I HAD TO DELETE THE STORY I PUT IN HERE LAST NIGHT AS I SAW THE MISTAKES IN IT , I HAVE NOW CORRECTED IT ALL SO HERE IT IS ONCE AGAIN, IF YOU LIKE IT THEN WILL YOU PLZ CLICK THE LIKE BUTTON--TY HUGS ---I AM ON PART TWO NOW Who Are They? © 20 - August- 2013 By Dot Sutton© Epilogue It was 2am and the little boy couldn’t sleep, he sat there for an hour drawing, then after putting his stuff back in the hiding place he sat looking out of the window, he turned the light off then went back to the window, his room was at the top of the home for kids and he loved his room as he had it all to himself and all because his hearing was not like other kids hearing. He was about to move away from the window when suddenly the sky lit up very bright and as the rain was pouring down he saw the blackest clouds he’s ever seen in his little life come down at such a speed that he knew no one would ever believe him if he wrote it down. The lightning struck the ground as the roar of the thunder became very loud but woke no one up; the little boy was not afraid, he was in fact festinated by it all and knew he had to write it all down while it was still going on and to what he saw he knew he would never forget. A MONTH LATER After the extension was added onto the old building eight young children was introduced to everyone then Matron told them to find a seat and six of them went and sat on the chairs where one boy sat alone he was so surprised as no one has ever sat with him before and Henry shouted, come and sit with us as he cannot hear properly or talk. This is the only table that has room for us to sit as all other tables are full Emma said, and thank you for the information on Mike we do understand and Alan knows the sign language so he will try and teach him and anyone else who wants to learn it so they may help others, a few of the kids said they’d like to learn it so they arrangement was made for the play time period. Henry didn’t like the sound of all this and after they all finished eating their breakfast they went outside to play as it was the week-end and Henry and his friends went to the six children telling them to stay away from everyone as they only just came this morning and things are fine the way they are. It was a month later when Henry was playing in the woods just across the road that is never used by anything on wheels except push bikes when he saw Wally taking to Mike in signs so he walked over to them telling him to stop this nonsense as it’s so stupid, Wally glared at Henry as he was walking away then signed to Mike and they ran off laughing. Henry was walking back when he came near the houses at the back and someone must have thrown a bucket of water over the high fence and poor Henry got soaked to the skin? Had he have gone the other way he would have seen the little boy on his hands and knees weeding and pulling stones out of the ground, the one thing little Howard loved doing more than anything else in the world was panting seeds and flowers in the hope of growing his own vegs, he had found a little plot of his own that he had found many months ago and he dug it over and planted things in the soil but the soil was not good and the more he dug it over, the more stones and clay he would find and he wouldn’t give up on it. Hi Howard what you doing Emma asks him as she walked over to him then clapped her hands together saying oh you have a little plot here what are you planting? I love to plant different things he told her but this soil isn’t that good as there is too much clay in it but I do love to grow things and I hope you will keep this a secret please he asks her, when she asked him the reason why? He told her that if Henry and his gang finds out, they will destroy the little plot he has so Emma gave him her word she would not tell on him and as they were walking away the soil began to move and up came all the bad soil and all the clay and the good soil began to turn over making the plot a lot bigger without disturbing the seeds and some of the vegs that had grown a bit was going bad then began to look healthy again so that when little Howard came back that afternoon he was shocked to see how good his plot was and how bigger it looked and how all the clay was on one side even though the rain made it soggy in some places where the rain didn’t go down into the soil. Emma he cried when he went looking for her, did you tell anyone about my secret? She told him she had not as she gave him her word never to tell then he grabbed her hand and took her to the plot saying LOOK! His little face was so happy and he told her it looks like someone had done some fresh digging then she in turn told him something that he will never forget then without thinking he gave her a kiss on the cheek then ran off. Looks like someone is happy Freya called out as she walked towards Emma a few minutes later who told her the plot has been turned over for little Howard but it is a secret she told her so we mustn’t tell anyone and she too gave her word, they talked some more then walked away laughing not knowing Alan had seen and heard everything. He stood looking at the plot thinking how hard little Howard had worked on