I HAVE JUST BEEN CHEATED ON... AND IT ONLY TOOK 3 DAYS! And to think I had been forced to sit on the phone and listen in on it happening for 15 minutes because she wasnt even aware that when she put the phone down to hang up that it DIDNT HANG UP!! Can you imagine the HURT and other emotions youd have if it was YOU who had to actually HEAR clear as day what I heard? Trust me I knoooooow her moans. I knooooow the things she says in private when I am intimate with her, so while I was hearing those things with her and her friend tonight I wanted to throw up. You just dont know. I am so hurt right now. I am beyond hurt, I am crushed. I am heartbroken. I confronted her to her face tonight about the incident. Not only her but Her and her friend, and even though her friend admitted that what I heard was correct she wouldnt admit it at all. It was like I was nothing to her. Just a big joke. I am so EMBARRASSED right now because sooooo many of you were so supportive and telling us congrats and then here we are only three days later and Im already being cheated on. I CARED ABOUT HER! No lie about that, Im pretty sure that you ALL could tell. I am not soft but yes Im crying over her doing this to me. Im angry yes, but mainly I am crushed. I never thought it would be her to dog me this way. What is so wrong with me? Am I ugly? Is it because Im crippled? Like why does this continue to be my story with women. Even after Ive prayed to god for a different type of woman and better results. I really believed in her. Told everyone i spoke to about my Amazing new girlfriend. I thought after all the secrets I told her about other women in my past doing this to me that she would NEVER follow those footsteps. I feel like dissapearing right now. I cant express the pain and embarrassment I have right now. This has been the most public and most quickest relationship Ive ever had. Im glad it happened now instead of later down the road but damn, I still I feel so soooo stupid. I trusted her. Her family liked me and I truly liked them. Oh man I need a whole to dive into right now away from the world. I never write post like these anymore. And of course I could be up hear doggin her, and I admit I started to do just that in another post I began writing, but thats not who I am anymore. I dont want to dog her or talk crap on her, I just want it to be known that Im hurt bad. I hated changing my relationship status back to single again, but obviously I Wasnt Enough for her. I wasnt good enough for HER because if I was, then she wouldnt have broken my heart this badly and then do nothing to fix it. I just cant deal with this. Im going to be in hiding for a little while. Itll be a while before I write another post... I feel way to hurt to communicate properly with anyone. Sorry if no one wants to read this, but Im usually always positive on my status, you know that, so therefore I just hope I can get a pass this time.
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 09:31:33 +0000

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