I HAVE CONTRACTED PLEURITIS I had a strong feeling that I may - TopicsExpress


I HAVE CONTRACTED PLEURITIS I had a strong feeling that I may not reach Dec without troubles, what I didnt know was that the troubles will come this early. This current case is detrimental given it comes barely 2 weeks after I waa invaded by Djinns who almost rendered me a daily night fisherman. I am fatally sick.I have Pleurisy, not LEPROSY . If you dont know what PLEURITIS is dont dare Google. You may contract it by just googling . It is more lethal than ebola and more painful than vaginal inflammation. It mostly affects the whites, virgins, tycoons and people with high IQ. I woke up at 3:00 am with a paralyzing sharp pain on my chest-right side. Given I sleep on the floor near utensils, I thought I may have rolled towards them and hugged the stove or jiko in my sleep hence the injury. This was very possible especially since I can recall at one time around 1 oclock I had dreamt hugging some ladies who had lined before me. King Mswati had appointed me to chose for him a bride this year so I was busy hugging, spanking and sniffing the girls- the dream was something like that. I tried to ignore the pain and sleep but it grew worse. I sat up and scrolled my phone to see if I have any Doctor friend I can call and consult. None. The only medical practitioner in my phone book is a former classmate called Tymo who deals with domestic pharmaceuticals-hawks dawa ya mende I imply. I picked a shirt, tore it and tied my self across the chest to ease the pain, at least until morning. Early morning I crawled towards a hospital, one I can afford. I have queued until lunch hour. I explained to the doctor my troubles, all this time the chest throbbing with excruciating pain. He told me to repeat the symptoms, again, again; and again. He was kinda slow in understanding but finally he consultes several colleagues and broke the news to me,- PLEURITIS. You have a rare condition only associated with whites and few rich people. I think the nigga wanted me to feel happy- WHAAT FOR and its pain. He then gave me a carton of Pills and syrups. I THINK HE WAS CLEARING HIS OLD STOCK OF MEDICINE WITH ME. He then added a killer line- Dont take before EATING a balanced diet, preferably with plenty of vitamins and frequent milk. So he thinks I can afford that thrice a day??? I am still limping towards home, keen to obey the doctors prescription except about balanced diet. The damn thing is painful, hurting and excruciating-every single breath pulls with it a sharp jab, more harsh than labor pain. Woe unto me if I cough or sneeze, the pain runs into the lungs, greets the diaphragm, snakes close to the intestines and back through the back bone scintillating a venom of trailing pain like a sledge hammer. In such case I have to loose focus and sway until I can get something to hold to. It needs heart. If anyone here ever contracted Pleurisy, how long did the pain last? DID YOU DIE? (People who have suffered from diarrhea, Syphilis, hung over, camel pox etc please dont advise, this is different) Thanks.
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 12:40:48 +0000

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