this plot where the rain had fallen then soaking everything before it stopped, the warm air came from nowhere and dried the wet soil then as he walked away, the seeds began to push upwards. When everyone was sitting in the dining room the next morning Henry was not happy with the four kids who stayed close to Mike, he did in fact begin to think they were relations in some way but wouldn’t tell anyone. I don’t like the way them lot sit together Henry told his friends who agreed with him, they didn’t like it either and thought they were all up to something so they agreed to get them all together so they could talk it out with them. Four new boys came to the home while they were eating and after they told everyone who they were they got some chairs and sat with Emma-Freya-Alan and Wally. This is our friend Mike who Wally has been teaching the sign language to as well as to other children Emma told them as they sat down. I am Sonny and this is Willard –D C and Ricky he told them and little Mary asks what does D C stand for but before he could answer the fire alarm went off and they all walked quickly outside and stood in a line as they always do when they have a fire drill. The staff came out asking who had set off the alarm, but no one could say as they said they thought it was a fire drill then a very dark cloud passed overhead and they also noticed how low it was then it lifted back up and floated across the blue sky. The beach was a good five minutes’ walk from the home as the kids often went there with an older person and it happened one day that while they were there no one heard the alarm as the fire began to spread in the home, then Wally called out to Sonny in a language only they understood and then the eight children started running back towards the children’s home and the rest of the kids followed as they could see something was wrong, but they couldn’t keep up with the eight kids. But when they got there they saw them just standing there watching the blaze getting higher and spreading more quickly, then right over the home it began to snow and up came what looked like a tidal wave from the sea that began to rise up and then dropped over the fire time and time again until the fire went out. Before anyone could move they all felt a light wind that began to get stronger and stronger when the older ones told everyone to run into the woods then grab hold of anything that they think will hold them and they all did. They saw everything being blown around like crazy from the wind all around the home but nothing else was touched, then they watched in amazement as the snow turned into a sheet of ice and saw the matron and a few of the staff moving along on it like boxes on a conveyer belt, all untouched by the fire. They were all so busy helping Matron and staff that they failed to see Mike standing there with a look of horror on his face, he then dashed into the home and Henry saw him then went after him, he found him in the room where the boy stays and Mike signed to him all my work is behind that board and I cannot move it, so Henry grabbed it by the corners and pulled so hard the whole thing came away and he grabbed what he could see then gave it to Mike and shouted we must get out of here as it is not safe. They began to make their way back down the stairs when it collapsed so far down and Henry pulled Mike closer to him telling him to stay very near him as he knows another way out, he went back up and just before the room that belonged to Mike he pressed something and the wall moved inwards showing more stairs, we have to run down them Henry shouted so don’t look back and stay as close to me as you can then off the ran down those stairs and outside around the other part of the building. You stupid boys Matron shouted, you could have been killed running back in there then she hugged both boys saying to Henry, you have saved Mike’s life and even though it was stupid to do, you were also very brave and Henry said I just couldn’t let him go in there on his own and I knew a secret way out. Part of the home has to be rebuilt so they all had to go to different ones until it was finish, the eight kids were split up with Wally, Emma and Freya going to the same home as Mike and Henry and other kids. Sonny, Ricky and Willard went to the home with Henry’s group along with other kids. Alan and D.C went with little Howard and other kids to the third home and it was six months later when they all returned back to the old with the part new children’s home and things went back to normal but the eight kids were being watched by someone that didn’t take long to put two and two together by what it was he saw then when they all sat together outside and Emma asks Henry if he is alright as he has been very quiet for an hour. Henry looked at the eight children telling them he has been doing a lot of thinking and watching what has been going on, he told them he has now worked things out and thinks he knows who they are and the reason why he thinks this. Do YOU know what it is that Henry has worked out? To Be Continued
Posted on: Thu, 05 Sep 2013 12:29:57 +0000

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