I HAVE NOTHING TO HIDE! OKAY, Against the advice of several good - TopicsExpress


I HAVE NOTHING TO HIDE! OKAY, Against the advice of several good friends, I have decided to answer the article on PAGE SIX that appeared in todays NY Post. First I want to thank Morty Newburgh, who had my best interests in mind, and at heart, but as I often have been known to do at times, he lost his temper, and with good reason. The question from page six regarding a security deposit from my office, Island Properties of the Pines, Inc., was designed to upset me, and cause trouble , innuendo and gossip. Well, after all , it is Fire Island Pines, Im going through a rather unpleasant divorce, and there is always great competition between us, the four Real Estate Brokers in the Pines, one being my former life partner. The truth is that on every seasonal lease in the Pines, the security deposits are not due back until December 1st, this allows for all the utility bills to come to the various landlords, for some of them like , water, is not even billed until late October, early November. And most landlords do not even supply the other bills until that time as well. So the question of not returning a security deposit, is simple, they are not due until December 1st. For those short term rentals, they were due back this week, and I am only able to send a security deposit back with the landlords signature that releases the deposit , providing there are no damages. I would be in violation if I returned a security deposit back to a tenant, if the landlord did not approve it. I represent the landlord. I am happy to say that most of the security deposits were returned to the weekly rental tenants , in full. So there is my answer, nothing to hide. I did not have to answer this on Facebook, but since this has escalated into such a gossip and innuendo based topic today, why shouldnt I answer it? Whoever planted this story on page Six, I hope you now are satisfied with any answers that you were seeking. I have been in business in Fire Island Pines harbor for twelve years. I have sold over 275 homes in the Pines, I am the Broker who sold the first house in the Pines for over 2m, and I shortly thereafter broke the record again by selling a property for 3m. I have sold the commercial district twice , once in 2004 and again six years later. I do the most rentals and sales in Fire Island Pines consistently and I am the only Broker who works in my office in the harbor 52 weeks a year, for we are always open. I am blessed with two incredible sales people, Ray Starr and Michael Patten. I love what I do, I love the Pines, and if anyone needs to question my integrity or honesty, come at me, and I will answer you as best I can. At sixty years of age, I am very grateful to be able to live in FI Pines and to also work here. I have lived in the Pines since 1983, and worked here since 2003 upon opening Island Properties of the Pines. I wish my former life partner all the best, for you cannot stop loving someone who you adored for thirty years, over night, nor would I want to. And I enjoy using my competitive spirit with my other two competitors in the harbor, of which many a successful co broke comes about each year. I thank my clients, my landlords, my tenants, my buyers, my sellers, all who have been very loyal to me throughout the years, and they know only too well, my respect and my appreciation for their continued loyalty and business. So lets please move on to a wonderful Autumn in Fire Island Pines. Lets continue to share our magic with the world, not our laundry. Thank you!
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 04:18:27 +0000

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