I HEREBY DARE ALL RAPPERS TO READ THIS AND REPLY.... INTELLIGENTLY... and.... wait for it... OK here we go... ROBIN RANTS... and GO! I bet money that few rappers will say shit to this rant of mine... they will be like CRICKETS***CHIRP CHIRP*** If you feel crickets instead of intelligent words to reply... well... then i guess you are the punchline to this... what do you call a speechless lyrical genius? hmmm.... things that make you go hmmm... And you just got hit with Neoteric Socrates... yeah thats right i just changed my writer name to Neoteric Socrates... you know you are one hell of a lyrical genuis if you have to google my writer name to be like what does that mean... ok and now i bring you the rant of the day... BUMBACLAUSE....... lol did you know that here in Central America that funny word is actually like a really bad cuss word... kinda like dropping the F-Bomb only worse i think, but its common like the F-bomb in the states... OK not as common, but used... interesting huh? The subject of linguistic colloquialism is something I find quite interesting... perhaps all the so-called lyrical GENIUS should learn words like colloquial linguistics and entextualization before they begin entextualize negative internalized sub-culture colloquial shit that was in THEIR personal world and spread it to everyone... in perpetuity... yeah there is another word they need to learn... oh oh and also the word intellectual property... thats a good one to know if your a lyrical genius and stuff... i am just saying... you know before you make educated or uneducated inspired intellectual property that has colloquial phrases and ideas entextualized for the purpose of exploiting it or spreading it to the masses in perpetuity... im just saying, but what i am really looking for are a few real lyrical genuss that can grasp this concept partially or fully and others with a lot of big words or complex concepts... then instead of accidental or on purpose doing the beforementioned, instead entextualize positive concepts whether broad or colloquial, while simultaneously involving the use of progressive adapted urban dialect... and create a very focused form of intellectual property that has a purpose... a point for being, other than stackin yo chedda.... and a mission to help infuse the already negatively infected global culture pool at large with even a small dose of purposeful positivism... in perpetuity... you know in lyrical genus words, start a positive trend... instead of ride along with the negative trend the last guys started... just because it is this way, doesnt mean it has to remain that way... that is a FALLACY another word all lyrical genuss should also know and know how to use and decipher from FACT... before they start lyrically teaching their fellow men and woman with their own half hazard words... intextualized in perpetuity and injected on rotation into the heads of the masses at large...one would think this wouldnt be so hard, but the main problem is that a majority of the people with the mics in their hand didnt even think about any of this before they spit the first thing that came it their genius minds... and half of those geniuses thoughts and ideas are just socially bad for the rest of us... plus some of them cant even understand the words or concepts i just mentioned or just dont care... if they did, then they wouldnt do or say half of what they do or say and encourage everyone to follow them... many are highly uneducated about the world and humanity and history or culture, and or how the human brain or mind works or learns, and just want to make a buck to keep from having to work at a real job and for the hope of becoming famous or rich so they just say whatever the last guy said only a bit different or even more shocking.. and people just listen to whatever and be like, oh i love that guy (becuase they recognize it and feel cool to fit in) and everything he says Ohhh... I want to be just like him...blah blah blah because they buy into the marketing and are not freethinking humans, instead they are really blind capitalistic spending cattle... and that is part of what is wrong with our society today... and because all the filth and bad ideas that are marketed to the masses with millions or billions to make millions or billions for a person or entity that doesnt give a damn how any of it affects the people on the street as long as they are buying whatever until they hit their graves...so i say that at this point without a concentrated effort for the next and future generations of media makers to focus on the cause and affect of everything including lyrics... grand social problems will only get worse... we dont have people out there on the streets analyzing this shit and thinking like this that often...not the majority of the humans sadly...they buy it just like a social cancer stick and smile as they inhale the filth...they could think it out for themselves, but that is a lot of work, and instead the masses just put on the radio and listen to people like Eminem think for them... because he is so sick and Eminem says that the lyrics arent supposed to affect anyone its just entertainment, well that was said in media so all humans should know they should be able to trust it, right? so i guess nothing bad in any of this media affects anyone... True or false? LOL FALLACY... we humans dont have a clue what the long term social ramification of this type of repetitive exposure to negative content from birth on humans could be... there have only been a couple generations of humans born in the era of the radio and tv mass media... and most of the early stuff was kept rather clean... it is our generation that are the test bunnies of the filth... so tell me people... since you now live in the firstish generation of humans exposed like this... what will the long term social ramification of this type of repetitive exposure from birth on humans be? well, since its happening in the present and no long term data has been collected yet to really analyze, and the long term hasnt happened for these generations of humans yet we really have no long term affect to study yet... we need to see the next few generation and what happens then to see what the long term affect on the human population will be... its cool though... RAPPERS dont worry especially if its really bad...you will make history... what the history books will say about your negative trend and its affect on this era of humanity... well that hasnt been written yet... so you dont have to worry about reading it yet or anything, just keep doing you and being that half hazard lyrical genius, and later we can see how you impacted the world.... and i sound like i am picking on rappers, but no i am saying this to all media makers... especially music makers... but better would be to stop and think about this shit now, and be a force of positivity in the world... im just saying, but dont mind me... im just the stupid white girl producer lady that doesnt know shit about rap, or anything really... another word to know before you classify me as such is Anthropology... (Google it if you are confused) and DUCES! non of the rappers i am really talking about really made it this far to the bottom reading all that, but if you happen to be a rapper who did... im probably not talking about you then... you might be the type i am looking for... just saying... ever think about making positive stuff on purpose to influence people toward more positivity... hmmm... if so hit me up, if not just stay out of my way... and DUCES!!! wait wait... let me quote from the words of one of our past lyrical geniuses and impart some wisdom about the human race to you all... an excerpt from a rap song this is why im hot, this is why im hot... im hot because im fly you aint because you not... this is why this is why this is why im hot! just because you make money selling words you wrote or performed to others doesnt make you a lyrical genus... remember politicians get paid for selling words they wrote or performed to the masses and we dont call them all lyrical geniuses (and they often cleverly craft their words better than rappers too) we dont even call them political geniuses... lol could you imagine... and that is how silly it looks to the rest of us when some rapper who doesnt even know proper grammar goes around calling himself a lyrical genius... a more accurate term for most rappers would be a lyrical peddler... you peddle lyrics you wrote or performed to others, you find some of the ones calling themselves geniuses today arent even selling there words, they are begging people to listen to them so they may one day get to sell them when they get famous... lets be real. supposedly the rappers all respect real... so cmon people lets be real... you are not all lyrical geniuses, not global lyrical geniuses, if so you would know about the word bumbaclause...if you are so international, so well read, so global, so culturally savvy... such a lyrical genus... you know, someone who should get the whole world to buy their lyrical wares...and with that i bid thee farewell... let the real geniuses stand up lyrically for the positivity of the world we live in... anything less is not an act of genius... its something else entirely... and now i bid thee farewell!!!
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 17:36:52 +0000

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