I HAD to share this post made in my challenge group yesterday by - TopicsExpress


I HAD to share this post made in my challenge group yesterday by Amanda Marie Wallis I can not express how inspirational, helpful, and motivating our challenge group of over 80 people are this round it just fills my heart with so much love and happiness. When Amanda shared this yesterday I knew that this had to go beyond our challenge group and with her permission she said I could share it so PLEASE PLEASE READ and PLEASE SHARE it, it is a POWERFUL message... I also feel the need to share a little of my story and why Ashley and groups like these are so important. My sister died at the age of 35 exactly 2 years ago from gastric bypass surgery failure. I have always been the skinny sister and my sisters weight ballooned at an early age due to 2 still born babies and a husband that mentally abused her since she married at the age of 19. I joined every gym with her, weight watchers, curves, anything I could do to support her weight loss journey. I saw her drop weight and then go back to her habits as she didnt have a COMMUNITY of support. She didnt have the click of a button and see many others going through what she was going through. She felt that her only way out was under the knife. She had the surgery without telling any of us as a surprise so imagine my shock getting the call that my best friend was gone. As I was fixing her hair as she lay in her casket I promised her that I would work hard to learn about the tools other would need to save their life and if I could turn one person away from surgery and help them lose weight with hard work I would. I watch and listen to what people want and need in their journeys and my goal is to have an organization to help with alternative methods to those wanting surgery as a quick fix. There are so many in real pain and just need someone to say Let me take this journey with you. You have no idea that what your all doing could be saving a life!! Thanks for reading
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 01:06:22 +0000

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