I HAVE COME TO SET THE EARTH ON FIRE. Jesus made this declaration - TopicsExpress


I HAVE COME TO SET THE EARTH ON FIRE. Jesus made this declaration to His disciples, but what does this sentence mean when Jesus declared this? The fire Jesus wishes were already kindled points to this challenge of Jews and Gentiles in Christ working together to reconcile divisions. The “fire” symbolizes the Holy Spirit that will set this earth on fire.. Early in Luke’s gospel John the Baptist connects fire, Spirit, and baptism when he anticipates one more powerful than he who “will baptize not with water but with the Holy spirit and fire. Jesus became man to bring and to unleash the power of the Holy Spirit here so that peace will rule over the earth. He came to baptize with the power of the Holy Spirit. But why did Jesus said in the gospel that He will not establish peace but rather division? When Jesus was born on this world, peace was already here in this planet for Jesus Himself is the Prince of Peace. But why division rather than peace? The answer is that we are the ones who must establish peace. The gospel connotes that peace is already here but we can only attain peace only if we reunite ourselves to Him. How would we recognize Jesus if the world is already perfect? How would we know if God really exist if everything in this world seems good and well? The reality here Brothers and sisters in Christ is that we’re living in a broken world with Broken dreams and desires, peace is here but we don’t have it, love is present we can’t feel it. We were deceived by the lies of this world. We were blinded by the pleasures of this world. We thought that we already have peace and we can attain peace by our own hardships. We thought that it is by our might and strength that we will be full of the burning love. But at the end of the day, I will ask you, did you ever felt peace in your hearts? In Mathew 11:28-29 ; come to Me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest in your souls. Our souls can rest alone in the presence of Christ for His presence brings peace. Only in His presence that our souls will be refreshed from the chaos of this world we live in. It is not by our might, not by our strength, but it is by the Spirit of the Lord. Some may say that if you follow Jesus Christ and accept Him, all of your problems and the divisions of your life will be gone. But it not true, for Jesus Himself said that if you follow Him. Persecutions, discouragements, oppositions and bad stories will attack you. Persons will criticize you because you’re now following the Lord, people will remind you of your past faults and you past mistakes, they will discourage you to continue on living a righteous life for you are not righteous. In the second reading, it is stated that let us rid ourselves of every burden and sin that clings to us and persevere In running the race that lies before us while keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus, the leader and perfecter of faith. Christ endured all this things for us not to grow weary and lose heart. He endured all of this so that he can inspire us to be consistent in finishing the race even if we fall. The second reading tells us that this journey will not be easy for us. That’s the reason why He sent the Holy Spirit and set us on fire for Christ. Jesus wants us invite Him in our lives and we will be the one to testify to those persons who keep on reminding us about our past that Jesus is indeed the Prince of peace and in Him only our soul will find rest. It is not us that they will see. But they will see Jesus in us and they will be convinced that God really is existing in our lives. God will never remove this mountain of problems and persecutions for us to pass easily, but He will let our hearts be aflame for Him so that we can draw strength to climb this mountain of persecution and problems so that we will be strong when a storm comes by. According to today’s gospel, it was said that a household will be divided into five, household divided by itself. We can inspire people around us but it is very hard to be a saint in our respective families. Our families will be the one who will greatly oppose us and discourage us because they are the ones who know us more. We can be on fire outside but when it comes in dealing with the family, there is a big possibility that this fire will be extinguish. it is very sad to know that majority of the household here in this world are broken. Arguments are present, misunderstandings, envy, hatred, grudge and anger. Everything is broken in this world. If we remain relying on our own strength, it will stay broken. But if we accept that we are weak without His presence. He will heal our brokenness for in 2 Corinthians 12:9 “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me”. St. Paul recognized His weakness and was not looking on what he has accomplished but fixated his sight to the glory and might of our Lord Jesus Christ. He accepted the big truth that he is nothing and his mission will not be crowned with success without the power of God. Jesus caused these divisions so that we people can recognize that we can do nothing without Him and we will know the importance of inviting Him in our lives then we will realize that, it’s only Him who can restore everything, its only Him that can turn mourning into joy, turn trial into triumph, turn test into a testimony. Everything is possible with our Lord only if we have this faith In our lives my dear brothers and sisters in Christ, we are in a battle to abolish divisions and to destroy the chains and bondages of sin. This world adapted the culture of death which is the culture of satan. But put this is mind, that God is fighting for, He has been pushing out the darkness, lighting up a kingdom that cannot be shaken, because in the name of Jesus, the enemy will tremble and be defeated for God promise us in exodus 14:14 that “The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still.” We, the people of God are the ones who must establish peace and love in this world. We must not let the the things of this world every sway us. We must not be influenced by this world, rather we are the ones who must influence this world for Jesus, the Lord of Lords, the only One who is wearing the victor’s crown is with us. He is alive and let’s welcome Him in our lives. We need Jesus, for there is a crater in our soul that only Him can fill. His presence is heaven for our souls. Before we end this homily, ask yourself these questions, Have you allowed Jesus to set your heart on fire with the love of God and people? Have you set the hearts of others on fire for the sake of God and people? If you’ll answer a yes in the first question, you can answer a yes in the 2nd question. Always be on fire by the power of the Holy Spirit and by the love of God, as Francis Cardinal Arinze told the audience in the Philippine international convention center, “you cannot inspire unless you’re on fire. When persons are on fire for Christ, they are able to do things even if others oppose them. What matters is to serve the Lord with an undivided heart, despite difficulties and oppositions.
Posted on: Sat, 17 Aug 2013 09:36:13 +0000

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