I HAD SHARED THIS EARLIER BECAUSE I THOUGHT IT MIGHT CONCERN MORE PEOPLE THAN WERE INVOLVED IN OUR DISCUSSION. I DECIDED TO REPOST IT ALL, ALONG WITH OUR CONVERSATION BECAUSE I WENT INTO MORE DEPTH WITH SOME THINGS BECAUSE MY FRIEND HAD MORE QUESTIONS AND CONCERNS. I THOUGHT OTHERS MIGHT TOO. THE IDENTITIES HAVE BEEN CHANGED TO PROTECT EVERYONE INVOLVE AND THEIR PARTS WILL BE PLAYED ACTORS, MINE BY CHANNING TATUM (rightly so) YYYYYYYYYYYY: Bunch of shit. It is the arabs backing all this media crap financially so we can depend on their oil again 14 hours ago · Like XXXXXXXXXX: I normally find natural news to be a pretty reliable source... to each their own... knowledge is power... this is no different than politics our health stuff to me... listen to all sides find the truth somewhere in the middle... 13 hours ago · Like · 1 Nathan Hopkins: Absolute horseshit! There is so much regulation, so many barriers. Where there is any water zone when we drill a hole, they drill a big 13 hole, run 9 5/8 heavy duty casing down it, pump very expensive high grade cement around it, then they run another string of casing, this time 7, and pump more cement between the 2, then they run a 4 1/2 casing frac string down before they pump any frac chemicals. Each and every cement job is closely monitrred by the state, and if there is even a hint of a bad cement job, they run back in, perforated the casing and repump an even thicker, way more expensive cement pressuring it in way past the pressure you would see on a frac job. So the only way the frac chemicals could get into the drinking water would be to somehow pass through all of that, or maybe sink down from the surface, which would take unbelievable amounts of fluid as the chemicals would be filtered and bleached away by the ground its self, or maybe pushed up from way down deep where they are pushing it... That would take 100x the fluid it would from the surface and more pressure than could be applied if you combined several hundred frac jobs. The water that we drink is usually around 2000 deep, through dirt, sand, sandstone shale, and rock. The frac depths are usually around 10,000 deep. The chemicals would have to push up 8000.... Thats just under 2 miles of rock.... 12 hours ago · Like Nathan Hopkins: The reason I know stuff is because I have worked in most every step of the frac process. From drilling the hole, Ive mixed and pumped the cement, I have ran the casing and frac tools, and Ive worked frac pumping jobs... 12 hours ago · Like Nathan Hopkins: Hydraulic Fracturing: How it works: https://youtube/watch?v=PQKjLFY5YEY&feature=youtu.be 11 hrs · Like · Remove Preview XXXXXXXXXX: Hey Nathan Hopkins thanks for the information. Like I told YYYYYYYYYYY I believe we should be questioning EVERYTHING we are told in life regardless of the topic... here is my question for you... my first house in ?? has serious foundation issues. That cement has moved 6 inches (& that was AFTER out was poured the second time w reinforcements put in as well as gravel all around the foundation a dump pump etc...) other homes I have lived in are not as severe but none of them are perfect & all have a crack or 2... My point is to my understanding (which believe my education & knowledge on the subject is very limited) the earth ifs always shifting & moving. Sui back to my question why would the same but apply to the cement / materials used to pump oil fracking or otherwise? 7 hrs · Unlike · 1 XXXXXXXXXX: All Im saying is this. I do NOT trust your government. Nor do I trust anyone making the kind of money that oil makes. Erin Brockovich (sp?) Anyone??? Ive had an alarming year... due to some serious health issues Ive been forced to reevaluate what the drs say... Ive done considerable research on the food the government tells us is safe on the chemicals we put in our yards for bugs or weeds that we are told ids safe etc... its all total bull shit. Along w all the meds passed out like candy that we are told are safe... so if all of that is total bullshit why wouldnt this be as well???... its the same w religion as w politics or ANYTHING we believe in... I believe its our responsibility to QUESTION EVERYTHING. Bc NO ONE is looking out for YOU /US or our families... there is just enough truthin everything to be persuasive & regardless of which side of any matter we choose to take we can find information to support it.... all of that being said... I dont take anyones word on anything any more... I do my best to hear both sides off any issue weigh the pros & cons for myself & try to take the best course of action from there. I think there are way too many kool aid drinkers out there who think bc the state the feds the church the professors the parents said so thats what they believe mostly bc they are too lazy to think for themselves & if they did theyd have to take responsibility for their own choices & actions instead of having someone to blame... Ok... Ill step down off my soap box now. 7 hrs · Like XXXXXXXXXX: By the way that was not a personal attack on you out the subject... just an observation of ppl in general... Im getting old cranky & cynical what can I say?.... 7 hrs · Like ZZZZZZZZZZZ: While I would need to do more research on this particular subject, I do know that fracking is banned in many countries, due to the environmental concerns. And while some companies may be responsible and try to ensure no chemicals leach into the groundwater, there are an array of companies out there and it is difficult to monitor all. Also, whenever financial gain is the objective, there is a possibility of corruption. We have seen this over and over again. Weighing the bottom line with the impact on human life...and the probability of getting caught. Many things dont have an immediate impact. It is these actions we should be more closely monitoring, as often the health and environmental impacts are staggering. 