I HANDED OVER POWER,IN INTEREST OF NATIONAL PEACE I handed over power to Dr. Guy Scott as Acting Republican President out of my desire to keep national peace and unity at a very solemn time when we lost our vision carrier. Speaking in an exlusive interview with the Chief Admin of Friends of Edgar Lungu yesterday, Hon Lungu says, If I had wanted, I could have just instructed the men in uniform to deal with the agitators for such. I am still Minister of Justice and Minister of Defence, no one could have yapped and the nation would have rallied behind me. It was me whom President Sata left in the saddle, he summoned me from Angola where I was, a special aircraft was quickly sent to bring me into the country. Then Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, His Excellency, Michael Chilufya Sata, handed over the Instruments of power to me. My power was gazetted, who could have argued or disobeyed?, but, Lungu added, if I had done that, stood firm, there could have been blood shed in a time of mourning. I would not love to have been a President amidst loss of blood. I was given authority to be Acting President over people who were living, not over dead bodies, that is why I handed over power, even though they came with threats of treason against me. I am a lawyer and a Defence Minister, I could have handled that well and smart, but for what cause and end if we were going to reap blood bath at such a time. Honourable Lungu states, that should not be construed as a sign of weakness on my part. Sometimes, winning a situation does not always require you advancing, even standing still or retreating may make you a victorious person.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 05:39:53 +0000

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