I HAVE COME TO REALISE that there is no Prophesy in the bible - TopicsExpress


I HAVE COME TO REALISE that there is no Prophesy in the bible about the church age. That amplifies the fact that the Church Age is a dispensation of grace born out of the goodness of the heart of The Savour, His Priesthood and the resultant intercessory ministry. I HAVE COME TO REALISE THAT the absent of such prophesy was the reason for the urgency that the disciples attached to the Second coming of Christ presuming that He would return in their own time. If the Church age is the dispensation of grace why should a man live continually graceless? It also becomes unbelievable when men who had once tasted the grace now begin to live a licencious life? It becomes a double tragedy when men who occupies the pulpit are now the ones trampling on the blood of Jesus that washed them. The pew and the pulpit are now without distinction and their fellowship is now around the lies the world sold them. There are more scorners and scoffers in the church now than in the beer parlours of this world. They deride the coming of the Lord with absolute ignominy. There is nobody to restrain them. Those who should restrain them got behind the pulpit because they are rich enough to hire a church hall equip it with hired gospel Singers, seasoned instrumentalist, well designed signboard that says business seminars have started here. We mingle a little bit of disjuntled quotes from the bible with babylonish economical sense. Thus we have produced a great number of sunday worshippers that refuse to take THE LIFE OF CHRIST TO THE WORKPLACE. We return every Sunday to say praise the Lord the past week was good for profit and we have come again for more antidote to poverty. We have no word for them that will make them weep for their wretchedness. No man is calling for the days of John the Baptist crying with a trumpet voice REPENT FOR THE DAY OF THE LORDS VENGEANCE IS AT HAND. No one is asking WHEN WILL IT BE LORD? WHEN IS THY COMING? WHEN WILL THE HUSBAND COME BACK FOR THE WIFE? We are not asking because we are not ready for His coming. I HAVE COME TO REALISE that the dispensation of grace will not disregard or replace the prophesied escatological events. It is time to prepare our houses and put everything in order lest He would come and meet more of foolish virgins than wise virgins. Once the trumpet has sounded what will make a difference is whether you are hot or cold, sinful or sinless, ready or not ready. Clear your house now of all the grudges you bear against that brother or that sister. Forget about the payback that has dominated your heart because of offences. Pay all the debts you owe now by appropriating the blood of Jesus! Please remember I am one with you and we need to help each other to be ready for the coming of the Lord. Give chance to reconcilliation where there is need. There is no settling of cases in heaven. Heaven will be full of peace lovers because that is the domain of the KING OF PEACE. Please dont close your door on any one, especially those that Christ died for. I pray for you today that you will not be made angry by this message but it will help you to have a sober reflection on your calling and the sign of the time. Shallom.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 05:10:49 +0000

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