5 hrs · Like · 1 Nathan Hopkins: main difference is space to move, and how its mixed. First, space to move: When a foundation is poured, along with all cement pumped at surface, it is poured in the open air, then dirt or fill sand is poured around it and packed down. even when its all packed around the cement you could fairly easily redig around the cement, because there is nothing holding the packed pressure of the sand thats holding the cement. fast forward, ground shifting, frost/thaw cycles, possible earth quakes, openings will be created. Once opening are created and water seeps into the openings and flush more sand away... once there is enough space, there is room for the cement to flex and crack or break. Also, when cement is poured at surface, it is poured in the open and allowed to set, where in an oilfield application it is pumped down, and then pressured up to assure its in every possible crack and crevice, and kept under pressure to squeeze some of the water out for a faster set and is much less porous. it is pumped into a hole dug out of dirt and rock that is unbelievable packed by the thousands of tons of dirt an rock above it, then it is under that squeezing pressure for its lifetime. Additionally, througout its life time, our cement jobs are checked and tested occasionally using high tech equipment. If at any time there is doubt of the quality, the well would be put out of order until a service can be done squeezing new cement in any cavities. Time is another factor, the time it takes for the earth to shift and move enough to is measured in years, from the time of the cement job until the frac is done is usually only a couple weeks. after the frac, there is virtually no pressure in the well to push any chemicals out. Any pressure that is down hole is pushing oil and gas to surface. All pressure will always go the path of least resistance and the resistance to push some gas and oil up and out of a 4 1/2 pc of casing vs pusing those same fluids through some microscopic hole is much less. the pressure will go up hole. in addition, when cement is mixed at surface, it is mixed at absolutely no set density, someone just looks at it, and if it seems too dry to be poured nicely they say add water and a guy on the truck turns a hose on the cement truck and sprays water into the mixture.... the end result is usually a thick, oatmeal style consistancy and density (any where from 200 ppg to probably 30 ppg. ppg is parts per gallon, a measurement of cement in water.) then it is counted on gravity to push the cenent into any existing cracks or crevices before the cement sets. sometimes they use vibration to shake any air pockets out. Now when cement is pumped down hole, its density is monitered down to the tenth. they have studied what density is best for what depths. it changes as you go deeper as there is more heat and pressure. When i pumped cement jobs the density was usually 15.8 ppg towards the surface, and 11.2 ppg below that. That density is monitered and recorded throughout the job, and if there are any spots where it is out of specs, they would have to do an additional job to fix it. Also in surface cement, its just cement and water. There are a bunch of additives in cement down hole, temporary lubricants to assure extra ease in getting the cement in every crack and crevice, chemicals that raise the tempature of the cement so that it set quickly. Chemicals that will protect the metal casing it touches to prevent corossion of the metal, celloflake is added to create a more solid and unbreakable bond... those are a few of the additives. There are hundreds of different blends and mixes for different jobs, before any cement jobs there are engineers that test the blends and moniter the holes it will be pumped into to assure that is it the correct blend for the correct situation. 3 hrs · Like · 1 XXXXXXXXXXXX: Thanks for the explanation. I feel like I have both sides of the story now. the explanation makes me feel better about the process & a little less concerned about the health of ppl I care about... I cant say that Im 100% convinced either way good or bad as Ive previously stated... there are assists exceptions & accidents & where government & bug money are involved there are always cover ups as well! js... I trust no one 100% I think those days for me are over... but I do truly appreciate you taking the time to explain the process & I appreciate the tone you wrote it in. Thanks! 42 mins · Unlike · 1 Nathan Hopkins: I agree with you scepticism, it is very much a good thing. Without it the world would still be flat. And I dont trust the government or most big corporations out for money. From my experience, and that of several coworkers, some of whom have 40 plus years in the patch, fracturing is one of the least likely sources of pollution. Mostly because how closely it is watched. Look at it this way, hydraulic fracturing make oil companies hundreds of billions every year, why would they risk that with faulty practices or creating polluted environments. There are a bunch of practices in the patch that are very bad, dangerous, and poorly regulated. Those are all way on the back burner as long as the environmentalists are focused on fracing. I wouldnt be surprised in the slightest if some oil companies spread rumors just for that reason. Let the public chase the decoy. 8 mins · Like · 1 XXXXXXXXXXXX: LOL EVERY time something is on the news for a week (politics Hollywood a shooting seriously when its on every news channel & your local news?!) We wonder wth they are trying to distract us from! HA 5 mins · Like
Posted on: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 19:27:05 +0000

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