I HAD TO SHARE THIS POST I WROTE IN ANOTHER THREAD: The fact is that, just like Israel, we have no desire to destroy, kill or attack any Muslim or Islamic population. If all people agreed to live in peace, we would kill no one. However, when ISIS and Muslim terrorists who comprise 25% of the total Islamic population and we know over half also support radicalized Islam, then we have war. When we have war, then one side is going to attack the other and the other side is going to respond. Thus, we must destroy our enemy in this war between the United States and those who follow Islam. Will there be innocent people who die? Absolutely. There were innocent people in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Mothers. Children. Babies. Civilian men. There were innocent people in London when it was bombed and the cities of Germany when it was bombed and attacked by military troops in World War II. The same in Koria and VietNam. Hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of civilians lose their lives unnecessarily in war. But, we cannot have a declaration of war by someone like Hitler and his Nazi army and simply do nothing. Nor can we surgically bomb headquarters, kill Hitler and end World War II. We cant send in a small group of Navy SEALs to capture Hitler and end World War II. We must destroy all of Germany and their entire military capability that allows them to cause harm to others. This is the mandate of our current war with Islam. We cannot kill one terrorist leader with a drone or group of SEALs. Other terrorist leaders simply rise up and continue the attack as we have seen after the death of Osama Bin Laden. It had nearly zero effect on the war with Islam. We cannot feel despair and pity for the innocent Muslims who will die unnecessarily, because they are simply on the wrong side of a conflict that is inevitably going to cause collateral damage. Millions will die. The question is whether or not those millions who die will be Americans of other faiths than Islam, or will the millions who die be those of the Islamic Muslim faith who endorse, tolerate and provide safe shelter for their nearly 50% of Islamic terrorists and Muslim terrorist sympathizers. It is us versus them and if you dont see that, then you are one of those who must wait to see a nuclear bomb set off in New York City. Surely that day is coming. Assuming we still have Internet access, I will ask you on that day if you want to go to war with Islam. I will be interested in your answer when tens of millions of Americans are suddenly dead at the hands of Islam.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 20:49:11 +0000

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