I HAVE MOVED ON ALTHOUGH I REFUSED TO ACCEPT, SO I WILL BE OBJECTIVE AND CANDID: On this one and for the first time in a long time, i agree with Uhuru Kenyatta spot on!. When he made remarks about women being stripped and people doing nothing about it but being ready to blame the government, many of you who do not like him have said that he declared that we are on our own on matters of security. I beg to differ: To begin with, and as i have said before, the public stripping of women who are ostensibly provocatively dressed is not and has never been a matter of security. It has got to do with moral decadence and rot in our society. Those who strip them, and those who watch and cheer and take photos to circulate are equally guilty: they are debauchees who should not be members of any civilized society; they belong to jail and the gallows; yet they are a burden we have to carry. Why would a sane man watch and do nothing as a woman is being publicly undressed and then blame the government? would you stand by and watch if the woman in question was your sister, mother, auntie, girlfriend, or just a mere acquaintance? Women (and men) are stripped every minute in Kenya within the confines of four walls and a bed, why havent we complained about insecurity in these cases?As parents, we have a duty towards the security of children. Why should you as a parent be negligent and when a moron, a dog and a psychopath defiles her, you cry insecurity? What is your role as a parent? the government can not be everywhere and can not do everything for us!. Let me give you a small anecdote: On Saturday i was in a club in Nairobi and then an announcement was made that a couple had left two children in the car as they danced the night away, and that the children were awake and crying. So suppose someone kidnapped and defiled these children, i guess we would cry insecurity and blame Uhuru, Lenku and Kimaiyo? These and many other questions are the ones that the president posed. He even acknowledged that security is at its lowest ebb and the government must do something, but asked pregnant questions regarding our duties and attitudes as Kenyans. On this, i agree with him. Let us be honest and see merit where there is one even if it is coming from the arch devil himself, otherwise we are doomed. Good people, those are my thoughts on this issue from a far away land where stripping a woman in public because she is dressed provocatively would not be blamed on the president!
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 07:47:39 +0000

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