES of your Tenants? You, as a Tenant, do you pay your rents duly? Ehe! What about “Men of God” – yes, yes! ‘You’ as a “Man of God” or Pastor, are you TRUHFUL to your Calling? Or, do you deceive the Flock of God – Swaying and Hypnotizing them with your Sophistry, Psychology and Juju? I may not have mentioned all Vocations and Occupations, but I know you know the Ethics and Etiquettes of yours. Remember, Dear Friend in Christ – the Ambassadors of Christ that: God is Watching us! God is Watching us! We shall render account of our lives and every useless thing we say or do here on Earth on the last day. PRAYERS: It is my Prayers that God will Grant us the Grace once again to live a Truthful and Authentic Lives; to model our lives after Christ – to live our lives as Christ’s Ambassadors. May every garment of Reproach and Iniquity in our lives be removed and burnt to Arches. And, on the last day, may Heaven never elude us. In Jesus Mighty Name. Amen! May Virgin & Mother Mary intercede for us, through Christ Jesus Our Lord. Amen!
Posted on: Tue, 18 Jun 2013 05:17:17 +0000

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