I HAVE A BONE TO PICK WITH WALMART OVER THE SELF-CHECK OUT REGISTERS THEY HAVE PUT IN THEIR STORES.. We went to the Roanoke Walmart store at Valley View Mall today. There were 6 self check out registers and everyone was having problems with them. The Walmart employee in that section in charge of assisting customers was running the 10 items or less register. It was busy and she had a long line at the 10 item or less register. My daughter and 5 other people were have problems with the self-check out scanners. My daughter called the store on her cell phone and told them they needed to send help. The manager just came over and said something to the cashier, and walked off and never offered to help any of the customers who were struggling with the self-check out registers. My daughter got so upset she put all of her grocery items she had scanned most of and put them back in the cart and went to a register where a Walmart checker could scan her items and check her out. In my opinion, the sales clerk should temporarily closed the 10 items of less register and assisted the people who having problems getting checked out with the self check--out registers. The manager did nothing to assist with the smooth flow of the check-outs. I think these self-check out registers are one big blunder that is not working well like Walmart thought they would. They are just trying to cuts employee cost so they dont have to hire as many check-out employees. Customers are going to go where they can get service. VERY FRUSTRATED WITH WALMART!!!!!
Posted on: Sun, 25 May 2014 06:15:44 +0000

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