I HAVE SINNED! The undeniable truth is that we all have sinned - TopicsExpress


I HAVE SINNED! The undeniable truth is that we all have sinned against God. The question is therefore pertinent that, how can each man find forgiveness for his own sin? This is a personal question because my sin against God is between me and God. And the weighing on that day (Day of Resurrection) will be the true (weighing). So as for those whose scale (of good deeds) will be heavy, they will be the successful (by entering Paradise). ........ Allah [Quran 7:8] It is not satisfying to assume that my good deeds with erase my evil deeds. That would be like catching a thief red handed and he says, well, I have been doing good to people plenty times and now I stole only one time, so I am not a thief because my plenty good deeds with erase this act of theft that I have committed. No, no, no! He is still a thief even though he has plenty good deeds to his credit. So my good deeds cannot take away my sin. It is bad enough that I deceive myself with the assumption that my good deeds will take away my sin but it is most worrisome that to also assume that even if my good deeds can take away my sin, I will have to wait till the judgement day to see that happen. Haba! I sinned against God here on earth while I am alive, why should I die before seeking forgiveness of sin? Why cant I receive forgiveness of sin and feel assured in my heart that my sins are forgiven here on earth while Im still alive? Is there repentance in the grave? Somebody please help me! Wait a minute! I have heard that there is a certain prophet who demonstrated so much of Gods power and presence. That he claimed to have the power to forgive people of their sins, while they are still alive here on earth. But that ye may know that the Son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins.......... Jesus Christ [Matthew 9:6] Wow! This is what my heart cries out for. We are even told that this prophet is still alive, that he was taken up into heaven. If I call upon this Jesus and ask him to be my Saviour, can he hear my cry, come into my life and wash away my sin, or will I be committing an even bigger sin? I have been told that Allah has seriously warned against calling on Jesus to be our Saviour, that it is an unforgivable sin. Oh dear! My heart is troubled. I am really scared of committing an unforgivable sin but much more scared of living and dying with the sins I have already committed. I dont want to depend on my good deeds to take away my sins even though I know that I have lots of good deeds in my life. I need to find forgiveness of sin here on earth and I must make a decision or continue to live with a troubled heart. Hmmmm...... it is a Serious Matter! I must really think properly and take the right decision for myself. Jesus says he has the power to take away my since here on earth, in fact right now! Allah says I should wait till the judgement day and if my good deeds are heavy enough, they will take away my sins. Someone has lied! Did Jesus lie that he can take away my sins here on earth? May be, may be not. I think he will have to prove himself if I call upon him. After all, he is the only one who has promised the kind of forgiveness of sin that my heart cries out for. Meanwhile, I am very sure that my good deeds cannot take away my sins because a thief is a thief no matter how much good deeds he has done in his life. Besides, Allah has not said that my good deeds can take away my sins here on earth. Well, after some deep thought, I think I am in a position to take an informed decision for myself and be held eternally responsible for my decision. I have now made my own decision, you decide for yours for yourself who to follow. ......Pass this information to all your friends and help someone who may be trying to make a decision of eternal consequences.
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 07:25:23 +0000

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