I HAVE A TESTIMONY TO SHARE TO CELEBRATE MY BDAY (my mother wanted to abort me as a baby, now read to the end) ******************************************************************************** Glory be to God Almighty !!!!!! Its another year to my years. The years are Coming a bit too fast now but what can i do , lol. It only reminds me that life is short and i must live right. Jer 1:5 Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations. This scripture is one of scriptures i can directly relate to. M y mother once told me, she wanted to abort me as a baby because she was getting ready to go to the University and she was NOT ready for me at the time. However, my grandmother insisted that she gives birth to me and that she will take care of me.Of course, when i heard this i was shocked and asked lots of questions. It also explained certain things to me , for instance , why i was called yoomo bi That is, son of an old lady, lol Apparently, my mom left me for school and i was with my grand mom who raised me and i was always with her, lol lol There is a SERIOUS lesson to be learned here. Can u imagine if my mom had not SHARED her concern with her mom? Can u imagine if my mom had eventually decided to abort me? Well, well, well, My mother gave me a chance to live but am so grateful to my grandmother for her moral uprightness and MOST grateful to God who LOVED me when i didnt know Him yet had a master plan to save my life.(Jer 1:5) If i live today, its because of Gods love and as i ALWAYS say, GOD LOVES ME NO MATTER WHAT and NO ONE can tell me otherwise. The second thing i need to improve upon is to SERVE HIM MORE. On the occasion of my birthday, i wish to say again THANK U LORD FOR MY LIFE AND PLEASE HELP ME TO SERVE YOU WITH THIS GIFT OF LIFE U HAVE GIVEN ME. May this life draw men unto you in everything that i do even my testimonies and may it be a blessing to others. I will continue to call myself DESTINYS CHILD cos i know God has a purpose for my life and one day When this life ends, i look forward to returning to you in peace for eternity. Amen
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 04:05:26 +0000

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